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Among the States of Elementary Field, with regard to the modality / complexity of expression / manifestation of the Source of Reality (the Primary Source) both from the causal point of view (expression of the Fundamental Force) and variational (expression of the Elementary Field), we can individualize these three macro states:

We must consider these "states" as conditions, modalities of organization of the events that occur in the Elementary Field and that make up its Dynamics.

Nothingness is the state in which there is no expression / manifestation of the Source of Reality. Which contains nothing. Set without elements. Absence of Events, of Action. Absence of fluctuations in / of the Elementary Field. No Causality, no Variationality (no Spatiality and Temporality). We associates Nothingness with the condition of Inexistence.

It is the state of the Elementary Field that we can define as "negative", characterized by the absence of the Action of the Fundamental Force.

It is a purely hypothetical state as the existence of the Source, and it active aspect we call the Force, presupposes its Action on the Elementary Field, which incessantly operates the phase transition from Nothingness to the most elementary form of existence, Emptiness, a completely homogeneous Elementary Field. We call this phase transition: Creation.

This is a concept substantially different from the common one: absence of matter / absence of energy / absence of phenomena.

In short: absence of Elementary Event, no fluctuations in / of the Field. No interaction between Force and Field, no manifestation of the Source. It is a hypothetical state, because the Source cannot avoid expressing itself.

Some notes about Nothingness, Nothing, the Absolute:

  • "Nothing" is absolute, everything that exists is relative
  • Only "Nothing", Nothingness is absolute
  • Nothingness is non existence
  • Nothingness don't exists
  • Everything is relative, Everything is made of Events organized / connected by Relations in Processes

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:


See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
