Physical Energy

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Physical Energy is an elementary form of Physical Information. As a form of Physical Information, it is the object and the product of Physical Evolution.

At the elementary levels of the Physical Reality, Physical Information is organized Physical Action, the whole set of Physical Relations, produced by the expression of the Operator Physical Relation, the links the Elementary Events in Physical Processes, Energy in Physical Structures of Information, then in Physical Forms, parts in Physical Systems, in a whole, the Physical Universe in evolution.

At the most elementary level of Reality, where the Primary Source, through the inner interaction of its two aspects the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, incessantly produces the Elementary Events, the inhomogeneities in their distribution representing the Elementary Action, with its three Modes / Components, Perturbation, Translation and Rotation, the true "substance" of all that exists. The correlations between those inhomogeneities represent the most elementary form of Physical Energy / Physical Information, the [Elementary Energy], that make up the Physical Structures of Information that we observe, measures, through their mutual Physical Interactions, Waves and Vortices / Particles that compose the physical world.

It is the pattern of organization of the elementary Physical Relations, which link Elementary Events in Physical Processes, Physical Energy / Physical Information in Structures, the parts in Physical Systems, in a whole. It is the organizing element in "chaos-order" Physical Processes, the key element in the evolution towards Physical Complexity. It is Energy, in a broad sense.

Physical Energy is the capacity to do work. In this System of Knowledge, the capacity to produce Physical Events, to produce Physical Action. Ability to vary the status of Physical Information of a Physical Structure, a Physical Form, Systems of Physical Forms.

In common physics, energy is intended as the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. In this sense Action (Interaction) can be seen as the act of transferring Physical Information / Energy between two or more, structures, systems, forms, etc.

Common definition

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