TFNR - Observing Structures from absolute or relative perspectives

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By observation we mean any interaction with exchange of Information between two systems, at least one of which is used by a cognitive system. It is an act of collecting and recognizing facts or events through sense organs, with (measurement) or without (observation) the aid of instruments.

Thus, observing a Structure means collecting and receiving Information regarding the characteristics, properties, behaviors, dynamics, events that concern a Structure of Information. Every exchange of Information between Structures, between a Structure and a sense organ (a Form made up of Structures), a measurement apparatus, etc., it is a (an exercise of) bilateral action. We can imagine active (solicited, provoked) or passive (unsolicited, unprovoked) observations / measurements. In the case of active observations, to observe / measure a characteristic (stable or contingent), to receive Information, it is necessary to carry out an Action on the observed Structure (observation / measurement). In the case of passive observations, although it is not necessary to act on the Structure under observation, it is necessary to express Action to collect and analyze the Information emitted by the Structure in question. In any case, for InfoStructures (as mentioned, these are Waves, Vortices / Elementary and composite Particles, what we call quantum objects, for which the Information / Energy of the observed Structure and the Information / Energy exchanged in the observation act are very close, similar) every Inter-Action, every exchange of Information / Energy influences the state of the Structure under observation as well as the observing system.

In the observation / measurement process, in addition to the mutual influence of the two systems, due to the comparability of the Information / Energy involved, another factor plays a fundamental role. Fundamental in the sense that it concerns the foundations of Nature, of Physical Reality. We are obviously referring to Indeterminacy / Uncertainty, which does not depend on the inability to achieve infinite precision in measurement, but is precisely a fundamental characteristic of the physical nature of things.

The first factor, the fact that each measurement (both active and passive) influences the observed Structure, changes its state (-> bilateral quantum interaction), combined with the particular shape, nature, composition, dynamics of the Structures in terms of the Elementary Action and its Modes / Components (Per, Tra, Rot:Chi, Rot:AxOr) (-> superposition of quantum states) leads us to the topic of what is called the "measurement problem" and "collapse of the quantum wave function". Problem that can be overcome, understood, if we accept the hypotheses presented here regarding what a Structure of Information is, its profound nature and its form in terms of Elementary Action, therefore of the organization of the Elementary Events in the Elementary Field, and if the two aspects highlighted above are taken into due consideration: observation / measurement as bilateral quantum interaction and superposition of quantum states (Structures, even elementary ones, are not point-like, monolithic objects; although they are not composed of parts, particles more elementary, they nevertheless have a swirling, dynamic internal structure, in incessant variation, which causes portions of the Structure to be in different quantum states).

We will see some examples below. For the moment, let's imagine a flock of birds circling in the spring sky. The trajectory of the flock is the result of many factors. To simplify, let's imagine that the trajectory of the flock is the result of the intrinsic trajectories of the individual birds that make up the flock. Every single bird has its own intrinsic trajectory, which at any moment can differ from the average one of the flock (small fluctuations due to the imperfection of flight, the imperfect individual tracing of the trajectories of neighboring birds, the thrust of the wings, the turbulent modes of atmosphere and the turbulence produced by the flight of nearby birds, to differences in density, temperature, air speed, infinite variables influence the precision of the trajectory).

When part of the birds that make up the flock veers at a certain moment, there are still many birds that are following the previous trajectory. The Information, which is then processed by the birds, and which determines the individual Action, which leads to the collective Action (Action of the flock), does not propagate at infinite speed in the flock. At a certain moment, for example during a sharp turn, can we say with infinite precision what the trajectory of the flock is? By integrating the trajectory of each bird? The trajectory of each bird, however, as we have seen, for a small but still significant part has an intrinsically indeterminate nature. What if there were a million birds that make up the flock? A billion? 10^30? An infinite number?

Would it still be possible to determine the position and speed of the flock with infinite precision? And its density (number of birds per unit volume of space)? Let's go back to the turn. Let's take a snapshot. Can we tell if the flight direction of the flock is pointing north or south? How much of the flock points north and how much south? How much between the two directions indicated? Difficult? Impossible? I believe that we are only left with the possibility of expressing a probability that at a certain moment the direction is north or south. Until we take the snapshot, we can only say that the flock is in a superposition of states (north -:- south), we can express the probability that a fairly certain data emerges from the analysis of the snapshot... But not absolutely precise, due to the indeterminacy of the trajectories, of the behaviors of the individual birds in the flock. And in addition to the difficulty of determining the flight direction (speed direction component), we encounter just as many difficulties in defining and determining the position of the flock and the scalar value of its flight speed.

