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d_ekp Progetto Conoscenza Evoluzionistica evKnowledge - Progetto Conoscenza Evoluzionistica è un ampio e articolato progetto di ricerca finalizzato alla promozione e allo sviluppo della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica. Il Progetto ha tra i suoi scopi principali la costruzione di un sistema di conoscenza nuovo e insieme antico. Nuovo, nella sua aspirazione a fornire una più ampia e profonda visione unitaria della Realtà e dell'Universo in evoluzione, e allo stesso tempo antico, per l'importanza che annette al recupero, all'integrazione e alla valorizzazione dell'immenso patrimonio culturale prodotto dall'umanità nella sua evoluzione cognitiva. Evolutionary Knowledge Project evKnowledge - Evolutionary Knowledge Project is a large and complex research project aimed at the promotion and development of the Evolutionary Knowledge. The Project has among its primary purposes the construction of a knowledge system new and old together. New, in his aspiration to provide a wider and deeper unified vision of Reality and the Universe in evolution, and at the same time ancient, because of the importance it attaches to the recovery, integration and enhancement of the immense cultural heritage produced by humanity in its cognitive evolution. Evolutionary Knowledge Project evknowledge- Evolutionary Knowledge Project is a wide and articulated project of research finalized to the promotion and to the development of the Evolutionary Knowledge. The Project has, between its principal goals, the construction of a new and together old system of knowledge. New, in its aspiration to give a wider and deeper unitary vision of the Realityand of the Universe in evolution, and in the same time old, for the importance that adds to the recovery, to the integration and to the valorization of the immense cultural heritage produced by the humanity in its cognitive evolution.

d_ekb Base di Conoscenza Evoluzionistica Raccoglie e organizza il materiale prodotto nell'ambito del Progetto Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, nelle varie Aree di Ricerca, che comprendono, in particolare, la Fisica Evoluzionistica e la Metafisica Evoluzionistica. La Base di Conoscenza Evoluzionistica (ekb) è supportata dall'applicazione Mediawiki. Evolutionary Knowledge Base The Evolutionary Knowledge Base (ekb) collects and organizes the material produced in the context of the Evolutionary Knowledge Project, in the various Research Areas that particularly include Evolutionary Physics and Evolutionary Metaphysics. The Evolutionary Knowledge Base (ekb) is supported by the Mediawiki application. Evolutionary Knowledge Base It gathers and organizes the material produced in the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge Project, in the various Research Areas that particularly include, the Evolutionary Physics and the Evolutionary Metaphysics. The Evolutionary Knowledge Base (ekb) is supported by the application Mediawiki.

d_research_projects Progetti di Ricerca I progetti di ricerca sono insiemi di attività finalizzate alla produzione della conoscenza nell'ambito del Progetto Conoscenza Evoluzionistica. Research Projects The research projects are sets of activities aimed at the production of knowledge in the context of Evolutionary Knowledge Project. Research Projects Research projects are sets of activities finalized to the production of the knowledge in the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge Project

d_research_areas Aree di Ricerca Il Progetto Conoscenza Evoluzionistica si articola idealmente in cinque Aree di Ricerca, che rappresentano le principali vie di espressione, i rami fondamentali per la costruzione di una Base di Conoscenza Evoluzionistica e lo sviluppo di creazioni artistiche e tecnologiche ispirate alle tematiche evoluzionistiche. Ciascuna Area accoglie diversi progetti di ricerca, dedidati a tematiche specifiche, sia in ambito teorico che applicativo. Research Areas The Evolutionary Knowledge Project is ideally divided into five Research Areas, which are the main means of expression, the fundamental branches for the construction of the Evolutionary Knowledge Base and the development of technological and artistic creations inspired to evolutionary issues. Each area includes several research projects, dedicated to specific issues, both in theoretical and applied. Research Areas Evolutionary Knowledge Project ideally articulates itself in five Research Areas, that represent the principal ways of expression, the fundamental branches for the construction of an Evolutionary Knowledge Base and the development of artistic and technological creations inspired to the evolutionary subjects. Each Area receives different research projects, dedicated to specific subjects, both in theoretical and applicative area.

d_ev_knowledge Conoscenza Evoluzionistica La Conoscenza Evoluzionistica è un approccio globale all´osservazione del mondo naturale e umano, fondata su un'estensione integrale della teoria evoluzionistica e su una rivisitazione critica del pensiero costruttivista. E’ Conoscenza della Realtà e della sua manifestazione, l’Universo in evoluzione. Evolutionary Knowledge Evolutionary Knowledge is a global approach to the observation of the natural and human world, based on an integral extension of the evolutionar theory and on a critical rivisitation of the constructivist thought. It's Knowledge of the Reality and its manifestation, the Universe in evolution. Evolutionary Knowledge Evolutionary Knowledge is a global approach to the observation of the natural and human world, based on an integral extension of the evolutionar theory and on a critical rivisitation of the constructivist thought. It's Knowledge of the Reality and its manifestation, the Universe in evolution.

DONE d_ek_system Sistema di Conoscenza Evoluzionistico "La Conoscenza Evoluzionistica è l’insieme dei modelli di rappresentazione della Realtà Universale, che le Forme Viventi costruiscono nella loro Evoluzione individuale e collettiva.
La Conoscenza Evoluzionistica è, quindi, il prodotto di un processo di costruzione, che scaturisce dall'interazione coevolutiva di ambienti e Forme Viventi in ecosistemi complessi." Evolutionary Knowledge System Evolutionary Knowledge is the set of models of representation of the Universal Reality, that the Living Forms construct in their individual and collective Evolution.
Evolutionary Knowledge is, therefore, the product of a process of construction, that springs by the coevolutive interaction of environments and Living Forms in complex ecosystems. Evolutionary Knowledge System Evolutionary Knowledge is the set of models of representation of the Universal Reality, that the Living Forms construct in their individual and collective Evolution.
Evolutionary Knowledge is, therefore, the product of a process of construction, that springs by the coevolutive interaction of environments and Living Forms in complex ecosystems.

DONE d_reality Realtà "La Realtà è un processo, un insieme organizzato di enti (ciò che esiste) e di eventi (ciò che accade), che dalla Forza conduce alle Forme. Allo stesso tempo, la Realtà è il risultato del processo stesso, l'Universo in evoluzione.
La Realtà è, quindi, il processo unitario, creativo ed evolutivo, di organizzazione della rete universale degli Eventi, attraverso cui si esprime la Forza, l’entità causale fondamentale, sorgente dell’esistenza e della Forma.
E' il Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, dove gli Agenti Operazionali (gli Operatori di Realtà) incessantemente svolgono il lavoro formativo (creativo ed evolutivo). La Forza agisce sul Campo (i due Enti fondamentali) producendo Azione, l'insieme degli Eventi dalla cui organizzazione (il cui schema chiamiamo Informazione, Azione che prende Forma) evolvono le Strutture di Informazione e le Forme che popolano la Realtà." Reality Reality is a process, an organized set of entities (all that exists) and of events (all that happens), that by the Force leads to the Forms. At the same time, the Reality is the result of the same process, the Universe in evolution.
Reality is, therefore, the unitary process, creative and evolutive, of organization of the universal network of the Events, through which the Force expresses itself, the causal fondamental entity, source of the existence and of the Form.
It's the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality, where the Operational Agents (the Operators of Reality incessantly perform the formative work (creative and evolutive). The Force acts on the Field (the two fundamental Entity producing Action, the set of the Events from which organization (which pattern we call Information, Action that takes Form) evolves the Structures of Information and the Forms that populate the Reality. Reality Reality is a process, an organized set of entities (all that exists) and of events (all that happens), that by the Force leads to the Forms. At the same time, the Reality is the result of the same process, the Universe in evolution.
Reality is, therefore, the unitary process, creative and evolutive, of organization of the universal network of the Events, through which the Force expresses itself, the causal fondamental entity, source of the existence and of the Form.
It's the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality, where the Operational Agents (the Operators of Reality incessantly perform the formative work (creative and evolutive). The Force acts on the Field (the two fundamental Entity producing Action, the set of the Events from which organization (which pattern we call Information, Action that takes Form) evolves the Structures of Information and the Forms that populate the Reality.

d_fund_concepts Concetti Fondamentali Le principali linee di sviluppo, le pietre angolari, i pilastri su cui si fonda il Sistema di Conoscenza Evoluzionistico. Fundamental Concepts Principal development lines, the angular stones, the pillars on which is based Evolutionary Knowledge System. Fundamental Concepts Principal development lines, the angular stones, the pillars on which is based Evolutionary Knowledge System.

d_faif Forza-Azione-Informazione-Forma "La catena causale fondamentale della Realtà. Dalla Forza alla Forma, un'interrotta catena causale, che si estende nello spazio e nel tempo, dai fondamenti della Realtà, dal livello più elementare, l'Azione prodotta dalla Forza, la sorgente dell'esistenza, attraverso il livello dell'Informazione, lo schema di organizzazione che dà forma all'Azione, Azione organizzata, conduce alla complessità delle Forme, che compongono l'Universo in evoluzione." Force-Action-Information-Form The causal fundamental chain of Reality. From the Force to the Form, an interrupted chain causal, that expands in the space and in the time, by the foundations of the Reality, by the most elementary level, the Action produced by the Force, the source of the existence through the level of the Information, the pattern of organization that gives form to the Action organized Action, leads to the complexity of the Forms, that compose the Universe in evolution. Force-Action-Information-Form The causal fundamental chain of Reality. From the Force to the Form, an interrupted chain causal, that expands in the space and in the time, by the foundations of the Reality, by the most elementary level, the Action produced by the Force, the source of the existence through the level of the Information, the pattern of organization that gives form to the Action organized Action, leads to the complexity of the Forms, that compose the Universe in evolution.

d_reality_levels Livelli della Realtà "Osservando la Realtà da differenti punti di vista, a fini meramente analitici e descrittivi, possiamo identificare successivi livelli annidati, sia nel senso della dimensionale causale (complessità crescente), sia nel senso delle dimensioni spaziotemporali. Salendo dal livello elementare del Campo dell'Azione, attraverso il livello dell'Informazione, dove i processi evolutivi organizzano, trasformano e selezionano le Strutture di Informazione, sino al livello delle Forme (materiali e immateriali) e all'intero Universo.
In altri termini, la Realtà, pur essendo il risultato di un processo di formazione unitario e indivisibile, può essere vista come sovrapposizione di differenti piani di esistenza:

d_levne Livello della non esistenza "E' il livello in cui il Campo si trova nello stato di minima complessità, minima organizzazione, completa omogeneità, assenza di perturbazioni, nello stato di Non Esistenza.
E' un livello puramente ipotetico, in quanto l'esistenza della Forza presuppone la sua azione sul Campo, che incessantemente opera la transizione di fase dal Nulla alla forma più elementare di esistenza, l'Azione." Level of non existence It's the level in which the Field is in the state of minimum complexity, minimum organization, complete homogeneity, absence of perturbations, in the state of Non Existence.
It's a purely hypothetical level, as the existence of the Force supposes its action on the Field, that incessantly operates the transition of phase by Nothingness to the most elementary form of existence, the Action. Level of non existence It's the level in which the Field is in the state of minimum complexity, minimum organization, complete homogeneity, absence of perturbations, in the state of Non Existence.
It's a purely hypothetical level, as the existence of the Force supposes its action on the Field, that incessantly operates the transition of phase by Nothingness to the most elementary form of existence, the Action.

