Physical Complexity

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Physical Complexity is a measure of the content of Physical Information, the level of organization of Physical Action, of a Physical Structure of Information, of a Physical Form.

It is a measure of the causal and variational distance of the Physical Form from the absolute homogeneity, a measure of the inhomogeneity of a form. It measures the causal action and its variational effect necessary to produce that form starting from the absolute homogeneity of the distribution of the Elementary Events in / of the Elementary Field, the most fundamental form of Physical Existence.

Physical Complexity represents the extension of the causal process that produced the Physical Form in question, in other words, the quantity and level of Physical Organization of the events that produced the above mentioned Structure or Form.

It is the result of the incessant Physical Evolution of Physical Information. Evolution of Physical Events, Physical Processes, Physical Structures of Information]] and Physical Forms.

In other words, complexity represents the product of the Process of Formation of Physical Reality, the emergent organization, produced by the incessant evolution, fed by the Force (Force Relation - Operator REL), which operates at all levels of the Physical Reality.

Causal distance (force necessary to produce the effect) and variational distance (effect produced by the force used) of an object (an Information, a Structure, a Form, a System, the entire Universe) from the complete homogeneity at the Level of the Elementary Action.

Amount of Information that gives shape to a Process, and to all the sub-processes that participate in the Form, the set of Relations between the elementary and complex Events that constitute it, determines the level of complexity of that process.

In a statistical sense, it represents a measure of the degree of organization of a system or of the Physical Universe as a whole. In the continuous scale that goes from the absolute chaos to the absolute order, evolutionary processes build increasing levels of organization, which correspond to peaks of complexity that we observe in Reality.

It's in the dynamic equilibrium, or, better said, in the imbalance in continuous tension towards an unattainable equilibrium, that the interaction between anabolic processes (constructive - Operator Physical Organization) and catabolic processes (destructive - Operator Physical Transformation produces the Forms of the Reality. Enthalpy and entropy. The state functions of systems evolve towards locally and / or globally more complex (less probable) states, in an incessant dance on trajectories that now turn towards chaos (e.g. second law of thermodynamics) now towards order (systemic principle of emergent order).

Common definition

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From this definition, it follows that the most complex existing entity is the Universe itself. Furthermore, if we hypothetically consider the human beings as the most complex existing forms and planet Earth as the only celestial body populated by humans, the Earth should be considered more complex than the rest of the Universe. The definition of complexity therefore incorporates both quantitative and qualitative aspects.

All that exists is Information that organizes Fields, Relations between the Events. With reference to the Elementary Field, at the most elementary level of existence, complexity represents the level of interconnection of the network of relations organized between the Microstates associated with the points of the Field itself. And, starting from this elementary level, we gradually find a continuous succession of more and more complex levels of existence, linked by a network of relations that construct an infinite hierarchy of emerging complexity in incessant evolution.

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