Despite the necessary differences, this situation is very similar to that represented by the "measurement problem" in quantum physics. There is an additional element there that we mentioned above: bilateral interaction. To return to the flock, it is as if, when we take the snapshot, we send a signal into the sky towards the birds (a flash of light?) which, scaring the birds, forces them to choose a defined trajectory. The trajectory of the majority of the flock. This is not such a strange hypothesis. At any moment, the dynamics of the flight of a flock, so that it remains cohesive and directed and does not divide into two or more smaller flocks, requires the birds to essentially "almost" conform to the flight path of the flock (of neighboring birds).

Turbulence, collective behaviors that create complexity, a creative and evolutionary imbalance, which produces a super-individual, a group, the flock, with emerging (dynamic) properties and behaviors. In this context, with this sudden behavior induced by a signal that pushes for the uniformity of the group, by taking a snapshot, we would see all the trajectories of the individual birds aligned with that of the flock (except for the indeterminacy in the trajectories of the individual birds) -> the collapse of the quantum wave function.

Another relevant aspect of "observation / measurement" is that of the observation perspective, absolute or relative, of the Field that supports the existence of the Structure, or of the Structure that exists and moves in the Field. What is different observing Structures from absolute or relative perspectives, from the point of view of the Field (the absolute perspective) or from the point of view of the Structures themselves (the relative perspective)?

In this section, we will try to describe the same Structures seen from the two perspectives. In particular, Vortex-like Structures, at rest or in motion (with uniform or accelerated motion), observed by: In this section we will try to describe the same Structure seen from two perspectives. In particular, we will try to represent a Vortex-like Structure that propagates in the Field in uniform motion. It would also be interesting to describe the cases of Wave-like Structures, or of Composite Vortices, at rest or in accelerated motion with respect to the Elementary Field. The description would take up a lot of space and therefore we will leave it for later work. Here we will therefore limit ourselves to the following cases relating to Vortex-like structures in uniform motion (inertial motion):

  • Absolute perspective - From the point of view of a fixed-point event of the Field
    • Snapshot of a point in Space in an instant in Time
    • Slow-motion video of a fixed point in Space over a Time interval
  • Absolute perspective - From the point of view of a portion of the Field (a fixed volume of Space)
    • Snapshot of a volume of Space in an instant in Time
    • Slow-motion video of a fixed volume of Space over a Time interval
  • Relative perspective - From the point of view of the Structure of Information moving in / through the Field

For each case, where possible and significant, we will try to outline the most characterizing aspects both at the level of the Dynamics of Action and its Modes / Components and of the Dynamics of Information / Energy and the associated Physical Quantities of the correlated Phenomena.

Observing a InfoStructure from an absolute perspective is observing the Field, its organization, the organization of the Elementary Action in/of the Field that characterizes the Structure, point by point, the set of Elementary Events and the Relationships between them. Then, observe the correlations between the time distributions of the spatial fluctuations of the event points in/of the Field. We can observe a single event point in / of the Field, its dynamics, the variations of the Elementary Action in its Modes / Components as a Structure moves propagating in the portion of the Field that includes that event point. Or we can take into consideration a portion of the Field and observe its dynamics, the variations of the Elementary Action in its Modes / Components while the Structure propagates entering, transiting and exiting the portion under observation.

Observing the same Structure from a relative perspective is observing the patterns of organization of the Elementary Action in its Modes / Components that form the Structure, the organization of the correlations between the distributions over time of the spatial fluctuations of the event points in / of the Field in the portion that from time to time "hosts", supports, the Structure.

To use a metaphor, hoping that it can clarify, we can say that observing from an absolute perspective (the Field) is like looking at the sky and noticing that there are clouds moving in it (e.g. fixating on a point or a volume of sky and record the passage of the clouds in that point or volume, their nature and dynamics). Observing from a relative perspective (the Structure) is like observing a cloud and noticing that it moves in the sky, it is observing the nature and dynamics of each point / volume of the sky in supporting the Existence and the Essence / Form of each point / portion of the cloud passing in the sky.

Subtle, but significant difference. The two perspectives together provide us with a complete vision of the phenomenon and a perfect characterization of the Field and the Structures that form and evolve in it.