d_levaction Livello dell Azione "E' il livello della Realtà in cui il Campo dell'Azione è nello stato che possiamo definire come ""potenziale"", il Vuoto Assoluto, disomogeneità assoluta, stato prodotto dall'azione della Forza. La Forza esercita una costante pressione che incessantemente opera la transizione di fase dallo stato di Non Esistenza alla forma più elementare di esistenza, l'Azione, costituita da Eventi nella forma di perturbazioni dei parametri fondamentali che descrivono il Campo." Level of Action "It's the level of Reality in which the Field of Action is in the state we can define as ""potential"", the Absolute Vacuum, absolute dishomogeneity, state produced by the action of the Force. The Force exercises a costant pressure that incessantly operates the transition of phase by the state of Non Existence to the most elementary form of existence, the Action, constituted by Events in the form of perturbations of fundamental parameters that describe the Field. " Level of Action "It's the level of Reality in which the Field of Action is in the state we can define as ""potential"", the Absolute Vacuum, absolute dishomogeneity, state produced by the action of the Force. The Force exercises a costant pressure that incessantly operates the transition of phase by the state of Non Existence to the most elementary form of existence, the Action, constituted by Events in the form of perturbations of fundamental parameters that describe the Field. "

d_levinformation Livello dell Informazione "E' il livello della Realtà in cui l'azione della Forza si esprime nella produzione e nella trasformazione di reti di relazioni tra Eventi. Informazione, Azione organizzata, lo schema di organizzazione degli Eventi.
E' il livello dei processi evolutivi, che a ogni livello di complessità, organizzano, trasformano e selezionano l'Informazione, l'entità che dà forma alle Strutture e alle Forme che popolano la Realtà. E' il ""ciclo dell'Informazione"". La Forza esercita una costante pressione che incessantemente opera la transizione di stato dal caos all'ordine, con tutte le possibili gradazioni del livello di organizzazione, della complessità." Level of Information "It's the level of Reality in which the action of the Force expresses itself in the production and in the transformation of networks of relationships between Events. Information, organized Action, the pattern of organization of the Events.
. It's the level of the evolutive processes, that at each level of complexity, organize, transform and select the Information, the entity that gives form to the Structures and to the Forms that populate the Reality. It's the ""cycle of the Information"". The Force exercises a costant pressure that incessantly operates the transition of state by the chaos to the order, with all the possible gradations of the level of organization of the complexity." Level of Information "It's the level of Reality in which the action of the Force expresses itself in the production and in the transformation of networks of relationships between Events. Information, organized Action, the pattern of organization of the Events.
. It's the level of the evolutive processes, that at each level of complexity, organize, transform and select the Information, the entity that gives form to the Structures and to the Forms that populate the Reality. It's the ""cycle of the Information"". The Force exercises a costant pressure that incessantly operates the transition of state by the chaos to the order, with all the possible gradations of the level of organization of the complexity."

d_levstructures Livello delle Strutture Prima parte del Livello delle Forme, il Livello delle Strutture di Informazione è il livello della Realtà in cui l'Informazione e gli associati processi evolutivi (il Ciclo dell'Informazione) dà forma alle strutture elementari che costituiscono i blocchi costitutivi delle Forme materiali e immateriali. Troviamo qui le strutture dinamiche (Onde), le strutture conservative (Vortici) e le Interazioni, che realizzano le Strutture Miste. Level of Structures First part of the Level of Forms, the Level of Structures of Information is the level of Reality in which the Information and the evolutive associated processes (the Cycle of the Information) gives form to the elementary structures that constitute the constitutive blocks of the material and immaterial Forms. We find here the dynamic structures (Waves), the conservative structures (Vortex) and the Interactions, that realize the Mixed Structures Level of Structures First part of the Level of Forms, the Level of Structures of Information is the level of Reality in which the Information and the evolutive associated processes (the Cycle of the Information) gives form to the elementary structures that constitute the constitutive blocks of the material and immaterial Forms. We find here the dynamic structures (Waves), the conservative structures (Vortex) and the Interactions, that realize the Mixed Structures

d_levforms Livello delle Forme "Il livello delle Forme comprende:

Il Livello delle Forme propriamene detto è il livello della Realtà in cui gli Operatori Formativi e gli associati processi evolutivi danno forma alle aggregazioni, ai sistemi di Strutture di Informazione, in altri termini, alle Forme, materiali e immateriali che popolano l'Universo.
Le Forme Materiali rappresentano gli oggetti della Realtà Fisica di cui facciamo diretta esperienza e tutte quelle manifestazioni, che sfuggono ai sensi, che sono associate agli oggetti materiali stessi (la Materia Oscura, la Materia Ordinaria, Radiazione, ecc.). Tra le Forme Materiali troviamo anche i corpi fisici degli Forme Viventi.
Le Forme Immateriali rappresentano gli oggetti della Metarealtà, la Realtà Metafisica Evoluzionistica, e comprendono tutte le Forme non materiali prodotte dall'attività cognitiva delle Forme Viventi. " Level of the Forms The level of Forms includes:
*the Level of Structures
*the really said Level of the Forms
*the Level of Manifestation or level of Universe, completely in evolution
The really said Level of Forms is the level of Reality in which the Formative Operators and the associated evolutive processes give form to the aggregations, to the systems of Structures of Information in other terms, to the material and immaterial Forms that populate the Universe.
The Material Forms represent the objects of the Physical Reality of which we experience directly and all those manifestations, that run away to the senses, that are associated to the same material objects (the Dark Matter, the Ordinary Matter, Radiation, etc.). Between the Material Forms we also find the physical bodies of the Living Forms.
The Immaterial Forms represent the objects of the Metareality, the Reality Evolutionary Metaphysics, and include all the immaterial Forms produced by the cognitive activity of the Living Forms. Level of the Forms The level of Forms includes:
*the Level of Structures
*the really said Level of the Forms
*the Level of Manifestation or level of Universe, completely in evolution
The really said Level of Forms is the level of Reality in which the Formative Operators and the associated evolutive processes give form to the aggregations, to the systems of Structures of Information in other terms, to the material and immaterial Forms that populate the Universe.
The Material Forms represent the objects of the Physical Reality of which we experience directly and all those manifestations, that run away to the senses, that are associated to the same material objects (the Dark Matter, the Ordinary Matter, Radiation, etc.). Between the Material Forms we also find the physical bodies of the Living Forms.
The Immaterial Forms represent the objects of the Metareality, the Reality Evolutionary Metaphysics, and include all the immaterial Forms produced by the cognitive activity of the Living Forms.

d_levmanifestation Livello della Manifestazione Terza parte del Livello delle Forme, il Livello della Manifestazione comprende l'Universo nel suo complesso, nella sua dimensione fisica, cosmica e biologica, e metafisica/cognitiva. Level of Manifestation Third part of the Level of orms,the Level of Manifestation includes the Universe in its entirety, in its dimension Physical Reality, cosmic and biological and cognitive metaphysics. Level of Manifestation Third part of the Level of orms,the Level of Manifestation includes the Universe in its entirety, in its dimension Physical Reality, cosmic and biological and cognitive metaphysics.

d_reality_aspects Aspetti della Realtà La Realtà, a tutti i livelli di Complessità, si articola in due aspetti fondamentali complementari, che corrispondono ai due lati dello schema grafico che descrive il Processo di Formazione. Nella sezione centrale dello schema, i due aspetti complementari, l'aspetto dinamico e l'aspetto conservativo, si equilibrano dinamicamente nella catena causale fondamentale della Realtà: Forza-Azione-Informazione-Forma. The Reality, at all the level of Complexity, articulates itself in two fundamental complementary aspects, that correspond to the two sides of the graphic pattern that describes the Process of Formation.In the central section of the pattern, the two complementary aspects, thedynamic aspect and the conservative aspect are dynamically balanced in the causal fundamental chain of the Reality:Force-Action-Information-Form. The Reality, at all the level of Complexity, articulates itself in two fundamental complementary aspects, that correspond to the two sides of the graphic pattern that describes the Process of Formation.In the central section of the pattern, the two complementary aspects, thedynamic aspect and the conservative aspect are dynamically balanced in the causal fundamental chain of the Reality:Force-Action-Information-Form.

d_dynaaspects Aspetti dinamici della Realtà Gli aspetti dinamici della Realtà comprendono tutte le espressioni della Forza, a tutti i livelli di complessità, che rappresentano una qualche forma di propagazione dell'Azione (es: le onde che si propagano nel Campo, e, più in generale, tutte le Strutture di Informazione e le Forme ondulatorie, il movimento verso l'esterno, la forza centrifuga, l'organizzazione che crea nuova Informazione, i processi anabolici). Gli aspetti dinamici corrispondono al lato destro dello schema del Processo di Formazione. Dynamic aspects of Reality The dynamic aspects of Reality include all the expressions of the Force, at all the levels of complexity, that represent a certain form of propagation of the Action (e.g.: the waves that spread in the Field, and, more generally, all the Structures of Information and the undulatory Forms, the movement towards the outside, the centrifugal force, the organization that creates new Information, the anabolic processes).The dynamic aspects correspond to the right side of the pattern of the Process of Formation. Dynamic aspects of Reality The dynamic aspects of Reality include all the expressions of the Force, at all the levels of complexity, that represent a certain form of propagation of the Action (e.g.: the waves that spread in the Field, and, more generally, all the Structures of Information and the undulatory Forms, the movement towards the outside, the centrifugal force, the organization that creates new Information, the anabolic processes).The dynamic aspects correspond to the right side of the pattern of the Process of Formation.

d_consaspects Aspetti conservativi della Realtà Gli aspetti conservativi della Realtà comprendono tutte le espressioni della Forza, a tutti i livelli di Complessità, che rappresentano una qualche forma di conservazione dell'Azione (es: i vortici/particelle che popolano il Campo, e più, in generale, tutte le Strutture di Informazione e le Forme vorticose, il movimento verso l'interno, la forza centripeta, la trasformazione che crea nuova Informazione più complessa, i processi catabolici). Gli aspetti dinamici corrispondono al lato sinistro dello schema del Processo di Formazione. Conservative aspects of Reality The conservative aspects of Reality include all the expressions of the Force, at all the levels of Complexity, that represent a certain form of conservation of the Action (e.g. the vortex/particles that populate the Field, and more generally, all the Structures of Information and the whirling [[Forms], the movement towards the inside, the centripetal force, the transformation that creates new more complex Information, the catabolic processes). The conservative aspects correspond to the left side of the pattern of the Process of Formation Conservative aspects of Reality The conservative aspects of Reality include all the expressions of the Force, at all the levels of Complexity, that represent a certain form of conservation of the Action (e.g. the vortex/particles that populate the Field, and more generally, all the Structures of Information and the whirling [[Forms], the movement towards the inside, the centripetal force, the transformation that creates new more complex Information, the catabolic processes). The conservative aspects correspond to the left side of the pattern of the Process of Formation

d_equilibrium Equilibrio dei principali aspetti della Realtà Nella sezione centrale dello schema, i due aspetti complementari, l'aspetto dinamico e l'aspetto conservativo, si equilibrano dinamicamente nella catena causale fondamentale della Realtà: Forza-Azione-Informazione-Forma. Equilibrium of fundamental aspects of Reality In the central section ofthe pattern, the two complementary aspects, thedynamic Aspects of the Reality!dynamic aspect, are dynamically balanced in the causal fundamental chain of the Reality: Force-Action-Information-Form. Equilibrium of fundamental aspects of Reality In the central section ofthe pattern, the two complementary aspects, thedynamic Aspects of the Reality!dynamic aspect, are dynamically balanced in the causal fundamental chain of the Reality: Force-Action-Information-Form.

