Cognitive Processes

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Physical Processes are Processes that occur / manifest in the physical domain of Nature. They can be intended as organized sets / networks of Cognitive Events, of Cognitive Action, variations, mutations of Cognitive Acted / Fields operated by Cognitive Agents / Forces, in the context of Cognitive Agency.

Cognitive Processes, together with Cognitive Principles, are the answer to the question "why and how what exists (Cognitive Entities) produces what happens in the way it happens (Cognitive Events and Cognitive Relations)?". They are the back bone of the Dynamics of Cognitive Reality. They describe why and how things happens in the Cognitive Reality, from the most elementary levels to the more complex ones, how Cognitive Reality (or part of it) manifests itself, how is incessantly (re)-created and evolves. Everything that exists is "made" of / by Cognitive Processes of Events produced by Cognitive Entities and organized by Cognitive Relations.

So, we find Cognitive Processes in different forms in the various domains of Reality (physical, cognitive and metacognitive), in relation with all the Dimensions of Cognitive Reality (Cognitive Causality and [Cognitive [Variationality]]: Cognitive Spatiality and Cognitive Temporality) and at the various levels of complexity of Cognitive Reality. Processes that describe the Process of Formation of Cognitive Reality, the manifestation, the ways of expression of the Operators of Cognitive Reality.

Common definition

In general, a process is a network of related changes, activities or actions. Depending on the context, the term process can take on different meanings and nuances.

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See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