A clarification on a fundamental aspect for the correct understanding of what is represented here: if we observe a Structure of Information in the Field, we will see the scheme of organization of the correlations "of the Structure" (Information/Energy) between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations "that support the Structure" (Action) "of / in the Field". The correlations make up the structured Information, the Structure of Information, which exists and continues to exist as supported by the Elementary Action which manifests itself incessantly in the Elementary Field because of the pressure (the Action) of the Fundamental Force (inner interaction between the two fundamental aspects of the Source of Reality) acting on the Field itself.

Let us remember that everything expressed here is in the field of hypotheses, and that we are talking about virtual observations, thought experiments. What we are trying to represent spans many orders of magnitude, from the Planck scale, at which the spatial fluctuations that constitute the Elementary Events resonate (approximately 10^-35 meters) up to the dimensions of the Structures / Particles (let's assume from 10^-20 to 10^-15 meters). About 20 orders of magnitude. So huge! At present (and perhaps also in the future, given that we are composed of those same InfoStructures that make up all Ordinary / Visible Matter, and we can use those to observe the world!) we certainly cannot carry out observations / measurements at the Planck scale and at intermediate scales between that and the particle scale. Perhaps we will find a way to make indirect observations that allow us to test the hypotheses that are proposed here.

So far, on many occasions, when talking about fluctuations, distributions, correlations and InfoStructures that emerge, propagate, interact in the Field, we have used the expression "of / in the (Elementary) Field". "Of / In": in the sense that these fluctuations, distributions, correlations and InfoStructures are existential and essential / formal aspects of the Field, they belong to it ("Of"), and, at the same time, they are in it, they happen in the Field ("In"), as a result of the incessant manifestation of the active aspect of the Source of Reality, the Fundamental Force.

More specifically, when we observe the relations between Field and InfoStructures from the two different (and complementary) perspectives, to facilitate the explanation and understanding of these rather unusual topics, we should express ourselves like this:

  • "of" the Field: when we talk about Elementary Events, about the spatial fluctuations that resonate at the Planck scale, about their temporal distributions, whose inhomogeneities represent the fundamental deformations that constitute the Elementary Action, which manifests itself in the three Modes/Components mentioned several times: For, Between and Rot (in the two sub modes Rot:Chi and Rot:AxOr)
  • "of" the Structure: when we talk about the Relations between the Elementary Events, the correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations that resonate at the Planck scale, the organization of these correlations, the patterns of organization of the elementary deformations of the Field that give rise to increasingly more complex and articulated deformations, of the form of Elementary Action, In-Form-Action, Information
  • "in" the Field: the same things that we say are "of" the Structure (therefore the Relationships between the Events, the correlations between the deformations, the organization of the inhomogeneities in the distributions of the Elementary Events, etc., Information and Structures) we must intend as something present "in" the Field, supported by it and its peculiar dynamics, but not strictly "of" the Field.

In essence, we call "Structures" the "organized deformations of the Field". The Field in the condition of "complete homogeneity" of the temporal distributions of its incessant spatial fluctuation means no deformation, unstructured Field, no Information, no InfoStructures. The Field in the condition of "non complete homogeneity" instead means deformation, structured Field, some Information, some Structure of Information.

An example to illustrate what has been described. Let's imagine a Vortex-like Structure of Information moving in the Elementary Field. Let's imagine the portion of the Field in which the Structure is present at a given instant (imagine taking a perfect snapshot, with infinite precision and resolution better than the Planck length). To this portion of the Field corresponds a volume of Space (by taking the snapshot, we have effectively blocked Time). Now, following the above hypothesis, thanks to the perfect snapshot, we can observe the structure from both the absolute and relative perspectives.

Let us remember that, in the descriptive model proposed in this work, at length scales greater than Planck's, Space is hypothesized as flat and isotropic. It must be considered absolute. Even though, in fact, it appears to us as relative since we cannot have absolute points of reference. In this model, Time has always a relative nature. Absolute Time just doesn't exist. The relativity of Time does not depend on the lack of temporal reference points, but is ontological, it is the very nature of the Elementary Field and the Elementary Action that determines the relativity of Time. We can say that, at scales larger than Planck's, Space is "ontologically absolute", but "phenomenologically relative" for us due to the lack of absolute points of reference, while Time is both ontologically and phenomenologically relative.