d_reality_dim Dimensioni della Realtà "La dimensione fondamentale della Realtà è la dimensione causale. Ogni evento si manifesta all'interno di un quadro di riferimento, un campo dimensionale.
A livello della Realtà Fisica, oltre alla dimensione causale, troviamo le dimensioni dello spazio e del tempo. Nel piano metafisico, esclusivamente composto da forme immateriali (Informazione ad elevati livelli di complessità), in alcuni ambiti e per alcuni aspetti, le dimensioni causali e spaziotemporali possono essere trascese (es. prodotti del pensiero immaginativo, sogni, modelli descrittivi metafisici, teorie fisiche ""esotiche"")." Dimensions of Realtity "The fundamental dimension of Reality is the causal dimension. Each event shows itself within a reference landscape, a dimensional field.
At the level of the Physical Reality, apart from the causal dimension, we find the dimensions of the space and of the time In the metaphysic level esclusively composed by immaterial forms (Information at high levels of complexity) in some areas and according some aspects, the causal and space-temporal dimensions can be transcended (e.g. products of the imaginative thought, dreams, descriptive metaphysical models, physical ""exotic"" theories)." Dimensions of Realtity "The fundamental dimension of Reality is the causal dimension. Each event shows itself within a reference landscape, a dimensional field.
At the level of the Physical Reality, apart from the causal dimension, we find the dimensions of the space and of the time In the metaphysic level esclusively composed by immaterial forms (Information at high levels of complexity) in some areas and according some aspects, the causal and space-temporal dimensions can be transcended (e.g. products of the imaginative thought, dreams, descriptive metaphysical models, physical ""exotic"" theories)."

d_cause Causa "La Dimesione Causale è una proprietà fondamentale della Realtà. La Causa appresenta la relazione che lega la Forza all'Azione, e più in generale le Forze Derivate alle azioni (complesse), gli Agenti agli Eventi.
La Dimensione Causale si manifesta in un continuum che incessantemente realizza la formazione (la creazione e l'evoluzione) della Realtà e che si estende dall'indeterminazione sino alla finalità. Questa dimensione è una metrica del livello di organizzazione delle Strutture di Informazione e delle Forme che incessantemente evolvono nel Campo, una scala della complessità della Realtà e delle Forme che la popolano. Le milestones lungo questa dimensione continua sono:

  • indeterminazione (caos, ordine casuale, minimo livello di organizzazione, minimo livello di correlazione tra gli eventi, ecc.)
  • quantizzazione (gli aspetti quantistici comprendono il bizzarro comportamento delle forze e delle strutture quantizzate, delle particelle, ecc.)
  • certezza deterministica (l'organizzazione delle forme classiche della realtà ordinaria, gli oggetti della realtà ""normale"")
  • finalità (l'alto livello di espressione degli aspetti dinamici e conservativi delle forme viventi)" Cause "The Causal Dimension is a fundamental property of the Reality. The Cause represents the relationship that ties the Force to the Action, and more generally the Derived Forces to the (complex) actions, the Agents to the Events.
    The Causal Dimension shows itself in a continuum that incessantly realizes the formation (the creation and the evolution of the Reality and that spreads by the indetermination till the purpose. This dimension is a metrics of the level of organization of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that incessantly evolve in the Field, a range of the complexity of the Reality and of the Forms that populate it. The milestones along this continuous dimension are:
    *indetermination (chaos, casual order, minimum level of organization, minimum level of correlation between the events, etc.)
    *quantization (the quantistic aspects include the strange behavior of the forces and of the quantized structures, of the particles, etc.)
    *deterministic certainty (the organization of the classical forms of the ordinary reality, the objects of the ""normal"" reality)
    *purpose (the high level of expression of the dynamic and conservative aspects of the living forms). " Cause "The Causal Dimension is a fundamental property of the Reality. The Cause represents the relationship that ties the Force to the Action, and more generally the Derived Forces to the (complex) actions, the Agents to the Events.
    The Causal Dimension shows itself in a continuum that incessantly realizes the formation (the creation and the evolution of the Reality and that spreads by the indetermination till the purpose. This dimension is a metrics of the level of organization of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that incessantly evolve in the Field, a range of the complexity of the Reality and of the Forms that populate it. The milestones along this continuous dimension are:
    *indetermination (chaos, casual order, minimum level of organization, minimum level of correlation between the events, etc.)
    *quantization (the quantistic aspects include the strange behavior of the forces and of the quantized structures, of the particles, etc.)
    *deterministic certainty (the organization of the classical forms of the ordinary reality, the objects of the ""normal"" reality)
    *purpose (the high level of expression of the dynamic and conservative aspects of the living forms). "

d_ev_ontology Ontologia Evoluzionistica "L’Ontologia Evoluzionistica studia ""ciò che esiste"", la stessa esistenza della Realtà e le entità che popolano l'Universo. Descrive gli Enti che costituiscono le fondamenta dell’esistenza della Realtà Universale, intesa in senso globale, come “il Tutto in Evoluzione”.
A fini meramente descrittivi, possiamo classificare la Realtà Universale in Realtà Fisica, Metarealtà (la dimensione dei processi cognitivi e del loro prodotto) e Meta-metarealtà (la dimensione metacognitiva, la formazione dei Sistemi Cognitivi).
Gli enti evoluzionistici (fisici, metafisici e meta-metafisici) rappresentano insieme gli agenti e le relative funzioni operative, gli eventi e i processi, i blocchi costruttivi che permettono la formazione della Realtà." Evolutionary Ontology "The Evolutionary Ontology studies ""all that exists"", the same existence of the Reality and the entities that populate the Universe. It describes the Entity that constitute the foundations of the existence of the Universal Reality, intended in global sense, as ""the Everything in Evolution"".
As purely descriptive goals, we can classify the Universal Reality in Physical Reality, Metareality (the dimension of the cognitive processes and their product) and Meta-metareality (the metacognitive dimension, the formation of the Cognitive Systems).
The evolutionary Entity (metaphysical and metaphysical) represent together the agents and the relevant operative functions, the events and the processes, the constructive blocks that permit the formation of the Reality" Evolutionary Ontology "The Evolutionary Ontology studies ""all that exists"", the same existence of the Reality and the entities that populate the Universe. It describes the Entity that constitute the foundations of the existence of the Universal Reality, intended in global sense, as ""the Everything in Evolution"".
As purely descriptive goals, we can classify the Universal Reality in Physical Reality, Metareality (the dimension of the cognitive processes and their product) and Meta-metareality (the metacognitive dimension, the formation of the Cognitive Systems).
The evolutionary Entity (metaphysical and metaphysical) represent together the agents and the relevant operative functions, the events and the processes, the constructive blocks that permit the formation of the Reality"

d_existence Esistenza "Attributo fondamentale della Realtà, di cui rappresenta l'aspetto ontologico. L'esistenza è incessantemente prodotta dall'opera della Forza (sottoprocesso creativo nell'ambito del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale).
Ciò che esiste è reale, fa parte della Realtà Universale. E, specularmente, ciò che è reale, esiste: il Campo dell'Azione, l’Informazione, le Strutture di Informazione, le Forme materiali (i vettori di forza, l'energia, la materia, ecc.) e le Forme immateriali (il prodotto immateriale dell'attività cognitiva delle Forme Viventi, più in generale, degli Agenti Finalistici)." Existence Fundamental attribute of Reality, of which represents ontological aspect. The existence is incessantly produced by the work of the Force creative subprocess in the area of Process of Formation of the Universal Reality
All that exists is real and belongs to the Universal Reality. And, simmetrically, all, that is real, exists: the Field of Action , the [[Information], the Structures of Information, the material Forms (the vectors of force, the energy, the matter, etc.) and the immaterial Forms (the immaterial product of the cognitive activities of the Living Forms, more generally, of the Finalistic Agents). Existence Fundamental attribute of Reality, of which represents ontological aspect. The existence is incessantly produced by the work of the Force creative subprocess in the area of Process of Formation of the Universal Reality
All that exists is real and belongs to the Universal Reality. And, simmetrically, all, that is real, exists: the Field of Action , the [[Information], the Structures of Information, the material Forms (the vectors of force, the energy, the matter, etc.) and the immaterial Forms (the immaterial product of the cognitive activities of the Living Forms, more generally, of the Finalistic Agents).

d_entities Enti Ente è ciò che esiste. Ente è tutto ciò che ha come proprietà fondamentale l'esistenza: il Campo dell'Azione, l’Informazione, le Strutture di Informazione, le Forme materiali (i vettori di forza, l'energia, la materia, ecc.) e le Forme immateriali (il prodotto immateriale dell'attività cognitiva degli Forme Viventi, più in generale, degli Agenti Finalistici). Entities Entity is all that exists. Entity is everything that has the existenceas fundamental property: the Field of Action, the Information, the Structures of Information, the material Forms (thevectors of force, the energy, the matter, etc.) and theimmaterial Forms (the immaterial product of the cognitive activity of the Living Formsmore generally, of the Finalistic Agents). Entities Entity is all that exists. Entity is everything that has the existenceas fundamental property: the Field of Action, the Information, the Structures of Information, the material Forms (thevectors of force, the energy, the matter, etc.) and theimmaterial Forms (the immaterial product of the cognitive activity of the Living Formsmore generally, of the Finalistic Agents).

d_actionfield Campo dell Azione "Il Campo fondamentale (da cui derivano tutti i vari campi conosciuti) è l'entità fondamentale, teatro degli Eventi che formano la Realtà. Può assumere due stati fondamentali:

  • Non Esistenza - Nulla: stato caratterizzato da assenza dell'azione causale perturbativa della Forza, assoluta omogeneità del parametri che caratterizzano il Campo,
  • Esistenza: in presenza dell'azione causale perturbativa della Forza, il Campo subisce una transizione di stato, dalla condizione di non esistenza all'esistenza, dal nulla all'Azione, l'insieme degli Eventi, la forma più elementare di esistenza.

