Principle of Relation in Physical Reality
Any fluctuation that happens, any variation of / in the Field (any Elementary Event produced by the Action of the Force on the Field) interacts with any other variation, any other Event, with different intensities determined by the causal, spatial and temporal distance between them, due to the finite velocity of propagation of its elementary fluctuations of / in the Field (the functional root of the limit of the speed of light).
Extending this fundamental principle to the whole Reality, we can say that all that exists, everything that happens in the Universe, is causally, spatially and temporarily connected and interacts with everything else, with the causal, spatial and temporal limits imposed by the finite velocity of propagation of the Information (Information / Energy, the result of those variations) in the Elementary Field.
The Principle of Relation describes the interactions (inter - action, action between) between Entities / what exists (the creative side of Reality) and between Events / what occurs (the evolutive side of Reality) at any level of complexity.
The Principle of Relation is the foundation of the Information (In-Form-Action, action that takes form), which represents the patterns of the relations between the Entities and among the Events, the representation of the organization of the Events in Processes, of the Information in Structures, whose relations in turn compose the Forms we see in the Universe in evolution.
The Operator Relation, one of the fundamental modes of expression of the Force, that functionally embodies the Principle of Relation, is the source of the evolution of Reality and the Universe.
Il Principio di Relazione descrive l’interazione dei micro-stati, dalla cui organizzazione scaturisce la realtà fenomenica.
In ciascun punto dello spazio-tempo l’interazione tra Azione, Traslazione e Rotazione ne determina completamente la dinamica. A ciascun punto può, quindi, essere associata una struttura geometrico-tensoriale, che chiamiamo micro-stato, che costituisce l’unità elementare della Realtà Fisica, il substrato esistenziale dell’Informazione (principio formativo fondamentale).
Common definition
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Relation is a functional operator that operates at any level of Reality.
At the most elementary level of Reality
The Principle of Relation describes the interaction among the micro-states (the dynamics of the point events in the Field) from whose organization the phenomenical Reality emerges.
In each point of space-time, the interaction (relation) between Perturbation, Translation and Rotation (the three fundamental nodes of Elementary Action) completely determines the dynamics of micro-states.
Each point can therefore be associated to a geometric-tensorial structure, that we call micro-state, which represents the elementary unit of the Physical Reality, the creative / existential substrate of Information (the fundamental formative principle).
At the more and more complex levels of Reality
See also
- Principles
- Principle of Variation
- Principle of Propagation
- Principle of Conservation
- Other Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics
- Principle of Unity
- Principle of Connection
- Principle of Evolution
- Principle of Equivalence
- Physical Principles
- Fundamental Physical Principles
- Principle of Uncertainty
- Principle of Action and Reaction
- Principle of Least Action
- Principle of Locality
- Principle of Quantization
- Principle of Relation in Physical Reality
- Principle of General Equivalence
- Cognitive Principles
- Metacognitive Principles
- TFNR - The Principle of Reality
- TFNR - The Principles of Reality
- TFNR - The principle of individuation
- TFNR - The fundamental principles of the Elementary Dynamics (Principles of Action)
- TFNR - Recipe for constructing a Reality
- TFNR - From the fundamental principles to the laws of nature
- TFNR - The fundamental principles of the dynamics of the Elementary Field
- TFNR - The principle of Uncertainty
- TFNR - The principle of Action and Reaction)
- TFNR - The principle of Minimum Action
- TFNR - The principle of Relation
- TFNR - The principle of General Equivalence
- Topic id: t_ph_rel_principle
- Belongs to the class: Other Physical Principles
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- Belongs to the groups: Principles
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