Following the hypotheses proposed in this study, it seems clear that an incorrect interpretation of the Theory of Relativity (functioning at a mathematical, geometric, predictive level, but conceptually incorrect) has led to considering the temporal dimension as analogous to a spatial dimension. It has led to consider the spatial and temporal dimensions as interchangeable. Beyond the practical aspects (mathematical, geometric, predictive), Space and Time, spatiality and temporality, despite both being variational dimensionality (relating to variations of / in the Elementary Field) are ontologically very different. From a phenomenological point of view, Space and Time are inseparable and indistinguishable, as it is impossible to conceive an event in Space that is not in Time. They are effectively linked in a four-dimensional space-time continuum (three spatial dimensions, which together constitute the spatial dimensionality, and one temporal one). But ontologically, their nature is very different.

Let's try to compare the absolute (from the point of view of an event point and from that of a volume of / in the Field crossed by a moving Structure) and the relative (from the point of view of the observed Structure) perspectives.

Absolute perspective - From the point of view of a fixed-point event of the Field

- Snapshot of a point in Space in an instant in Time

If we were an event point in / of the Field in which a structure is present (observation of the Structure from the absolute perspective of the Field -> point) what would we see, or rather, perceive? I would say that we would see absolutely nothing, nothing in particular, anyway. By looking at just one point and blocking Time, we could see no differences / relations between the state of that point and the other points in / of the Field. As mentioned, a Structure is a scheme of organization of the Relations between the Elementary Events, in other words, of the correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations at Planck scale. Observing a single point with zero or infinitesimal spatial and temporal extension does not allow us to see the aspects that give structure to the Field: variations in Space between different points and the related organization schemes, and variations in Time between different instants and related dynamic evolutions. It therefore does not allow us to see what Reality is made of at the most basic level: spatial and temporal deformations / inhomogeneities in the elementary fluctuations in / of the Field, and related correlations between their distributions / power spectra.

-- Action and its Modes / Components

Observing a single point with zero or infinitesimal spatial and temporal extension does not allow us to see the aspects that give structure to the Field: variations in Space between different points and the related organization schemes, and variations in Time between different instants and related dynamic evolutions. It therefore does not allow us to see what Reality is made of at the most basic level: spatial and temporal deformations / inhomogeneities in the elementary fluctuations in / of the Field, and related correlations between their distributions / power spectra. We would therefore not see Action in its formation, or rather, in the act of forming (giving form) to Reality, giving Structure to the Field.

-- Information / Energy

In this case we would only see a static image, the Form of Action, Information. This is a very partial case as it relates to a single point in space in a single instant of time. And since everything is Relation, observing only one point in Space, therefore without being able to see the Relations of that point with the surrounding ones, what we would see would not be significant. An absolute value that would tell us nothing about the real state and dynamics of this point event.

- Slow-motion video of a fixed point in Space over a Time interval

A video is a more or less rapid succession of snapshots. So, again, we will not be able to see Action in the act of forming Reality, but we will see Information, Energy, energy states in more or less rapid succession which will be able to give us a more or less realistic idea of what is happening. At each frame we will have Information on the product of what has happened since the last previous frame. On how much and what deformation (change of shape) the Field has undergone.

We could see something significant, even if still not very significant for observing / characterizing a Structure, only if we pass from a snapshot to a very high-speed video slowed down (at these spatial scales, the phenomena, the variations, occur in incredibly short times, from 10^-43 seconds and up; at present it is already hard to film a molecule during a chemical reaction; at most it is possible to resolve, with great difficulty, times of 10^-18 seconds; we are in the attosecond range).

-- Action and its Modes / Components

In a slow-motion video, as mentioned, "identifying ourselves with a point event of / in the Field", we would see the following changes:

  • variation in the "Perturbation" value, in the sense of variation of the density / intensity of the Elementary Events in that point, variation of the time distribution, of the power spectrum, of the spatial fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field.
    • as the Structure propagating in the portion of the Field that includes the considered point event approaches the point event, the "Perturbation" component of Elementary Action in / of that point of the Field varies. The continuous evolution of the intensities of the Elementary Events is describable through a stochastically independent process of random intensities distributed around a mean value. This average value / average distribution passes from a relatively higher value (Dark Energy -> repulsive) that characterizes the external part of the Vortex Structure to a lower value (Visible / Ordinary Mass -> attractive) that characterizes the center of Mass of the Structure itself, where the intensity / density of the elementary fluctuations of the / in the Field at the Planck scale are lower than the average value of the surrounding volume or the universal average value, the Mass density is higher, Time passes slower, the temperature of the Field and the speed of propagation of light are lower (Principle of General Equivalence ).
    • meaning in terms of physical quantities: variation of the rate of Time, of the speed of Time flow (our clock would slow down - Time dilation - with the transit of the Structure, as the center of Mass approaches and then it would speed up again as the center of Mass moves away, according to the mass density profile of a Vortex-type Structure
  • variation in the "Translation" value, in the sense of variation of the spatial orientation (direction and verse) of the Elementary Events in that point, of the spatial fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field -> Meaning in terms of physical quantities: variation of the parameters that characterize Motion, position in Space, velocity (speed and direction), acceleration, variation of acceleration over Time (jerk).
    • intensity of the Elementary Action in the direction of propagation / traslation of Elementary Events in the point events in / of the Field.
    • the variations in spatial fluctuations at that point in Space will be the result of the contributions of:
      • Field: acceleration -> the "normal" dynamics of the Field (Principle of Uncertainty), describable through a stochastic process defined by precise parameters characteristic of the Source (the Force and Field couple) plus (superimposed) any contributions deriving from the gravitational effects of the presence of other (massive) Vortex Structures in the Field. Change in the intensity and direction of the acceleration induced by the gravitational attraction (negative pressure, positive density of Ordinary Matter present in the Field affecting the point event, i.e. the internal part of a massive particle, the core) or repulsion (positive pressure, negative density of Ordinary Matter, we call this Dark Energy, present in the Field affecting the point event, i.e. the external part of a massive particle, the shell). -> The meaning in terms of physical quantities of the two contributions mentioned above are respectively the following: natural indeterminacy of the position/velocity of the Structure in the Field and gravitational effects of attraction and/or repulsion due to the presence of other masses in the Field, and
      • Structure: inertia -> the translational dynamics of the Structure (Inertia), describable through the laws of classical / relativistic mechanics, translated into the formalisms of the Dynamics of the Elementary Action and its Modes / Components (therefore expressed in terms of Translation).
    • as the Structure propagating in the portion of the Field that includes the considered point event approaches the point event, the "Translation" component of Elementary Action in / of that point of the Field passes from a continuous evolution of values describable through a stochastically independent process of random values to a partially ordered process composed of a base of random values on which the values that characterize the Translation profile of the Structure are gradually superimposed. If the structure, as hypothesized above, is propagating in the Field, we will see superimposed values which will progressively manifest values that are less and less random and more and more oriented in the direction of propagation, and then reverse this evolution once the Vortex Structure is moving away from the considered point. Until the complete disappearance of superimposed orientation and the return to the succession of random orientation (always in the continuum).
    • the meaning in terms of physical quantities of this contribute is the proper velocity of the Structure (of the point of the Field which from time to time supports / hosts the various points of the Structure which alternate with the movement of the same in the Field), velocity which varies as a result of the interaction of the Translation value of the single point of the Structure (Inertia) and the Translation value present in the considered event point of / in the Field (gravitational acceleration present in the Field + natural fluctuation of the Field at Planck scale, described by the Principle of Uncertainty)
  • variation in the "Rotation:Chirality" value, in the sense of variation of the intensity and verse of Chirality of the Elementary Events in that point (proper / intrinsic rotation / torsion of the Field in that point event -> spatial verse of vorticity).
    • intensity of the Elementary Action in the direction of rotation / chirality of Elementary Events in the point events in / of the Field.
    • as the Structure that propagates in the portion of the Field, which includes the considered point, approaches that point event, the Rotation:Chirality component of the Elementary Action in / of that point of the Field passes from a continuous evolution of values describable through a stochastically independent process of random values to a partially ordered process composed of a base of random values on which the values that characterize the Rotation:Chirality profile of the Structure are gradually superimposed. If the structure, for example, has left-handed chirality, we will see superimposed values which will progressively manifest values that are less and less random and more and more oriented in the left direction, and then reverse this evolution once the chiral center (center of Charge) of the Vortex Structure is reached. Until the complete disappearance of superimposed order and return to the succession of random chirality (always in the continuum).
    • meaning in terms of physical quantities: variation of (electric) Charge density, which increases as the center of Charge of the Structure get closer and which decreases as it moves further away, according to the Charge density profile of a Vortex-type Structure.
  • variation in the "Rotation:AxisOrientation" value, in the sense of variation of the spatial direction of the axis of chirality of the Elementary Events in that point (proper / intrinsic direction of the axis of rotation / torsion of the Field in that point event / spatial orientation of vorticity).
    • intensity of the Elementary Action in the direction of the axis of rotation / chirality of Elementary Events in the point events in / of the Field.
    • as the Structure that propagates in the portion of the Field, which includes the considered point, approaches that point event, the Rotation:AxisOrientation component of Elementary Action in / of that point of the Field passes from a continuous evolution of values describable through a stochastically independent process of random values to a partially ordered process composed of a base of random values on which the values that characterize the Rotation:AxisOrientation (solenoidal) profile of the Vortex Structure are gradually superimposed. If the structure, for example, has left-handed chirality, we will see superimposed values which will progressively manifest values that are less and less random and more and more oriented in the left direction, and then reverse this evolution once the chiral center (center of Charge) of the Vortex Structure is reached. Until the complete disappearance of superimposed order and return to the succession of random orientations (always in the continuum).
    • meaning in terms of physical quantities: variation of (magnetic) Spin, which varies as the center of Charge of the Structure get closer and which decreases as it moves further away, according to the Spin structure (solenoidal) of a Vortex-type Structure and the relative position (the intersection) of the trajectory of the motion of the Structure in the Field.