Un semplice schema lega il Campo alla Forza e all'Azione: Campo (Agito) + Forza (Agente) => Eventi (Azione). Ente + Ente => Fenomeno: è il dominio della Dinamica Evoluzionistica." Field of Action The fundamental Field (by which derive all the various known fields) is the fundamental entity , theater of the Events that form the Reality. It can have two fundamental states:
*Non Existence - Nothingsness: state characterized by absence of causal action perturbative of the Force, absolute homogenety of the parameters that charactherize the Field,
*Existence: in presence of the causal perturbative action of the Force, the Field undergoes a transition of state, from the condition of non existence to the existence, from the nothingness to the Action, the set of the Events, the most elementary form of existence.
A simple pattern that ties the Field to the Force and to the Action: Field (Acted) + Force (Agent) => Events (Action). Entity + Entity => Phenomenon: is the domain of the Evolutionary Dynamics. Field of Action The fundamental Field (by which derive all the various known fields) is the fundamental entity , theater of the Events that form the Reality. It can have two fundamental states:
*Non Existence - Nothingsness: state characterized by absence of causal action perturbative of the Force, absolute homogenety of the parameters that charactherize the Field,
*Existence: in presence of the causal perturbative action of the Force, the Field undergoes a transition of state, from the condition of non existence to the existence, from the nothingness to the Action, the set of the Events, the most elementary form of existence.
A simple pattern that ties the Field to the Force and to the Action: Field (Acted) + Force (Agent) => Events (Action). Entity + Entity => Phenomenon: is the domain of the Evolutionary Dynamics.

d_agents Agenti "Gli Agenti di Realtà sono le entità causali fondamentali che danno vita, che incessantemente costruiscono (creano e fanno evolvere) la Realtà. Rappresentano ""centri di azione causale"".
Distinguiamo un agente fondamentale (la Forza, la Causa, il motore della Creazione e dell'Evoluzione della Realtà), dagli agenti derivati: manifestazioni della Forza sui diversi piani di esistenza, le forze che operano nell'Universo. In relazione alle caratteristiche, alle proprietà, alla funzione svolta, gli Agenti possono essere classificati in:

d_operators Operatori di Realtà "Gli Operatori di Realtà, gli Agenti operazionali, sono Agenti causali che svolgono il lavoro formativo, creativo ed evolutivo, nel Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale. “Centri di azione"" ovvero ""modalità di espressione della Forza“, agenti costruttori della Realtà, incessantemente all'opera nella trasmutazione del possibile, del potenziale, nell'esistente, nel reale.
Dal punto di vista funzionale possiamo identificare un operatore fondamentale (ID), la Forza, che si manifesta in due dimensioni funzionali complementari (Forza Esistenza - ES e Forza Relazione - REL), e una serie di operatori derivati, caratterizzazioni funzionali di ES e REL, nei diversi livelli della Realtà (il Livello dell'Azione, il Livello dell'Informazione, il Livello delle Strutture di Informazione e il Livello delle Forme.
Gli operatori derivati discendono direttamente dalle due manifestazioni dell’operatore fondamentale ID “Operatore Identità”.
Dall’operatore esistenziale “ES”, Forza Esistenza, derivano gli Agenti che operano nel Campo dell Azione al Livello dell'Azione: Perturbazione, Propagazione e Conservazione.
Dall’operatore relazionale “REL”, Forza Relazione, derivano gli Agenti che operano al livello dell’Informazione Organizzazione, Trasformazione e Selezione) e del livello delle Strutture di Informazione (Strutture di Propagazione, Strutture di Conservazione e Interazioni)." Operators of Reality "The Operators of Reality, the operational Agents, are causal Agents that perform the formative work, creative andevolutive, in the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality. ""Centers of action"" or ""way of expression of the Force*, constructor agents of the Reality incessantly at work in the transmutation of the possible, of the potential, in the existing, in the real one.
From the functional point of view we can identify a fundamental operator (ID), the Force that shows itself in two functional complementary dimensions (Force Existence - ES and Force Realtion - REL), and a set of derived operators, functional charactherizations of ES and REL, in the different levels of the Reality (the Level of Action, the Level of Information, the Levels of Structures of Information and the Level of Forms.
The derived operators originate directly from the two manifestations of the fundamental operator ID ""Operator Identity"".
From the existential operator ""ES"", Force Existence, derive the Agents that operate in the Field of Action to the Level of Action: Perturbation, Propagation and Conservation.
From the relational operator ""REL"", Force Relation, derive the Agents that operate at the level of the Structures of Information (Structures of Propagation, Structures of Conservation and Interactions)." Operators of Reality "The Operators of Reality, the operational Agents, are causal Agents that perform the formative work, creative andevolutive, in the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality. ""Centers of action"" or ""way of expression of the Force*, constructor agents of the Reality incessantly at work in the transmutation of the possible, of the potential, in the existing, in the real one.
From the functional point of view we can identify a fundamental operator (ID), the Force that shows itself in two functional complementary dimensions (Force Existence - ES and Force Realtion - REL), and a set of derived operators, functional charactherizations of ES and REL, in the different levels of the Reality (the Level of Action, the Level of Information, the Levels of Structures of Information and the Level of Forms.
The derived operators originate directly from the two manifestations of the fundamental operator ID ""Operator Identity"".
From the existential operator ""ES"", Force Existence, derive the Agents that operate in the Field of Action to the Level of Action: Perturbation, Propagation and Conservation.
From the relational operator ""REL"", Force Relation, derive the Agents that operate at the level of the Structures of Information (Structures of Propagation, Structures of Conservation and Interactions)."

d_creation Creazione "La creazione è uno dei due fondamentali aspetti formativi della Realtà, il primo, in senso causale, dei due aspetti funzionali del processo formativo unitario che dalla Forza conduce alle Forme, dall'Unità all'Universo. Fondamento dell’esistenza, primaria espressione della Forza, la sorgente dell’esistenza, causa prima generatrice dell’Azione che costituisce il Campo, dalla cui organizzazione sorgono le Forme, l'Universo in evoluzione.
Processo continuo, incessante, che mantiene dinamicamente ed evolutivamente all’esistenza la Realtà e la sua manifestazione, l‘Universo." Creation The creation is one of the two fundamental formative aspects of the Reality, the first, in causal sense, of tht two functional aspects of the unitary formative process that from the Force leads to the Forms, from the Unity to the Universe. Foundation of the existence, primary expression of the Force, the source of the existence, first generating cause of the [[Action] that constitutes the Field, from which organization rise the Forms, the Universe in evolution.
Continous, incessant Process, that maintain dynamically and evolutively to the existence the Reality and its demonstration, the Universe. Creation The creation is one of the two fundamental formative aspects of the Reality, the first, in causal sense, of tht two functional aspects of the unitary formative process that from the Force leads to the Forms, from the Unity to the Universe. Foundation of the existence, primary expression of the Force, the source of the existence, first generating cause of the [[Action] that constitutes the Field, from which organization rise the Forms, the Universe in evolution.
Continous, incessant Process, that maintain dynamically and evolutively to the existence the Reality and its demonstration, the Universe.

d_ev_phenomenology Fenomenologia Evoluzionistica La Fenomenologia Evoluzionistica descrive le manifestazioni degli Enti, le vari tipologie e la dinamica delle Relazioni che costituiscono le fondamenta dell’Essenza, della forma, della Realtà. Sono i collegamenti che consentono agli Agenti, gli Operatori di Realtà, di esprimere i processi di costruzione delle strutture dinamiche e conservative, che costituiscono l’essenza del Processo di Formazione della Realtà. Un ciclo senza fine che rende sempre più complessa e interconnessa la rete universale degli eventi. Evolutionary phenomenology The Evolutionary Phenomenology describes the manifestations of the [[Entities], the various types and the dynamics of the Relationships that constitute the foundations of the Essence, of the form, of the Reality. They are the connections that permit to the Agents, the Operators of Reality, to express the processes of construction of the dynamic and conservative structures that constitute the essence of the Process of Formation of the Reality. A cycle without end that makes always more complex and interconnected the universal network of the events. Evolutionary phenomenology The Evolutionary Phenomenology describes the manifestations of the [[Entities], the various types and the dynamics of the Relationships that constitute the foundations of the Essence, of the form, of the Reality. They are the connections that permit to the Agents, the Operators of Reality, to express the processes of construction of the dynamic and conservative structures that constitute the essence of the Process of Formation of the Reality. A cycle without end that makes always more complex and interconnected the universal network of the events.

d_essence Essenza "Essenza, o Forma, è una proprietà, un attributo fondamentale della Realtà, di cui rappresenta l'aspetto fenomenologico. Modo, modalità in cui ""ciò che è"" esiste. Modalità in cui avviene un’azione o si attua una cosa. Prodotto del sottoprocesso evolutivo del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale. Tutto ciò che esiste ha forma. La forma muta incessantemente nell'interazione fenomenica con il tutto, all'interno del flusso evolutivo che porta l'Universo verso crescenti livelli di complessità. L'unico ente la cui esistenza è senza forma, senza essenza, è il Campo dell'Azione, nel suo stato di minima organizzazione, che può essere definito il ""senza forma"", tutto potenziale. Esso rappresenta il substrato delle Forme, che si manifestano come Azione organizzata in Informazione (schema di organizzazione delle relazioni tra eventi)." Essence "Essence, or Form, is a property, a fundamental attribute of the Reality, of which represents the phenomenology aspect. Manner, way, in which ""everything that is"" exists. Way in which an action occurs or something puts into effect. Product of the evolutive subprocess of the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality. All that exists, has form. the form changes incessantly in the phenomenical interaction with the whole, within the evolutive flux that leads the Universe towards increasing level of complexity. The only entity which existence is without form, without essence, is the Field of Action, in its state of minimum organization, that can be defined the ""without form"", all potential. It represents the substrate of the Forms, that show themselves as Action organized in Information (pattern of organization of the relationships between events." Essence "Essence, or Form, is a property, a fundamental attribute of the Reality, of which represents the phenomenology aspect. Manner, way, in which ""everything that is"" exists. Way in which an action occurs or something puts into effect. Product of the evolutive subprocess of the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality. All that exists, has form. the form changes incessantly in the phenomenical interaction with the whole, within the evolutive flux that leads the Universe towards increasing level of complexity. The only entity which existence is without form, without essence, is the Field of Action, in its state of minimum organization, that can be defined the ""without form"", all potential. It represents the substrate of the Forms, that show themselves as Action organized in Information (pattern of organization of the relationships between events."

d_relations Relazioni "Relazione è la sorgente dell'essenza, della forma, sorgente dell'evoluzione verso la complessità. E' la radice dell'Informazione.
Attributo, caratteristica di un Ente.
Prodotto dell'Operatore Relazione, una delle due fondamentali modalità di manifestazione della Forza: Forza Relazione, modalità di manifestazione, di espressione della Forza nella sua azione di pressione all'Evoluzione della Realtà. " Relations Relation is the source of the essence, of the form, source of the evolution towards the complexity. It's the root of the Information. < br> Attribute, characteristic of an Entity.
Product of the Operator Relation, one of the two fundamental way of manifestation of the Force: Force Relation, way of manifestation, of expression of the Force in its actionof pressure to the Evolution of Reality. Relations Relation is the source of the essence, of the form, source of the evolution towards the complexity. It's the root of the Information. < br> Attribute, characteristic of an Entity.
Product of the Operator Relation, one of the two fundamental way of manifestation of the Force: Force Relation, way of manifestation, of expression of the Force in its actionof pressure to the Evolution of Reality.

