Ordinary matter

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Ordinary matter, or rather "(theorically) visible matter", is made up of compact / concentrated / condensed particle vortex structures with high mass density (Particles), which, interacting, can aggregate in composite structures, Mixed Physical Structures, and in more complex Physical Forms, generally under the action of Dark matter, within D.M. Halos, micro vortices in larger vortices of various sizes.

These are small Structures of Information (Vortices) in the Elementary Field, in the derived space-time field, characterized by high values of Perturbation or in other words high mass density.

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:


Ordinary matter

  • Common matter (Baryonic matter)
  • Exotic matter (Mesons, complex Baryons)

Ordinary matter particles

The Standard Model of Particles Physics is the theory describing three of the four known fundamental forces (the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, while omitting gravity) in the universe, as well as classifying all known elementary particles:

  • Elementary fermions
    • Quarks and antiquarks
      • Up (u),
      • Down (d)
      • Charm (c),
      • Strange (s)
      • Top (t),
      • Bottom (b)
    • Leptons and antileptons
      • Electron
      • Electron neutrino
      • Muon
      • Muon neutrino
      • Tau
      • Tau neutrino
  • Elementary bosons
    • Gauge bosons / Force carriers
      • Photon
      • W and Z bosons
      • Eight types of gluons
    • Scalar bosons
      • Higgs boson

(Source: Wikipedia Standard Model page )

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
