TFNR - Forces and fields as real entities

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Forces and fields as “entities”, in the sense of “sources of events”, and, thus, “sources of existence”, fundaments of Reality. If we intend as real what happens, the events, forces and fields, as sources of events, are the very essence of Reality. They are the very sources of existence.

There is nothing more real than the Elementary Events emerging from the original Source, from the interaction of the Fundamental Force acting on the Elementary Field. Every other form of existence is derived from this elementary level of Reality. So, everything comes to existence in the evolution of Reality derives its existence from the organization of the Elementary Events, from the organization, the evolution of the Elementary Action, in its three components / modes of expression: perturbation, translation and rotation.

For someone could be surprising that the most real thing that exists is something we never will be able to see directly. The unmanifest, a level of existence beyond Information, directly inaccessible to us, forms, creatures made of Information that can only “see” other Information.

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