d_events Eventi "Prodotto dell'Agente (la Forza) sull'Agito (il Campo). Consideriamo evento ogni variazione dello stato (attributo/proprietà e/o relazione) di un ente, risultato dell'espressione di una forza, che produce Azione, che tende a propagarsi e a conservarsi.
A tutti i livelli della Realtà, si manifestano incessantemente eventi, dai più elementari, al livello del Campo dell'Azione, a quelli più complessi, macro eventi, reti organizzate di eventi, che interessano le strutture cosmiche, i processi biologici, così come i processi cognitivi delle forme viventi.
A livello della Realtà Fisica, parliamo, quindi, di Eventi Fisici, elementari e complessi. A livello della Metarealtà, parliamo di Eventi Cognitivi (che caratterizzano l'attività cognitiva degli esseri viventi, percezioni, sensazioni, emozioni, pensieri, ecc.) e a livello della Meta-metarealtà di Eventi Metacognitivi (osservazione dei sistemi cognitivi, elaborazione di modelli, esperimenti, ecc.)." Events Product of the Agent (the Force) on the Acted (the Field). We consider event each variation of the state (attribute/property and/or relation of a entity, result of the expression of a force, that produces Action, that tends to to spread and to conserve.
At all the levels of Reality, events show themselves incessantly, from the most elementary, at the level of the Field of Action, to those most complex, macro events, organized networks of events, that interest the cosmic structures, the biological processes, as well as the cognitive processes of the living forms.
At the level of the Physical Reality we, therefore, speak about Physical Events, elementary and complex. At level of the Metareality, we speak about Cognitive Events (that characterize the cognitive activity of the living being, perceptions, sensations, emotions, thoughts, etc.) and at level of the Meta-metareality of Metacognitive Events (observation of the cognitive systems, elaboration of models, experiments, etc.). Events Product of the Agent (the Force) on the Acted (the Field). We consider event each variation of the state (attribute/property and/or relation of a entity, result of the expression of a force, that produces Action, that tends to to spread and to conserve.
At all the levels of Reality, events show themselves incessantly, from the most elementary, at the level of the Field of Action, to those most complex, macro events, organized networks of events, that interest the cosmic structures, the biological processes, as well as the cognitive processes of the living forms.
At the level of the Physical Reality we, therefore, speak about Physical Events, elementary and complex. At level of the Metareality, we speak about Cognitive Events (that characterize the cognitive activity of the living being, perceptions, sensations, emotions, thoughts, etc.) and at level of the Meta-metareality of Metacognitive Events (observation of the cognitive systems, elaboration of models, experiments, etc.).

d_properties Proprietà "Attributi, caratteristiche di un ente (Campo dell'Azione, Agenti, Strutture, Informazione, Forme, Universo) o di un fenomeno.
Tra le proprietà fondamentali:

d_phenomena Fenomeni "Per fenomeno intendiamo ogni evento, ogni perturbazione/variazione dello stato di un ente. Risultato dell'Azione di un Agente (Forza) su un Agito (Campo dell'Azione). Fenomeno è ciò che accade.
Più in generale, possiamo intendere come fenomeni tutti gli insiemi organizzati di eventi (processi) che legano entità, con relazioni che determinano le proprietà delle Strutture di Informazione e delle Forme che compongono la Realtà.
Qualsiasi processo di eventi (elementari e complessi) legati da una qualche relazione, dominio di Informazione in evoluzione." Phenomena As phenomenon we mean each event, each perturbation/variation of the state of an entity. Result of the Action of an agent (Force) on an Acted (Field of Action. Phenomenon is everything that occurs.
More generally, we can mean as phenomena all the organized sets of events processes that tie entities, with relationships that determine the properties of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that compose the Reality.
Each process of events (elementary and complex) tied by a certain relationship, domain of Information in evolution. Phenomena As phenomenon we mean each event, each perturbation/variation of the state of an entity. Result of the Action of an agent (Force) on an Acted (Field of Action. Phenomenon is everything that occurs.
More generally, we can mean as phenomena all the organized sets of events processes that tie entities, with relationships that determine the properties of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that compose the Reality.
Each process of events (elementary and complex) tied by a certain relationship, domain of Information in evolution.

d_evolution Evoluzione L’Evoluzione è il processo causale che dà incessantemente vita all'essenza della Realtà, dove processi anabolici/costruttivi e processi catabolici/distruttivi, interagendo, coevolvono nella continua costruzione di complessità, da cui scaturiscono le Forme materiali e non materiali che compongono l’Universo. Un processo co-evolutivo senza fine che conduce la Realtà verso crescenti livelli di complessità. Evolution The Evolution is the causal process that gives incessantly life to the essence of the Reality, where anabolic/constructive processes and catabolic/destroying processes, interacting, coevolve in the continous construction of complexity, from which spring the material and immaterial Forms that compose the Universe. A co-evolutive process without end that leads the Reality towards increasing levels of complexity. Evolution The Evolution is the causal process that gives incessantly life to the essence of the Reality, where anabolic/constructive processes and catabolic/destroying processes, interacting, coevolve in the continous construction of complexity, from which spring the material and immaterial Forms that compose the Universe. A co-evolutive process without end that leads the Reality towards increasing levels of complexity.

d_ev_dynamics Dinamica Evoluzionistica La Dinamica Evoluzionistica è la parte della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica che studia il Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, la manifestazione dell'operatore fondamentare e le modalità di espressione degli operatori derivati. Evolutionary Dynamics The Evolutionary Dynamics is the part of the Evolutionary Knowledge that studies the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, the demonstration of the fundamental operatorand the ways of expression of the derived operators. Evolutionary Dynamics The Evolutionary Dynamics is the part of the Evolutionary Knowledge that studies the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, the demonstration of the fundamental operatorand the ways of expression of the derived operators.

d_principles Principi I Principi sono rappresentazioni cognitive (schemi, modelli cognitivi) di come la Realtà (o parte di essa) si manifesta ed evolve. Esprimono proprietà e comportamenti della Realtà dai livelli più elementari a quelli più complessi. Principles The Principles are cognitive representations (patterns, cognitive models) such as the Reality (or part of it) manifests itself or evolves. They express properties and behaviors of Reality from the most elementary levels to those more complex. Principles The Principles are cognitive representations (patterns, cognitive models) such as the Reality (or part of it) manifests itself or evolves. They express properties and behaviors of Reality from the most elementary levels to those more complex.

d_fundamental_principles Principi fondamentali della Dinamica Evoluzionistica I Principi Fondamentali sono rappresentazioni cognitive delle modalità in cui la Realtà unitaria (fisica, metafisica, o cognitiva, e meta-metafisica, o metacognitiva) si manifesta ed evolve. Esprimono proprietà e comportamenti della Realtà dai livelli più elementari a quelli più complessi. I Principi Fondamentali, pur mantenendo la loro identità, si esprimono in forme differenti nei vari domini di Realtà (fisico, metafisico e metametafisico), ai diversi livelli della Realtà, alle differenti scale dimensionali, ai diversi livelli di complessità. Fundamental principles of Evolutionary Dynamics The Fundamental Principles are cognitive representations of the ways in which the unitary Reality (physics, metaphysics, or cognitive, and meta-metaphysics, or metacognitive), shows itself and evolves. They express properties and behaviors of Reality from the most elementary levels to those more complex. The Fundamental Principles, althoug maintain their identity, express themselves in different forms in the various domains of Reality (physical, metaphysical and metametaphysical), at the different levels of Reality, at the different scales dimensional, at the different levels of complexity. Fundamental principles of Evolutionary Dynamics The Fundamental Principles are cognitive representations of the ways in which the unitary Reality (physics, metaphysics, or cognitive, and meta-metaphysics, or metacognitive), shows itself and evolves. They express properties and behaviors of Reality from the most elementary levels to those more complex. The Fundamental Principles, althoug maintain their identity, express themselves in different forms in the various domains of Reality (physical, metaphysical and metametaphysical), at the different levels of Reality, at the different scales dimensional, at the different levels of complexity.

d_unity_principle Principio di Unità La Realtà è la manifestazione unitaria della Forza, l'entità causale fondamentale, motore della creazione e dell'evoluzione incessante dell'Universo. Una Realtà, una Forza, un Campo dalla cui organizzazione scaturisce la molteplicità delle Forme esistenti. Principle of Unity The Reality is the unitary demonstration of the Force, the entity fundamental causal, engine of the creation and of the incessant evolution of the Universe. A Reality, a Force, a Field from which organization springs the multiplicity of the existing Forms. Principle of Unity The Reality is the unitary demonstration of the Force, the entity fundamental causal, engine of the creation and of the incessant evolution of the Universe. A Reality, a Force, a Field from which organization springs the multiplicity of the existing Forms.

d_perturbation_principle Principio Perturbativo La Realtà è in continua e incessante mutazione, dal livello più elementare ai livelli più complessi. Questa mutazione è il fondamento, la radice dell'esistenza della Realtà stessa. Le mutazioni, le perturbazioni rappresentano gli Eventi, le variazioni degli stati degli Enti e delle Relazioni che legano gli eventi in Strutture di Informazione e Forme sempre più complesse. Perturbation Principle The Reality is in continous and incessant mutation, from the most elementary level to the most complex levels. This mutation is the foundation, the root of the existence of the same Reality. The mutations, the perturbations represent ghe Events, the variations of the states of the Entities and of the Relationships that tie the events in Structures of Information and always more Forms complex. Perturbation Principle The Reality is in continous and incessant mutation, from the most elementary level to the most complex levels. This mutation is the foundation, the root of the existence of the same Reality. The mutations, the perturbations represent ghe Events, the variations of the states of the Entities and of the Relationships that tie the events in Structures of Information and always more Forms complex.

d_propagation_principle Principio di Propagazione "Le mutazioni, le incessanti variazioni degli stati degli Enti, gli eventi, tendono a propagarsi, interagendo con gli altri eventi che costruiscono la Realtà. Il Principio generale di Propagazione è il fondamento di tutti i principi di propagazione che operano a tutti i livelli della Realtà.
Al livello del Campo dell'Azione Elementare opera il Principio di Azione e Reazione, al livello della Strutture Fisiche di Informazione il principio di propagazione dell'Informazione, che si realizza, ad esempio, attraverso il meccanismo di emissione e assorbimento dei fotoni. A livello fisico biologio opera il principio di propagazione dell'informazione genetica mediato dai gameti, a livello cognitivo, il principio di comunicazione tra individui, i fenomeni relativi al linguaggio, e così via)." Propagation Principle The mutations, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, the events, tend to spread, interacting with the other events that construct the Reality. The general Propagation Principle is the foundation of all the principles of propagation that operate at all the levels of the Reality.
At the level of the Field of Elementary Action operates the Action and Reaction Principle, at the level of the Physical Structures of Information the propagation principle of the Information, that realizes itself, e.g. through the mechanism of emission and absorption of the photons. At physical biological level operates the propagation principle of the genetic information, mediated by the gametes, at cognitive level, the communication principle between individual, the phenomena related to the language, and so on). Propagation Principle The mutations, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, the events, tend to spread, interacting with the other events that construct the Reality. The general Propagation Principle is the foundation of all the principles of propagation that operate at all the levels of the Reality.
At the level of the Field of Elementary Action operates the Action and Reaction Principle, at the level of the Physical Structures of Information the propagation principle of the Information, that realizes itself, e.g. through the mechanism of emission and absorption of the photons. At physical biological level operates the propagation principle of the genetic information, mediated by the gametes, at cognitive level, the communication principle between individual, the phenomena related to the language, and so on).

