Other Physical Principles

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While the Fundamental Physical Principles (Principle of Uncertainty, Principle of Action and Reaction, Principle of Least Action) concern aspects, properties, behaviors of the Physical Entities, the Physical Sources (Physical Agents / Forces and Physical Acted / Fields), of the expression of their operational function in the incessant Formation of Physical Reality at all the levels of Physical Complexity, the Other Physical Principles, also very important principles, help us to understand how the Physical Events, Physical Relations and Physical Processes determine the main characteristics of Physical Reality, and describe the ways in which Physical Reality takes the form we observe.

Among all, we can find:

Common definition

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A synthetic description of the Other Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics.

Principle of Locality

Physical Reality is local, there are no rooms for a "spooky action at a distance" out of a rigid expression of the Physical Causality.

Principle of Quantization

Every product of the Process of Formation of Physical Reality, every Physical Event, Physical Action, Physical Information, Physical Structure of Information, Physical Form, in turn becomes a whole, a unity, an individuality, a new source of Physical Events, of Physical Action, of Physical Information, and thus a new active subject in the incessant Physical Creation and Physical Evolution of Physical Reality. The object of a Physical Action become itself a new subject of Physical Action.

Principle of Relation in Physical Reality

The Principle of Relation in the physical domain of Nature describes the interactions of Physical Entities, and of Physical Events from whose organization the phenomenical Physical Reality incessantly emerge.

Principle of General Equivalence

The Principle of General Equivalence describes the equivalence between different physical quantities, apparently non connected. For example: the amount of the perturbations in the distributions of the fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field (Elementary Events), the velocity of propagation of perturbations in the Elementary Field (propagation of Causality), the mass and dark energy density, the metric of space-time, the temperature of the Field), and, indirectly, between some derived physical quantities (speed of light in a vacuum, mass of the structures of dark and ordinary matter, dimensions and geometric properties of Physical Reality).

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
