Formative sub-processes

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Only for descriptive purposes, the Process of Formation of Reality can be represented through two formative sub-processes:

  • the creative sub-process, Creation, produces Existence (represented by the level of Elementary Action and described by the related dynamics)
  • the evolutive sub-process, Evolution, produces Essence / Form, the form of Reality and the forms that compose it and incessantly evolve (represented by the levels of Information, of the Structures of Information and of the Forms).

Creation and evolution, in this system of knowledge, are by no means opposed terms. They are complementary aspects of the Formation of Reality, a Reality that incessantly recreates and renews itself, starting from the Source up to the most complex forms of the evolving Universe. These two sub-processes inseparably or incessantly produce the basic substance of Reality, the Events that represent the Elementary Action, and give them a form, through Information and its evolution towards Complexity.

Within this evolutionary system of knowledge, Creation and Evolution are the two sub-processes which together incessantly realize the universal “Process of Formation of Reality”. Creation of the existence / existing, Evolution of the essence / form of Reality. These two sub-complementary sub processes, together, represent the whole formative manifestation of the Source of Reality (the complementary interacting couple: Force as source of causality and Field as source of spatiality and temporality).

Always for descriptive purposes, we can see the unitary Reality as composed by to main parts, the Physical Reality and the Cognitive Reality. So, we can ideally imagine a parallel knowledge path toward the unity of the Universe in evolution as a whole:

Reality Physical Reality Cognitive Reality
Process of Formation of Reality Process of Formation of Physical Reality Process of Formation of Cognitive Reality (or Metareality)
Creation Creation in Physical Reality Creation in Cognitive Reality
Existence Physical Existence Cognitive Existence
Evolution Physical Evolution Cognitive Evolution
Essence / Form Physical Essence / Form Cognitive Essence / Form

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