d_conservative_principle Principio di Conservazione "Le mutazioni, le incessanti variazioni degli stati degli Enti, tendono a conservarsi, interagendo con altri eventi, creando strutture dinamiche, che, prevalentemente attraverso processi ciclici, acquistano permanenza causale. Il Principio generale di Conservazione è il fondamento di tutti i principi di conservazione che operano a tutti i livelli della Realtà.
A livello della Realtà Fisica opera il principio di conservazione dell'energia, della quantità di moto; a livello fisico biologico, il principio di conservazione dell'informazione genetica nel DNA, a livello della Metarealtà, il principio di conservazione delle esperienze, la memoria, e così via)." Conservation Principle "The mutations, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, tend to conserve, interacting with the other events, creating dynamic structures, that, mainly through cyclic processes, acquire causal permanence. The general Conservation Principle is the foundation of all the principles of conservation that operate at all the levels of Reality.
At the level of Physical Reality operates the principle of conservation of the energy, of the quantity of movement; at physical biological level, the principle of conservation of the genetic information in the DNA, at level of Metareality, the principle of conservation of the experiences, the memory, and so on). " Conservation Principle "The mutations, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, tend to conserve, interacting with the other events, creating dynamic structures, that, mainly through cyclic processes, acquire causal permanence. The general Conservation Principle is the foundation of all the principles of conservation that operate at all the levels of Reality.
At the level of Physical Reality operates the principle of conservation of the energy, of the quantity of movement; at physical biological level, the principle of conservation of the genetic information in the DNA, at level of Metareality, the principle of conservation of the experiences, the memory, and so on). "

d_relation_principle Principio di Relazione "Il Principio di Relazione descrive l'Interazione tra gli Enti (ciò che esiste) e tra gli Eventi (ciò che accade) a tutti i livelli di complessità della Realtà.
Il Principio di Relazione è il fondamento dell'Informazione (azione che prende forma), che rappresenta lo schema di relazione tra Enti e tra Eventi, organizzando gli eventi stessi in Strutture e Processi, a comporre Forme che compongono l'Universo.
L'Operatore Relazione, espressione primale della Forza, è la sorgente dell'evoluzione della Realtà e dell'Universo." Principle of Relation The Principle of Relation describe the interaction between the Entities (all that exists) and between the Events (all that occurs) at all the levels of complexity of the Reality.
The Principle of Relation is the foundation of the Information (action that takes form), that represents the pattern of relationship between Entities and between Events, organizing the same events in Structure and Processes, to compose Forms that compose the Universe.
The Operator Relation, first expression of the Force, is the source of the evolution of Reality and of Universe. Principle of Relation The Principle of Relation describe the interaction between the Entities (all that exists) and between the Events (all that occurs) at all the levels of complexity of the Reality.
The Principle of Relation is the foundation of the Information (action that takes form), that represents the pattern of relationship between Entities and between Events, organizing the same events in Structure and Processes, to compose Forms that compose the Universe.
The Operator Relation, first expression of the Force, is the source of the evolution of Reality and of Universe.

d_processes Processi "Serie organizzata di eventi, di azioni, rete di variazioni, mutazioni.
Possiamo identificare:

  • processi anabolici (processi in cui prevale l'azione organizzativa, di creazione di nuova Informazione più complessa e aggregazione di parti componenti in un insieme, processi costruttivi),
  • processi catabolici (processi in cui prevale l'azione trasformativa, di disgregazione della complessità e riduzione di un insieme nelle parti componenti, processi distruttivi ),

anche se più spesso nella Realtà troviamo processi misti (es. i processi cellulari, che incessantemente assemblano composti più complessi, come le proteine a partire da amminoacidi, e, contemporaneamente, le disgregano dopo che le stesse hanno esaurito la loro funzione, fornendo nuovi mattoni disponibili per la proteosintesi)." Processes Organized sets of events, of actions, network of variations, mutations.
We can identify:
*anabolic processes (processes in which prevails the organizativeaction, of creation of new more complex Information and aggregation of component parts in a set, constructive processes),
*catabolic processes (processes in which prevails the transformativeaction, of disgregation of the complexity and reduction of a set in the component parts, destroying processes),
even if more often in the Reality we find mixed processes (e.g. the cellular processes, that incessantly assemble more complex compounds, as the proteins beginning from amminoacids, and, contemporarily, they disgregate after that the same ones have finished their function, giving new available bricks for the proteosynthesis) Processes Organized sets of events, of actions, network of variations, mutations.
We can identify:
*anabolic processes (processes in which prevails the organizativeaction, of creation of new more complex Information and aggregation of component parts in a set, constructive processes),
*catabolic processes (processes in which prevails the transformativeaction, of disgregation of the complexity and reduction of a set in the component parts, destroying processes),
even if more often in the Reality we find mixed processes (e.g. the cellular processes, that incessantly assemble more complex compounds, as the proteins beginning from amminoacids, and, contemporarily, they disgregate after that the same ones have finished their function, giving new available bricks for the proteosynthesis)

d_pfur Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale "Processo unitario mediante il quale la Realtà prende incessantemente forma e si manifesta l’Universo in evoluzione.
Il Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale (PFUR) è il processo unitario mediante il quale la Forza, l'agente causale fondamentale, incessantemente crea l’esistenza e le Forme che costituiscono l’Universo in evoluzione.
Solo a fini descrittivi, il PFUR può essere rappresentato mediante due sub-processi:

Processo che porta all’esistenza le manifestazioni della Forza fondamentale, l’Esistente, l’Universo.
Lo schema del Processo di Formazione della Realtà si articola in dodici punti che corrispondono alle entità e agli operatori fondamentali responsabili del Processo di Formazione" Process of Formation of Universal Reality Unitary Process through which the Reality takes incessantly form and shows the Universe in evolution.
The Process of Formation of the Universal Reality (PFUR) is the unitary process through which the Force, the causal fundamental agent, incessantly creates the existence and the Forms that constitute the Universe in evolution.
Only for descriptive purposes, the PFUR can be represented through two sub-processes:
* creative process (constituted by the level of the Field of the Action
* evolutive process ( level of he Information, Level of the Structures and levels of the Forms
Process that lead to the existence the demonstration of the fundamental Force, the Existing, the Universe-
The pattern of the Process of Formation of the Reality articulates itself in twelve points that correspond to the entity and to the operators, fundamental responsibles of the Process of Formation Process of Formation of Universal Reality Unitary Process through which the Reality takes incessantly form and shows the Universe in evolution.
The Process of Formation of the Universal Reality (PFUR) is the unitary process through which the Force, the causal fundamental agent, incessantly creates the existence and the Forms that constitute the Universe in evolution.
Only for descriptive purposes, the PFUR can be represented through two sub-processes:
* creative process (constituted by the level of the Field of the Action
* evolutive process ( level of he Information, Level of the Structures and levels of the Forms
Process that lead to the existence the demonstration of the fundamental Force, the Existing, the Universe-
The pattern of the Process of Formation of the Reality articulates itself in twelve points that correspond to the entity and to the operators, fundamental responsibles of the Process of Formation

d_force Forza "La Forza è l'entità causale fondamentale che incessantemente crea e fa evolvere la Realtà.
La Forza è la sorgente causale della Realtà, che dà origine a tutto il Processo di Formazione. E’ l’operatore identità 'ID', che si esprime nelle due manifestazioni primarie: operatore esistenziale 'ES' (Forza Esistenza, agente causale del sub processo creativo) e operatore relazionale 'REL' (Forza Relazione, agente causale del sub processo evolutivo).
La Forza è l'agente di reificazione (realizza la trasmutazione del possibile nell’esistente a tutti i livelli di complessità). La Forza opera:

La Forza, operando sul Campo, è, quindi, la sorgente dell’Azione e delle perturbazioni che la compongono, dalla cui organizzazione tutto scaturisce.
La Forza, l’entità fondamentale creatrice dell’esistenza e dell’essenza della Realtà, causa della creazione e dell’evoluzione, è insieme radice dell’indeterminazione (il caos primigenio, il caos quantistico) e della causalità." Force "The Force is the causal fundamental entity that incessantly creates and make evolve the Reality.
The Force is the causal source of the Reality, that gives origin to all the Process of Formation. It's the operator identity ""ID"", that express itselfs in the two primary manifestations: existential operator ""ES"" (Force Existence, causal agent of the creative subprocess) and relational operator ""REL"" (Force Relation, causal agent of the evolutive sub process).
The Force is the agent of reification (it realizes the trasmutation of the possible in the existing at all the levels of complexity. The Force operates:
*the transition of the Field from the state absolute homogeneity, we call Non existence to the state of infinite caotic dishomogeneity, we call Field of Action, not organized state, the vacuum
*the trasmutation of the Action in the Form, through infinite levels of rising complexity, in the evolution without end of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that compose the Universe
The Force, operating on the Field, is, therefore, the source of the Action and of the perturbations that compose it, from which organization everything springs.
The Force, the fundamental creator entity of the existence and of the essence of the Reality, cause of the creation and of the evolution, is root set of the uncertainty (the primal chaos, the quantistic chaos) and of the causality. " Force "The Force is the causal fundamental entity that incessantly creates and make evolve the Reality.
The Force is the causal source of the Reality, that gives origin to all the Process of Formation. It's the operator identity ""ID"", that express itselfs in the two primary manifestations: existential operator ""ES"" (Force Existence, causal agent of the creative subprocess) and relational operator ""REL"" (Force Relation, causal agent of the evolutive sub process).
The Force is the agent of reification (it realizes the trasmutation of the possible in the existing at all the levels of complexity. The Force operates:
*the transition of the Field from the state absolute homogeneity, we call Non existence to the state of infinite caotic dishomogeneity, we call Field of Action, not organized state, the vacuum
*the trasmutation of the Action in the Form, through infinite levels of rising complexity, in the evolution without end of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that compose the Universe
The Force, operating on the Field, is, therefore, the source of the Action and of the perturbations that compose it, from which organization everything springs.
The Force, the fundamental creator entity of the existence and of the essence of the Reality, cause of the creation and of the evolution, is root set of the uncertainty (the primal chaos, the quantistic chaos) and of the causality. "

d_field_dyna Dinamica del Campo dell Azione "Per Dinamica del Campo intendiamo lo schema concettuale volto a descrivere e spiegare il Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale nei termini dell’Azione di un’unica “Forza”.
Dall’inesistente, dal nulla, essa conduce al vuoto, la forma più elementare di esistenza, il Campo dell'Azione non organizzato, prima espressione dell'Azione: Perturbazione. Dal vuoto essa conduce al livello dell’Informazione, attraverso la manifestazione dell'Azione, nelle sue forme di espressione: Propagazione e Conservazione." Dynamics of the Field of Action "As Dynamics of the Field we mean the conceptual pattern turned to describe and explain the Process of Formation of Universal Reality in the terms of the Action of an only "" Force""-
From the not existing, from the nothingness, it lead to the vacuum, the most elementary form of existence, the not organized Field of Action first expression of the Action: Perturbation. From the vacuum it leads to the levels of the Information, through the manifestation of the Action, in its forms of expression: Propagation and Conservation." Dynamics of the Field of Action "As Dynamics of the Field we mean the conceptual pattern turned to describe and explain the Process of Formation of Universal Reality in the terms of the Action of an only "" Force""-
From the not existing, from the nothingness, it lead to the vacuum, the most elementary form of existence, the not organized Field of Action first expression of the Action: Perturbation. From the vacuum it leads to the levels of the Information, through the manifestation of the Action, in its forms of expression: Propagation and Conservation."

d_field_states Stati del Campo dell Azione "Un campo può assumere due stati fondamentali:

  • Non Esistenza - Nulla: stato caratterizzato da assenza di Azione, assenza dell'azione causale perturbativa della Forza, assoluta omogeneità del parametri che caratterizzano il Campo,
  • Esistenza - Azione: in presenza dell'azione causale perturbativa della Forza, il Campo subisce una transizione di stato, dalla condizione di non esistenza all'esistenza, all'Azione, la forma più elementare di esistenza.

