Dynamics of the Structures of Information

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The Structures of Information are the product of the expression of the Operator Relation, a more complex form of interaction between the two complementary aspects of the Sources (Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields) that produces Complex Events (organization of variations of/in the Fields, that represent Essence / Form, from the first organization of the elementary level of Reality to the most complex levels).

The Dynamics of the Structures of Information is the part of Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the Process of Formation of Reality, studies the dynamics of the "schemes of organization of the Relations among Events" that incessantly form Reality, in their causal, space and time dimensions. It analizes and describes all the processes of formation, acting at the Level of the Structures of Information, of the two principal types of Structures, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and the Interactions that produce the Mixed Structures.

The Dynamics of the Structures of Information analyzes and describes the products, the results of the processes of Organization, Transformation and Selection of Information.

In general, by "Dynamics of the Structures of Information" we intend the dynamics of:

Evolutionary Ontology Evolutionary Phenomenology Evolutionary Dynamics
Entities Events Relations Processes Principles Action Modes of Action Information - Energy Structures of Information Forms
Primary Source Fundamental Force Elementary Events Causal Formative sub-processes - Creation - Evolution Uncertainty Elementary Action Variation Perturbation Mass G Waves Particles / Vortices Forms - Systems - Universe
Spatial Action and Reaction Propagation Translation Motion EM Waves
Elementary Field Temporal Least Action Conservation Rotation / Chirality Charge
Rotation / Axis orientation Spin
Derived Sources Derived Agents / Forces Complex Events Complex Relations Derived processes Derived Principles Derived Action
Derived Acted / Fields
Derived Physical Sources Derived Physical Forces Physical Events Physical Relations Physical Processes Laws of Nature - Physical Principles Physical Action Physical Information - Physical Energy Physical Structures of Information Physical Forms - Physical Systems - Physical Universe
Derived Physical Fields

This part of dynamics studies:

Information represent the substance, the support of all the Structures and the Forms that exists, and its dynamics as the root of all the complex phenomena both in the Physical and in the Cognitive domains of Reality.

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:


See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
