Principle of Evolution

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The Principle of Evolution is the foundation of the complexity of Reality and directly comes from the Principle of Relation, which describes the interactions (inter - action, action between) between Entities / what exists (the creative side of Reality) and between Events / what occurs (the evolutive side of Reality) at any level of complexity.

The Principle of Evolution is the foundation of the organization, transformation and selection of Information (In-Form-Action, action that takes form). Information represents the patterns of the relations between the Entities and among the Events, the representation of the organization of the Events in Processes, of the Information in Structures, whose relations in turn compose the Forms we see in the Universe in evolution.

All the three cited Operators in the area of the Dynamics of Information, direct expression of the relational mode of expression of the Force, are the functional sources of the evolution of Reality and the Universe.

Everything in the Universe, all the existing material forms (the inanimate and the living forms) and the immaterial forms as well are in incessant evolution. The whole Reality is in incessant mutation, an immense adaptive formative process where competitive and collaborative sub-processes interact for the incessant co-construction of the Universe.

Common definition

In biology, evolution is change in traits of a population of organisms over time (due to a number of mechanisms and processes). In other contexts, evolution (term) can mean any gradual directional change. (Link to Wikipedia page: Evolution).

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