Nell'ambito dello stato ""Esistenza"", in dipendenza del livello di organizzazione dell'Azione (Informazione, si manifestano Stati del Campo più organizzati, associati a Forme caratterizzate via via da livelli di maggior complessità." States of Field of Action "A field can have two fundamental states:
*Non Existence - Nothingness: state characterized by absence of Action, absence of the causal perturbative action of the Force, absolute homogeneity of the parameters that charactherize the Field,
*Existence - Action: in presence of the causal action perturbative of the Force, the Field undergoes a transition of state, by the condition of not existence to the existence, to the Action, the most elementary form of existence.
In the area of the state ""Existence"", according to the level of organization of the Action (Information, manifest more organized States of the Field, associated to Forms gradually characterized by levels of greater complexity. " States of Field of Action "A field can have two fundamental states:
*Non Existence - Nothingness: state characterized by absence of Action, absence of the causal perturbative action of the Force, absolute homogeneity of the parameters that charactherize the Field,
*Existence - Action: in presence of the causal action perturbative of the Force, the Field undergoes a transition of state, by the condition of not existence to the existence, to the Action, the most elementary form of existence.
In the area of the state ""Existence"", according to the level of organization of the Action (Information, manifest more organized States of the Field, associated to Forms gradually characterized by levels of greater complexity. "

d_non_existence Non Esistenza "E' lo stato di un Campo in cui Nulla esiste (esiste il Nulla).
Stato caratterizzato da assenza dell'azione causale perturbativa della Forza, assenza di Azione espressa o potenziale (capacità di azione), assoluta omogeneità del parametri che caratterizzano il Campo." Non Existence It's the state of a Field in which Nothingness exists (Nothingness exists).
State characterized by the absence of the causal perturbative action of the Force, absence of Action expressed or potential (capacity of action), absolute homogeneity of the parameters that characterize the Field. Non Existence It's the state of a Field in which Nothingness exists (Nothingness exists).
State characterized by the absence of the causal perturbative action of the Force, absence of Action expressed or potential (capacity of action), absolute homogeneity of the parameters that characterize the Field. d_action Azione "L'Azione rappresenta l'espressione, la manifestazione primale dell'Agente causale, della Forza. Rappresenta la radice di ogni evento, di qualunque variazione dello stato di un'Ente. E' il fondamento della Realtà. E' il substrato delle Forme, organizzata dalla Relazione, in Informazione e in Strutture di Informazione. La Forza, l'Operatore fondamentale, nel produrre Azione, si esprime in tre modalità inscindibili:

  • Operatore Perturbazione (detto genericamente Operatore Azione, o semplicemente Azione): trasmuta la pressione della Forza in un flusso incessante di variazioni, fluttuazioni, dei parametri fondamentali del Campo dell'Azione
  • Operatore Propagazione trasmuta le perturbazioni in flussi traslazionali (Traslazione), diretti al ripristino dell'omogeneità, dell'isotropia
  • Operatore Conservazione trasmuta la propagazione delle perturbazioni in flussi rotazionali (Rotazione), che tendono a conservare le perturbazioni stesse. " Action The Action represents the expression, the primal demonstration of the causal Agent, of the Force. It represents the root of each event, of each variation of the state of an Entity. It's the foundation of the Reality. It's the substrate of the Forms, organized by the Relationship, in Information and in Structures of Information. The Force, the fundamental Operator, in producing Action, expresses itself in three inseparable ways:
    *Operator Perturbation (generally said Operator Action, or simply Action): it transmutes the pressure of the Force in an incessant flux of variation, fluctuations, of the fundamental parameters of the Field of Action
    *Operator Propagation transmutes the perturbations in translational fluxes (Translation, directed to the reinstatement of the homogeneity, of the isotropy
    *Operator Conservation transmutes the propagation of the perturbations in rotational fluxes (Rotation, that tend to conserve the same perturbations. Action The Action represents the expression, the primal demonstration of the causal Agent, of the Force. It represents the root of each event, of each variation of the state of an Entity. It's the foundation of the Reality. It's the substrate of the Forms, organized by the Relationship, in Information and in Structures of Information. The Force, the fundamental Operator, in producing Action, expresses itself in three inseparable ways:
    *Operator Perturbation (generally said Operator Action, or simply Action): it transmutes the pressure of the Force in an incessant flux of variation, fluctuations, of the fundamental parameters of the Field of Action
    *Operator Propagation transmutes the perturbations in translational fluxes (Translation, directed to the reinstatement of the homogeneity, of the isotropy
    *Operator Conservation transmutes the propagation of the perturbations in rotational fluxes (Rotation, that tend to conserve the same perturbations.

d_force_constrain_action Forza-Vincolo-Azione "Struttura causale fondamentale, che lega i seguenti enti:

Il vincolo è la resistenza espressa dal Campo all'azione della Forza (Agente), nel processo di produzione dell'Azione (sub processo di Creazione).
L'intensità della resistenza prodotta dal vincolo costituisce un paramentro fondamentale del Campo, da cui discendono le proprietà fondamentali della Realtà.
Più in generale, dall'intensità e dalle modalità di espressione dei vincoli emergono proprietà fondamentali degli Enti e dei Fenomeni." Force-Constraint-Action Fundamental causal Structure, that ties the following entities: *Agent (the Force)
The constraint is the resistance expressed by the Field of the action of the Force (Agent), in the process of production of the Action (sub process of Creation).
The intensity of the resistance produced by the constraint constitutes a fundamental parameter of the Field, from which descend the fundamental properties of the Reality.
More generally, by the intensity and by the ways of expression of the constraints emerge fundamental properties of the Entities and of the Phenomena. Force-Constraint-Action Fundamental causal Structure, that ties the following entities: *Agent (the Force)
The constraint is the resistance expressed by the Field of the action of the Force (Agent), in the process of production of the Action (sub process of Creation).
The intensity of the resistance produced by the constraint constitutes a fundamental parameter of the Field, from which descend the fundamental properties of the Reality.
More generally, by the intensity and by the ways of expression of the constraints emerge fundamental properties of the Entities and of the Phenomena.

d_pert_op Perturbazione "Una delle tre modalità di espressione dell'Azione, la più fondamentale.
L'Operatore Perturbazione, trattandosi della vera radice dell'Azione, viene genericamente denominato Operatore Azione, o semplicemente Azione). Esso trasmuta la pressione della Forza in un flusso incessante di variazioni, fluttuazioni, dei parametri che descrivono il Campo dell'Azione.
Espressione del Principio Perturbativo. Crezione degli Eventi al livello più elementare, anisotropie, gradienti nel Campo, che costituiscono l'Azione.
" Perturbation One of the three ways of expression of the Action, the most fundamental.
The Operator Perturbation, being a matter of real root of the Action, is generally denominated Operator Action, or simply Action). It transmutes the pressure of the Force in an incessant flux of variations, fluctuations, of the parameters that describe the Field of Action.
Expression of the Perturbation Principle. Creation of the Events at the most elementary level, anisotropies, gradients in the Field, that constitute the Action.
Perturbation One of the three ways of expression of the Action, the most fundamental.
The Operator Perturbation, being a matter of real root of the Action, is generally denominated Operator Action, or simply Action). It transmutes the pressure of the Force in an incessant flux of variations, fluctuations, of the parameters that describe the Field of Action.
Expression of the Perturbation Principle. Creation of the Events at the most elementary level, anisotropies, gradients in the Field, that constitute the Action.

d_prop_op Propagazione L'Operatore Propagazione organizza le variazioni, le fluttuazioni dei parametri che descrivono il Campo dell'Azione, prodotte dall'Operatore Perturbazione, in Azione diretta al ripristino dell'omogeneità, dell'isotropia del Campo dell'Azione. Propagation The Operator Propagation organizes the variations, the fluctuations of the parameters that describe th Field of Action, produced by the Operator Perturbation, in Action directed to the reinstatement of the homogeneity, of the isotropy of the Field of the Action. Propagation The Operator Propagation organizes the variations, the fluctuations of the parameters that describe th Field of Action, produced by the Operator Perturbation, in Action directed to the reinstatement of the homogeneity, of the isotropy of the Field of the Action.

d_cons_op Conservazione L'Operatore Conservazione organizza i flussi di propagazione delle perturbazioni in Azione che tende a conservare la disomogeneità, l'anisotropia del Campo dell'Azione. Conservation The Operator Conservation organizes the fluxes of propagation of the perturbations in Action that tends to conserve the dishomogeinity, the anisotropy of the Field of Action. Conservation The Operator Conservation organizes the fluxes of propagation of the perturbations in Action that tends to conserve the dishomogeinity, the anisotropy of the Field of Action.

d_rel_op Relazione "L'Operatore Relazione, o più propriamente ""Operatore Forza Relazione"", insieme all'Operatore Forza Esistenza, è una delle due manifestazioni dell’agente fondamentale della Realtà: la Forza.
Come l'espressione dell'Operatore Forza Esistenza, agendo sul Campo, produce l'Azione, così l'Operatore Forza Relazione, agendo sul Campo dell'Azione, produce l'Informazione, Azione organizzata, che, sempre grazie all'espressione dell'Operatore Relazione, si organizza in Strutture di Informazione, Forme, l'intero Universo in evoluzione.
L'operatore Relazione, radice dell'Essenza, della Forma, è il motore dell'Evoluzione. L'azione, la pressione esertitata dall'Operatore Relazione sul Campo, attraverso l'Organizzazione, la Trasformazione e la Selezione delle relazioni tra gli eventi, produce l'incessante dispiegarsi del Ciclo dell'Informazione, il vero cuore del processo evolutivo che costruisce la Realtà. Processi anabolici, costruttivi, organizzativi, e processi catabolici, distruttivi, trasformativi, si intrecciano incessantemente, in una continua tensione verso equilibri dinamici, verso adattamenti co-evolutivi, producendo, da un lato, eventi sempre più complessi, per il vaglio della Selezione, e dall'altro eventi più elementari, nuovo carburante per l'organizzazione di nuove e più grandi complessità.
L’Informazione, l'insieme degli Eventi che costituiscono l'Azione e delle Relazioni che li organizzano, all'interno dei principi fondamentali che ne governano la dinamica, supporta l’incessante formazione della Realtà, il divenire che senza soluzione di continuità caratterizza lo sviluppo evolutivo dell’Universo, rappresentato dall'esistenza spaziotemporale e dalla permanenza causale nel Campo delle Strutture, dalle più elementari alle più complesse, materiali e non materiali, e dell’insieme delle relazioni dinamiche tra le stesse. " Relation "The Operator Relation, or more really ""Operator Force Relation"", together with the Operator Force Existence, is one of the two manifestation of the fundamental agent of the Reality: the Force.
As the expression of the Operator Force Existence, acting on the Field, produces the Action, so the Operator Force Relation, acting on the FIeld of Action, produces the Information, organized Action, that, always thanks to the expression of the Operator Realtion, organizes itself in Structures of Information, Forms, the entire Universe in evolution.
The operator Relation, root of the Essence, of the Form, is the engine of the Evolution. The action, the pressure exercised by the Operator Relation on the Field, through the Organization, the Transformation and the Selection of the relationships between the events, produces the incessant deploy of the Cycle of the Information, the real hearth of the evolutive process that constructs the Reality. Anabolic, constructive, organizative processes, and catabolic destroying, transformative processes incessantly intertwin, in a continous tension toward dynamic balances, towards co-evolutive adjustments, producing, by a side, always more complex events for the examination of the Selection, new fuel for the organization of new and greater complexities.
The Information, the set of the Events that constitute the Action and of the Relations that organize them within the fundamental principles that govern the dynamic, supports the incessant formation of the Reality, the becoming that without solution of continuity characterizes the evolutive development of the Universe, represented by the space-temporal existence and by the causal permanence in the Field of the Structures, from the most elementary to the most complex ones, material and immaterial, and of the set of the dynamic relationships between the same ones. " Relation "The Operator Relation, or more really ""Operator Force Relation"", together with the Operator Force Existence, is one of the two manifestation of the fundamental agent of the Reality: the Force.
As the expression of the Operator Force Existence, acting on the Field, produces the Action, so the Operator Force Relation, acting on the FIeld of Action, produces the Information, organized Action, that, always thanks to the expression of the Operator Realtion, organizes itself in Structures of Information, Forms, the entire Universe in evolution.
The operator Relation, root of the Essence, of the Form, is the engine of the Evolution. The action, the pressure exercised by the Operator Relation on the Field, through the Organization, the Transformation and the Selection of the relationships between the events, produces the incessant deploy of the Cycle of the Information, the real hearth of the evolutive process that constructs the Reality. Anabolic, constructive, organizative processes, and catabolic destroying, transformative processes incessantly intertwin, in a continous tension toward dynamic balances, towards co-evolutive adjustments, producing, by a side, always more complex events for the examination of the Selection, new fuel for the organization of new and greater complexities.
The Information, the set of the Events that constitute the Action and of the Relations that organize them within the fundamental principles that govern the dynamic, supports the incessant formation of the Reality, the becoming that without solution of continuity characterizes the evolutive development of the Universe, represented by the space-temporal existence and by the causal permanence in the Field of the Structures, from the most elementary to the most complex ones, material and immaterial, and of the set of the dynamic relationships between the same ones. "

