Modes of Action

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Action can manifest three fundamental "modes", with the associated Operator of Reality, a peculiar expression of the Force which operates that "mode" of Action, in the construction, the Formation (Creation and Evolution) of Reality.

We call these forms the "components of Action":

  • Variation and its associated Operator: it transmutes the expression of Agents / Forces on Acted / Fields into an incessant flow of variations, changes, fluctuations of the fundamental parameters / configurations / states of the same Acted / Fields
  • Propagation and its Operator: it transmutes the Variations into flows that propagates those Variations in the Acted / Fields, propagation aimed at restoring homogeneity and isotropy in their fundamental parameters / configurations / states
  • Conservation and its Operator: it transmutes the Propagation of Variations in flows that conserve those Variations in the Acted / Fields, conservation which tend to preserve (causal and variational conservation) inhomogeneities and anisotropies in their fundamental parameters / configurations / states

These are the modes of expression of Action and their correspondence with the modes of expression of the Physical and Cognitive Action, the two specifications of Action in the physical and cognitive domain of Nature respectively.

Through these three modes, Action becomes the manifest substrate of any more complex form of Existence, the actual "substance" of everything, the basis for the incessant construction and Evolution of Reality, of the Universe as a whole.

Action Physical Action Cognitive Action
Variation Perturbation Perception
Propagation Translation Communication
Conservation Rotation Storage

The Modes of Action are intimately connected with the Dimensionalities of Reality: Causality and Variationality, that produce the Dimensions of Reality: Cause, Space and Time. They represent three fundamental operators in the Formation of Reality. The Operator Variation can be seen as the result of expression of Causality, the active side of Agency, while Propagation and Conservation can be seen as expressions of the two aspects of its passive side ,Variationality: Spatiality and Temporality.

Common definition

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