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Space is the expression of the fundamental emerging property of Reality that we call Spatiality, one of the two aspects of Variationality, a fundamental Dimensionality of Reality.

It is any direct effect on Acted / Fields, in the context of Agency, where the action of Agents / Forces produces Events, variations in the Acted / Fields, the "effects" in short, in the inner interactions between the two complementary aspects of the Sources.

Space is not an entity as commonly stated. It don't exist, it happens. It's a phenomenon.

In each point of the continuous Elementary Field, spatial extensions, spatial distances between Events, depend on, are function of the density of the distributions of the Elementary Events, the tiny fluctuations in/of the Elementary Field. Space represents the relation that expresses the distance between the Events, between the Processes of Events, between the Structures of Information that compose the Forms.

It extends from the infinitely small, the extension of the perturbations of the Elementary Field at the Planck scale, which constitute the most elementary form of Existence, from which the spatial dimension incessantly emerges as a result of the Elementary Action of the Fundamental Force, up to the infinitely large, the extension of the entire infinite and unlimited Universe in Evolution, which contains all the events, all the existing forms.

Common definition

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