Gravitational Waves

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Gravitational Waves (GW), in their essence, are to be intended as "Mass in Motion", Perturbation in Translation.

In a broad sense, they are Structures of Information. In particular, we can describe them as Structures of Propagation of Variation in the terms of the Dynamics of Action, or, even in more detail, in the terms of the Dynamics of Physical Action, as Structures of Translation of Perturbation.

They act as a translation of a process of alternance between compression end expansion of the Elementary Action, in the mode that we call Perturbation, in the dynamics of the Elementary Field.

In a sense closer to conventional physics, we can say that these kind of Waves propagate "negative and positive mass density" in space-time.

In conventional scientific language (in General Relativity), GW are described as waves that propagate in space gravitational perturbances, perturbances of the curvature of space-time.

Common definition

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See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