-- Information / Energy

As regards the Form of Action, Information, Energy as a quantitative aspect of Information, since everything is Relationship, observing a single point in Space, we can only observe Relationships between successive instants in Time of the same point in Space. A succession of images, of snapshots of Information, of "states", which cannot be true energetic states, values of Energy in different instants of Time (relative), but only a succession of absolute values, since focusing attention on a single point in space, it is not possible to see the relationships of that point with the surrounding ones. Absolute values that tell us nothing about the real state and dynamics of this specific event in the context of the Field and its deformation, distancing from homogeneity, which precisely represents Information, Energy.

Absolute perspective - From the point of view of a portion of the Field (a fixed volume of Space)

- Snapshot of a volume of Space in an instant in Time

If we were a volume of Space composed by an infinite number of point event in / of the Field (we are in the continuum) in which a structure is present (observation of the Structure from the absolute perspective of the Field -> point), what would we see?

We can imagine two cases: a Structure "totally or partially" contained in the considered volume. In truth, due to their very nature, which, as we have seen, ontologically involves infinite spatial extension, Structures could not be contained in finite spatial volumes. In practice, due to the peculiar Mass and Charge profiles, which provide for a quadratic decrease in the Perturbation and Rotation values (inverse square law), at a specific distance from the Mass and Charge centers the correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations of / in the Field (the Elementary Events) fade so much as to be completely submerged by the natural indeterminacy that characterizes the causal fluctuations of the (quantum) vacuum, like a signal that is too weak is overwhelmed by background noise. Thus, we can assume that Structures always occupy a finite volume, even if not determined (the volume depends on the relative position of the Structure under examination with respect to other Masses, on the state of Motion of the Structure (speed, acceleration, etc.), on the relative position of the Structure in question compared to the position of the other Structures with regards to Charge and Spin, etc.

-- Action and its Modes / Components

In the first case (a Structure totally contained in the considered volume of Space) we would see the entire (in the terms indicated above) organization scheme of the correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations of / in the Field (network of Relations between Elementary Events). In the case of a Vortex-like Structure, we would see the entire vortex with its characteristic three-dimensional spatial profile in terms of the various components of the Elementary Action (Per, Tra, Rot:Chi, Rot:AxOr), which determine the main physical characteristics of the Vortex Structure, its Mass, Motion (Inertia), Charge and Spin.

In case of a Structure partially contained in the considered volume the same but limited to the part of Structure contained in the volume.

In both cases, if we took other snapshots at different times, still of the same Structure, even if not subject to forces / interactions, we would obtain (slightly) different configurations, due to the indeterminacy of the distributions of the elementary fluctuations, the evolution of the turbulence of the Field in general (environment) and of the Field for the portion that supports the Structure at various orders of magnitude from the Planck scale up to the dimensions of the particle itself (what in Quantum Field Theory is represented as quantum fluctuations of the vacuum and virtual particles , which appear and disappear incessantly by borrowing energy from the vacuum).

In any case, given that these would always be snapshots, we would therefore not see Action in its formation, or rather, in the act of forming (giving form) to Reality, giving Structure to the Field.

