Dark energy

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It is a state of the Elementary Field.

Dark energy as anti-mass (or positive mass density).

Mass can be positive and negative (dark/ordinary matter and dark energy create an attraction and repulsion gravitational cosmic dance).

It is a structure, a form of organization of the perturbations of the Elementary Field, a Structure of Information.

It is the counterpart of mass, it is negative mass.

As Mass is described as an inhomogeneity in the Elementary Field:

  • if the average intensity of the distributions of Elementary Events at a point-event in the Field is lower than that in its neighborhood, we can call this a negative density inhomogeneity, which corresponds to a negative value of Perturbation, or negative mass density in the more complex level of Reality, where the Structures of Information, dark and ordinary massive structures, halos and particles, with their attractive gravitational effects, emerge,
  • if the point average intensity is greater than that in its neighborhood, we find a positive density inhomogeneity, in other words a positive Perturbation value, that we call dark energy (positive mass density), with its repulsive gravitational effects.

Dark energy is also the counterpart of Dark matter (DE if Perturbation > 0, DM if Perturbation < 0, where Perturbation is the relation (difference, ratio, ?) between:

  • the stochastic distributions of the intensities of the fluctuations of in different points, or relative to a volume of the Elementary Field, that we call Elementary Action, and
  • the universal (or local) stochastic mean distribution of the intensities of the fluctuations of the Elementary Field).

Cosmic expansion and Dark Energy as a phenomenon determined by the incessant organization of the cosmos in more and more complex structures, the increasing "complexification" of the Universe.

Common definition

(Link to Wikipedia page: Dark_energy).


Mass and and Space-time curvature are the same thing, produced by the same cause: the density of Elementary Events and their distributions. The more Mass (Ordinary matter) an object has (or the more massive a space-time region is, for example due to the organizational structure of the distributions of Elementary Events that we call Dark matter) the greater is what we call the curvature of Space-time in that object and its surroundings, or in the considered Space-time region. We can have:

  • no curvature (flat time) = no mass: no massive structures, no Ordinary or Dark matter, no Ordinary or Dark energy (or rather, of an organizational structure of the distributions of Elementary Events that we call Dark Energy)
  • negative curvature = negative mass: presence of Ordinary or Dark matter, or Ordinary energy --> negative curvature means dilation of time, of temporal durations, of intervals
  • positive curvature = positive mass: presence of Dark energy --> positive curvature means contraction of time, of temporal durations, of intervals

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
