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Each point of the Elementary Field has its own dynamics produced by the Action of the Fundamental Force, the Force and the Field being the two complementary aspects of the Primary Source.

This dynamics, described by the Fundamental Physical Principles, is represented by the Elementary Events, that make up the Elementary Action and its Modes: Perturbation, Translation, Rotation (Rotation:Chirality and Rotation:AxisOrientation), root of the Derived structured physical forces and fields and the Properties of Physical Structures of Information: Space-time metric and Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin, and the more complex, closer to the discrete / quantized dimension, the Weak nuclear force and field and the Strong nuclear force and field.

The various forms of known energy are constituted by the schemes of organization of the properties of the micro-states and are conveyed by the derived forces (the four forces of Nature) and supported by the derived fields.

With the term "Micro-states" (nothing to do with staticity) we intend to represent this complex and articulated dynamics of the point events of the Field: dynamic states of the points of the Elementary Field.

Micro-states (action of / in each point event of the Field) support Information / Energy, which give the Essence / Form to the Physical Reality.

Micro-states can be mathematically represented with a composite math structure formed by scalars, vectors, tensors and spinors, fundamental for the correct and complete representation of Metric, Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin, their dynamics, transformations, etc.

The Physical Reality and its present section the Physical Universe, at the most elementary level, at the level of the Elementary Field, can be considered a thermodynamic system. We can see the elementary fluctuations that we call Elementary Events as thermal fluctuations of the Elementary Field and associate a temperature to each point. The universal average and the local point or average values of that temperature determine respectively the universal or the local velocity of Propagation of the Information (propagation of causality, speed of light, propagation of gravity, and so on). It determines also the Mass, Charge and Spin distribution, propagation and conservation in the Field.

Common definition

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See also