-- Information / Energy

What we would see would be spatial and temporal deformations / inhomogeneities in the elementary fluctuations in / of the Field, and the related correlations between their distributions / power spectra. These deformations and inhomogeneities represent Information (correlations between distributions, Relations between Events), Energy (as we commonly call the quantitative part of Information) which takes on the various forms that characterize, for example, Vortex-like Structures (Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin).

- Slow-motion video of a fixed volume of Space over a Time interval

In this case, the succession of snapshots that make up a video would allow us to see the temporal evolution (the Process) of the scheme of organization of the correlations between the temporal distributions of the elementary spatial fluctuations, the Elementary Events, which together constitute the Structure of Information under observation, a Vortex as indicated.

We will not see the Action directly, but, frame by frame, a succession of Information, of energy states, which will allow us to appreciate the deformations (variations, changes of shape, of form, of organization) that will occur in the Field as a result of the movement of the Structure totally or partially contained in the volume considered.

For simplicity, let's imagine that the Structure is (ideally, as indicated above regarding the spatial extension of InfoStructures) entirely contained in the volume considered.

-- Action and its Modes / Components

In a slow-motion video, as mentioned, identifying ourselves with all the point event of a volume of Space of the Field, "in the absence of other Structures in the Field, and therefore no interaction between Structures" (only the natural and unstoppable interaction of the Structure with the Elementary Field itself, with the natural fluctuations at the Planck scale described by the Principle of Uncertainty, which manifest itself in the Modes of Elementary Action : Per, Tra, Rot:Chi, Rot:AxOr, which translate into infinitesimal fluctuations of the associated physical quantities: Metric [Time] / Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin), we would see the following changes (deformations, or transformations, changes of the form of the Field):

  • variation in Perturbation values, in the sense of variation of the density / intensity of the Elementary Events in all the points in the volume, variation of the time distribution, of the power spectrum, of the spatial fluctuations of the Elementary Field. In the various moments of Time corresponding to the subsequent frames of the video we will see the same 3D Perturbation profile of the Structure, the scheme of organization of the correlations between the distributions of the Elementary Events, in slightly different positions in the volume under observation, affecting a different set of points event,
    • as the Structure propagates in the portion of the Field that includes the points event of the considered volume moves to a new set of (adjacent) points event, the Perturbation component of Elementary Action of that new set of points of the Field varies, reproducing, except for infinitesimal random fluctuations at the Planck scale (as described by the Principle of Uncertainty), the same 3D profile of Perturbation of the Structure. The total correlation scheme (Information) representing the Vortex-like Structure remains intact, the shape of the structure, its 3D Perturbation profile, as well as Translation and Rotation:Chirality and Rotation:AxisOrientation, albeit supported by a different set of points event of the Field, therefore present in the Field in a different position (effect of propagation of the Structure in the Field),
    • meaning in terms of physical quantities: the propagation of a Structure in the Field is a propagation of Information, of Energy, in its various forms. Variation of the rate of Time, of the speed of Time flow (our clock would slow down - Time dilation - with the transit of the Structure), according to the Mass density profile, resulting from Perturbation, of a Vortex-type Structure. The center of Mass progressively moves in different positions / is supported by a different point event and so every other part of the Structure. The Motion, resulting from Translation, (always in the absence of other Structures in the Field, interactions, applied forces, etc.) will be characterized by a constant velocity (inertia), since the pattern of correlations between the Translation component remains unchanged. The same for Charge and Spin, resulting respectively from the Rotation:Chirality and Rotation:AxisOrientation components, which, again in the absence of interactions, do not change.

For more details on the behavior of the Field with Structure propagation, see the previous case "Absolute perspective - From the point of view of a point event in / of the Field". In essence, for the case examined here "Absolute perspective - From the point of view of a portion in / of the Field (a volume of Space)", therefore relating to a volume of Space, for each of the points in this volume is valid what was we said in the previous case relating to a single point event.

Relative perspective - From the point of view of the Structure of Information moving in / through the Field

Observing a Structure of Information that propagates in the Field in a defined volume of space, in the absence of interactions with other Structures, but only with the natural turbulence of the Field itself at the smallest scales (Uncertainty Principle), from the point of view of the Structure itself (a Vortex-like Structure in this case) is to observe Information/Energy that give the form to the Structure, and with the form the associated physical quantities: Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin. This Information propagates in the Field, where the Elementary Events and their peculiar dynamics, the fluctuations at the Plack scale and their distribution (almost homogeneous in the case of the absence of other Structures, in the absence of other Information / Energy), supports the Existence of the Structure itself.

