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In this System of Knowledge, Principles are cognitive representations (patterns, cognitive models) on how Reality (or part of it) manifests itself and evolves.

They express general properties and behaviors of Reality from the most elementary levels to the more complex ones. Principles, together with Processes, are the back bone of the Evolutionary Dynamics. They describe the essential aspects of Process of Formation of Reality, the manifestation of the fundamental operator and the ways of expression of derived Operators of Reality.

Principles express themselves in different forms in the various domains of Reality (physical, cognitive and metacognitive), in relation with the different Dimensions of Reality (Causality and Variationality: Spatiality and Temporality) and with respect to the various levels of complexity of Reality.

The Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics describe why and how Events and Relations emerge and co-evolve, why and how Action takes a form, becoming Information, and determining how Existence takes the Essence / Form we see in the world.

Common definition

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See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
