Derived Physical Processes

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For derived physical processes we intend all the Physical Processes that cooperate to the construction, the formation (Creation in Physical Reality and Physical Evolution) of Physical Reality, other than the fundamental processes directly operated by the Physical Sources and their direct functional manifestations, the Operators of Physical Reality, in acting the Process of Formation of Physical Reality.

As the fundamental processes, the derived physical processes are intended as organized sets / networks of Physical Events, of physical actions, variations, mutations of Physical Acted / Fields operated by Physical Agents / Forces, in the context of Physical Agency.' In this case, at the levels of Physical Reality other than the fundamental one, we will refer to Derived Physical Sources (Derived Physical Forces and Derived Physical Fields), Complex Physical Events, Derived Physical Action, and so on.

They describe why and how things happens in the Physical an Cognitive Reality, in its complex levels:

Common definition

In general, a process is a network of related changes, activities or actions. Depending on the context, the term process can take on different meanings and nuances.

Links to Wikipedia pages:


The Derived processes, the processes studied by sciences, the processes that we can see at work in the world, in the various domains of Nature, all the natural processes that can be derived from those fundamental, can be described by the specifications of the above cited fundamental dynamics:

and all the theories of dynamics developed in the different fields of science (for example: classical dynamics of motion, thermodynamics, relativistic electrodynamics, quantum electrodynamics, quantum chromodynamics).

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