In this framework, it is clear that to observe a "snapshot of a volume of Space in an instant in Time" or a "slow-motion video of a fixed volume of Space over a Time interval" is substantially the same. In fact, as mentioned and easily understood, the Structure, in the absence of interactions that modify the Information / Energy, and therefore the form (in the sense that in this system of knowledge we give the terms Form, Essence / Form, Formation, etc. ) remains substantially the same as itself except for "internal reorganizations" (variations in the Information/Energy that characterizes the Structure under observation) determined by the interaction with the Field itself, with its natural turbulent chaotic dynamics.

As already mentioned above, in the case of observation from the perspective of the Structure, we would not see the deformations of the Field, the inhomogeneities in the distributions of the elementary fluctuations (these remain in the background), but in the foreground we would see the correlations between these distributions, information / Energy that gives form to the Structure in the Field, to the Elementary Action in its Modes that support that Structure. What we would see in both situations (snapshot and video) is a Structure of Information (Process), a pattern of organization of those correlations (Relations) between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations (Elementary Events) of the Elementary Field (sub-Entity), substantially resonating at Planch scale, produced by the incessant Action of the Fundamental Force (sub-Entity), Force and Field as the two complementary aspects of the Source of Reality, the Primary Source, the one and only fundamental Entity from which everything derives.

Entanglement for many reasons has become a central concept in modern physics. It is commonly defined as the bond of a fundamental nature existing between particles constituting a quantum system. It is also called "quantum correlation". Here we are not talking about entanglement between two or more Structures, but we extend the concept of entanglement to the correlations between (the dynamics of) the individual event points of the Field. We could therefore define the InfoStructures as patterns or networks of entanglement between the distributions of elementary fluctuations, between the Events which represent the dynamics of the Field at the fundamental level at the Planck scale, effectively replacing the term "correlation" with that of " entanglement". Since we are dealing with entanglement / correlation at a level of Reality that is causally more elementary than the level of Structures, more elementary than the level described by Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory, we could talk about "sub-quantum" entanglement / correlation.

Let us remember that points event in a portion of the Field (which for example can contain/support an Structure of Information) are theoretically infinite, the Field being a continuous entity, but in fact the number is enormous but not infinite, due to "resonance" to the Planch scale which in some way "quantizes" the continuity of the Field at this scale, creating "almost discrete" Elementary Events, elementary fluctuations with variable spatial extension but strictly distributed around an average value which determines the metric of Space, absolutely constant and absolutely flat, and with variable temporal extension around an average value, which we could call "universal average temporal scrolling speed", which determines the relative Time metric, whose local variability, in addition to representing the temporal curvature (time dilation or contraction), represents the mass of the portion of the field considered:

  • with positive Mass density if the local time flow speed of the Field is less than the universal average, or that of the surrounding portion under observation (relative nature of the Mass) -> time dilation, speed of light (more precisely, speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the unstructured Field) lower than the universal average, temperature of the Field lower than the universal average or of a significant neighborhood (equivalences described from the Principle of General Equivalence), physical entity that we call Mass -> gravitational attraction,
  • with negative mass density if the local temporal flow speed of the Field is less than the universal average, or that of the neighborhood of the portion under observation -> time contraction, speed of light greater than the universal average or a significant neighborhood, temperature of the Field lower than the universal average or a significant neighborhood, physical entity that we call Dark Energy -> gravitational repulsion.

The only difference could concern the shape of the Structure, the Information / Energy that characterizes it, which as mentioned can be influenced by the turbulence of the Field as described by the Principle of Uncertainty. In the case of the snapshot we would see a crystallized form, more or less distant from the ideal profile in terms of the Elemental Action Components: Per, Tra, Rot:Chi and Rot:AxOr, transposed to the level of Energy Information: Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin. In the case of slow-motion video we would see a succession of snapshots always with a crystallized shape, more or less distant from the ideal profile, but linked by a progression with a mix of chaotic components (the indeterminate turbulence of the Field) and determined ones (Information from the shape to Structure, organization of the correlations of the temporal distributions of spatial fluctuations at the Planck scale, Relations between Elementary Events), describable as the superposition of stochastic and deterministic processes.

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