Physical Interactions

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Scheme of the Structures of Information


Direct expression of the Operator Relation in Physical Reality at the level of the Physical Structures of Information, at all the levels of Physical Complexity, the Operator Physical Interaction puts in relation the Physical Structures of Propagation (Waves), the Physical Structures of Conservation (Vortices) and the related Physical Events that characterize the Dynamics and the Evolution of the Physical Structures of Information, creating Mixed Physical Structures and more complex events.

In Physical Reality, it is the level at which the complex Derived Physical Forces manifest themselves. Foundation of any manifestation.

Common definition

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Operator Interaction

The Operator Interaction operates at the level of the Physical Structures of Information, which includes, at various levels of complexity, the elementary Structures (we define them as elementary as they appear unitary and non-divisible, even if they are infinitely large and complex with respect to the level of Elementary Events, which represents the causal and variational substrate; they represent the elementary bricks that build the Material Forms, Particles and Waves).

More in general, with respect to the whole Reality, the Physical and the Cognitive Reality, and so on, in a growing Complexity, Interaction puts in Relation more and more complex Structures, such as the cosmic Structures that populate the Universe, or the Immaterial Forms and the Cognitive Forms (for example, the ecological, social, political, economic structures, which represent some of the aspects of the organization of human groups), to name but a few.

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
