Derived Physical Principles - Laws of Nature

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Derived Principles of Dynamics of Physical Reality are cognitive representations of the ways in which the unitary Physical Reality manifests itself and evolves in the complex levels.

Derived Physical Principles describe why and how Complex Physical Events and complex kinds of Physical Relations emerge and co-evolve, why and how Derived Physical Action takes a form, becoming Physical Information, and determining how complex kinds of Physical Existence take the Physical Essence / Form we see in the natural world. They describe the fundamental ways in which Derived Physical Entities (Derived Physical Forces and Derived Physical Fields) manifest themselves in the construction, in the formation of Physical, how the Derived Physical Processes give shape to the world we live in. They express specific behaviors of Physical Reality, in its complex levels.

They are the complex, derived forms in which the Fundamental Physical Principles, while maintaining their fundamental identity, express themselves in the various domains of Physical Reality, at the different Levels of Physical Reality, in the different dimensional scales, at different levels of Physical Complexity.

What are commonly called "Laws of Nature" are actually Derived Physical Principles. Derived from the Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics through the observation of Nature and the "induction from phenomena".

Common definition

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See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
