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Action is and must be a central concept in any model of description of Reality. Many definitions can be found with reference to the various aspects of the Process of Formation of Reality.

It is the main expression of Agency. It is the product of the inner interaction between Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields, the fundamental manifestation of Sources.

Action represents the expression, the manifestation of causal agents, Forces acting on Fields. It represent the act of producing Events, changes in the state of "acted Entities". This is the fundament of Reality. It is the "substrate" of the Existence and the Essence / Form, and, more in general, of Information (In-Form-Action), the Structures of Information and the Forms that compose the Universe in Evolution.

It is the second point of the "Main causal chain of Reality": Force-Action-Information-Form.

It is relevant in all the domains of Nature, both in the physical and the cognitive aspects of Reality, and is a fundamental part in any Process of Formation of Reality.

It relates to the distribution of Events in the causal, spatial and temporal dimensions.

Action express itself in three modes / components. Their are the functional operators that operates at the level of Action in the Process of Formation of Reality.

The Fundamental Force, the fundamental Operator of Reality, acting on the Elementary Field, producing Action, expresses itself in three inseparable modes, the modes, the components of Action:

Action is always limited. All the forms of Action are limited.

Action represents the transition from the possibile to the actual.

It is the expression of the fundamental features of the two components of the Primary Source, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, causality and variationality (spatiality and temporality) respectively.

Common definition

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A scheme of Action

Evolutionary Ontology Evolutionary Phenomenology Evolutionary Dynamics
Entities Events Relations Processes Principles Action Modes of Action Information - Energy Structures of Information Forms
Primary Source Fundamental Force Elementary Events Causal Formative sub-processes - Creation - Evolution Uncertainty Elementary Action Variation Perturbation Mass G Waves Particles / Vortices Forms - Systems - Universe
Spatial Action and Reaction Propagation Translation Motion EM Waves
Elementary Field Temporal Least Action Conservation Rotation / Chirality Charge
Rotation / Axis orientation Spin
Derived Sources Derived Agents / Forces Complex Events Complex Relations Derived processes Derived Principles Derived Action
Derived Acted / Fields
Derived Physical Sources Derived Physical Forces Physical Events Physical Relations Physical Processes Laws of Nature - Physical Principles Physical Action Physical Information - Physical Energy Physical Structures of Information Physical Forms - Physical Systems - Physical Universe
Derived Physical Fields

The Modes of Action

Action can manifest three fundamental "modes", with the associated Operator of Reality, a peculiar expression of the Force which operates that "mode" of Action, in the construction, the formation (Creation and Evolution) of Reality.

Go to the page: Modes of Action


Force-Constraint-Action is a fundamental expression of Sources, where through its Agency, Causality meets Variationality in the incessant Process of Creation of Action.

It links the following entities together in a dynamic whole, which produces the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality:

In the the inner interaction between Forces and Fields, though Action is the main way of expression of Agents/Forces and Resistance that of Acted/Fields, as Agents/Forces express also Resistance, Acted/Fields express also Action, or better "re-action" (Agents/Forces express Resistance against the re-action of Acted/Fields).

In other words, we can say that a in Agency, the active side (the dominant aspect of Agents / Forces) manifests also passivity, and the passive side (the dominant aspect of Acted / Fields) manifests activity too:

Essentially, what we call "constraint" is the coupled resistance expressed by the Field (Acted) against the Action of the Force (Agent) together with the Resistance expressed by the Force (Agent) against the re-action of the Field, in the process of production of the Action (sub process of Creation of the Process of Formation of Reality).

From the incessant balancing of these two (counter-)actions, Action emerges as a finite quantity (it can be considered finite, for a finite quantity of a Force acting on a Field produces a finite amount of Action).

The intensity of the resistance produced by the constraint constitutes a fundamental parameter of the Field, of better a set of parameters. Form these parameters, some fundamental properties of the Reality emerge, those properties that we call the fundamental natural constants of Nature.

Broadly speaking, from the intensity and by the ways of expression of the constraints everything that exists emerges and evolves. Resistance and constrains are the reason why something exists in the Universe instead of nothing, the reason why Reality and the Universe exist.


See Physical Action - Action-at-a-distance


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See also

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