Elementary Field

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The Elementary Field (or Fundamental Acted) is the passive, receptive aspect / expression of the Source of Reality, the variational source of the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality, primary "substance", the substrate (that which lies below all that exists) that supports Existence and Evolution, pure substance without form.

It is the acted, the object of reification, the fundamental Field from which all the natural fields derive, the substance that supports the incessant transmutation of the possible, the potential, into the existing, the real, at all levels of Complexity.

It is the fundamental variational Entity that incessantly is perturbed by the Fundamental Force in the sub process of Creation and is organized in the sub process of Evolution, the object of the formation of Reality.

The Elementary Field, acted by the Fundamental Force (the active, causal aspect of the Source), incessantly is perturbed forming the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action, that represents the most elementary form of Existence.

It is incessantly vivified in the Process of Formation of Reality, a unitary formative process that from the Source leads to the Forms, from the unity to the Universe in evolution.

Common definition

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From the dynamics of the Elementary Field an the Elementary Action incessantly emerges the physical space and time, as direct manifestations of two of the fundamental emerging properties of the Primary Source: Spatiality and Temporality, the two aspects of Variationality, the other fundamental property being Causality.

The Field can have two fundamental states:

  • Nothingness/Non Existence: state characterized by absence of causal perturbative action of the Force, absolute homogeneity of the parameters that characterize the Field
  • Existence: under the causal perturbative action of the Force, the Field undergoes a transition of state, from the condition of non existence to the existence, from nothingness to the Elementary Action, the Elementary Events, the most elementary form of Existence.

Two simple scheme that links the Field to the Force and to the Action:

Fundamental Force (Agent) << Action of the Force on the Field and reaction of the Field on the Force >> Elementary Field (Acted) => Events (Action).

Formation: Ontological aspect: Entity <--Inner interaction--> Entity --Creation--> Phenomenological aspect: Events (Action) --Evolution--> Dynamical aspect: Relations, Processes --> Information, Structures, Forms, Universe.

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