d_gradients Gradienti "Nell'ambito della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, gradiente è la variazione dei paramentri che descrivono il Campo lungo una direzione scelta, orma più elementare di disomogenità, di anisotropia.
Manifestazione primaria dell'Azione. I gradienti elementari vengono prodotti dall'azione della Forza, che perturba il Campo dell'Azione.
A livelli più complessi, i gradienti vengono prodotti dall'azione delle forze derivate, che perturbano i campi derivati, caratterizzazioni del campo fondamentale, livelli e modalità diverse di organizzazione degli Eventi, che costituiscono l'Azione." Gradients In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, gradient is the variation of the parameters that describe the Field along a chosen direction, more elementary trace of dishomogeneity, of anisotropy.
First manifestation of Action. The elementary gradients are produced by the action of the Force, that perturbates the Field of Action.
At more complex levels, the gradients are produced by the action of the derived forces, that perturbate the derived fields, characterizations of the fundamental field, different levels and ways of organization of the Events, that constitute the Action. Gradients In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, gradient is the variation of the parameters that describe the Field along a chosen direction, more elementary trace of dishomogeneity, of anisotropy.
First manifestation of Action. The elementary gradients are produced by the action of the Force, that perturbates the Field of Action.
At more complex levels, the gradients are produced by the action of the derived forces, that perturbate the derived fields, characterizations of the fundamental field, different levels and ways of organization of the Events, that constitute the Action.

d_states Stati "Possibile configurazione del Campo nel suo complesso o di domini locali più o meno estesi.
Più in generale, uno stato di un ente è rappresentato dall'insieme degli attributi, delle proprietà dell'ente e delle relazioni che lo legano all'ambiente (l'insieme degli altri enti esistenti).
Configurazione di un sistema dinamico, insieme dei valori dei parametri che descrivono il sistema." States Possible configuration of the Field in its complex or of more or less extended local domains.
More generally, a state of an entity is represented by the set of the attributes, of the properties of the entity and of the relationships that tie its to the environment (the set of the other existing entities).
Configuration of a dynamic system, set of the values of the parameters that describe the system. States Possible configuration of the Field in its complex or of more or less extended local domains.
More generally, a state of an entity is represented by the set of the attributes, of the properties of the entity and of the relationships that tie its to the environment (the set of the other existing entities).
Configuration of a dynamic system, set of the values of the parameters that describe the system.

d_derived_fields Campi derivati "I Campi Derivati, e le relative Forze Derivate, consistono in differenti aspetti, differenti configurazioni del Campo dell'Azione. Essi rappresentano diverse caratterizzazioni dello stesso campo fondamentale, del quale, da differenti punti di vista, osserviamo via via diversi livelli e modalità di organizzazione degli Eventi che costituiscono l'Azione. In ogni configurazione del Campo dell'Azione, in ogni campo derivato, si producono differenti insiemi di Fenomeni, tra differenti tipologie di Eventi a vari livelli di complessità. Ne derivano diverse dinamiche di espressione delle forze derivate coinvolte.
A livello della Realtà Fisica, troviamo, ad esempio, il campo (e la relativa forza) gravitazionale, il campo e la forza elettromagnetica, il campo nucleare, e così via, con le relative dinamiche (es. la dinamica della gravitazione, l'elettrodinamica, la cromodinamica, ecc.). Questi campi rappresentano differenti forme di organizzazione dei parametri che caratterizzano i Micro-stati, i punti evento dello spaziotempo (Perturbazione, Traslazione, Rotazione)." Derived fields The Derived Fields, and the related Derived Forces, consist in different aspects, different configuratins of the Field of Action. They represent different characterizations of the same fndamental field, of which,from different point of view, we gradually observe different levels and ways of organization of the Events that constitute the Action. In each configuration of the FIeld of the Action, in each derived field, are produced different sets of Phenomena, between different types of Events at various levels of complexity. Different dynamics of expression of the involved derived forces are generated.
At the level of the Physical Reality, we find, e.g., the gravitational field (and the related force), the field and the electromagnetic force, the nuclear field, and so on, with the related dynamics (e.g. the dynamic of the gravitation, the electrodynamic, the chromodynamic, etc.) These field represent different forms of organization of the parameters that characterize the Micro-states, the points event of the spacetime (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation). Derived fields The Derived Fields, and the related Derived Forces, consist in different aspects, different configuratins of the Field of Action. They represent different characterizations of the same fndamental field, of which,from different point of view, we gradually observe different levels and ways of organization of the Events that constitute the Action. In each configuration of the FIeld of the Action, in each derived field, are produced different sets of Phenomena, between different types of Events at various levels of complexity. Different dynamics of expression of the involved derived forces are generated.
At the level of the Physical Reality, we find, e.g., the gravitational field (and the related force), the field and the electromagnetic force, the nuclear field, and so on, with the related dynamics (e.g. the dynamic of the gravitation, the electrodynamic, the chromodynamic, etc.) These field represent different forms of organization of the parameters that characterize the Micro-states, the points event of the spacetime (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation).

d_info_dyna Dinamica dell Informazione La Dinamica dell'Informazione è quella parte della Dinamica Evoluzionistica che, del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, studia specificamente il livello dell Informazione. Analizza e descrive tutti i processi di organizzazione, trasformazione e selezione dell'Informazione (Azione che prende Forma), che rappresentano processi di costruzione di complessità crescenti. Dynamics of Information The Dynamic of Information is that part of the Evolutionary Dynamic that specifically studies the level of Information of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality. It analyzes and describes all the processes of organization, transformation and selection of Information (Action that takes Form), that represent processes of construction of rising complexities. Dynamics of Information The Dynamic of Information is that part of the Evolutionary Dynamic that specifically studies the level of Information of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality. It analyzes and describes all the processes of organization, transformation and selection of Information (Action that takes Form), that represent processes of construction of rising complexities.

d_information Informazione "L'Informazione è l’entità che dà forma.
A tutti i livelli della Realtà, l’Informazione rappresenta l'Azione organizzata dall'insieme delle relazioni, prodotte dall'espressione dell'Operatore Relazione, che legano gli eventi, e, allo stesso tempo, lo schema di organizzazione delle relazioni che legano gli stessi eventi in processi, gli elementi informativi in strutture, le parti in un sistema, in un tutto.
E’ l’elemento organizzatore nei processi “caos-ordine”, elemento fondamentale nell'evoluzione verso la complessità.
Al livello dell'Informazione agiscono i seguenti Operatori, che rappresentano il ciclo dell'Informazione, realizzando il processo evolutivo della Realtà:

Nel Processo di Formazione della Realtà Fisica parliamo di Informazione Fisica: è l'Informazione che organizzare le Strutture e le Forme della Materia oscura (aloni e onde gravitazionali) e della Materia ordinaria (particelle massive e radiazione).
Nel Processo di Formazione della Metarealtà parliamo di Informazione Cognitiva: è l'Informazione che organizza le Strutture e le Forme Metafisiche o Cognitive, prodotte dall'attività cognitiva degli Agenti Finalistici (Forme Viventi e Automi)." Information "The Information is the entity that gives form.
At all the levels of Reality, the Information represents the organized Action of the set of the relationsips, produced by the expression of the Operator Relation that tie the events, and in the sametime, the pattern of organization of the relationships that tie the same events in processes, the informative elements in structures, the parts in a system, in a whole.
It's the organizing element in the processes ""chaos-order"", fundamental element in the evolution towards the complexity.
At the level of the Information act the following Operators that represent the cycle of the Information, realizing the evolutive process of Reality:
*Operator Organiztion
*Operator Transformation
*Operator Selection
In the Process of Formation of Physical Reality we speak about Physical Information: it's the Information that organizes the Structures and the Forms of the dark Matter (halos and gravitational waves) and of the ordinary Matter (massive particles and radiation)
In the Process of Formation of the Metareality we speak about Cognitive Information: it's the Information that organizes the Structures and the Metaphysical Forms or Cognitive, produced by the cognitive activity of the Finalistic Agents (Living Forms and Robots)." Information "The Information is the entity that gives form.
At all the levels of Reality, the Information represents the organized Action of the set of the relationsips, produced by the expression of the Operator Relation that tie the events, and in the sametime, the pattern of organization of the relationships that tie the same events in processes, the informative elements in structures, the parts in a system, in a whole.
It's the organizing element in the processes ""chaos-order"", fundamental element in the evolution towards the complexity.
At the level of the Information act the following Operators that represent the cycle of the Information, realizing the evolutive process of Reality:
*Operator Organiztion
*Operator Transformation
*Operator Selection
In the Process of Formation of Physical Reality we speak about Physical Information: it's the Information that organizes the Structures and the Forms of the dark Matter (halos and gravitational waves) and of the ordinary Matter (massive particles and radiation)
In the Process of Formation of the Metareality we speak about Cognitive Information: it's the Information that organizes the Structures and the Metaphysical Forms or Cognitive, produced by the cognitive activity of the Finalistic Agents (Living Forms and Robots)."

d_role_info Ruolo dell Informazione nell Universo "L'Operatore Relazione dà forma all Azione, creando Informazione, Azione organizzata.
A tutti i livelli di complessità, allo stesso tempo, l’Informazione rappresenta lo schema di organizzazione che lega gli eventi in processi, l'Azione in Strutture, le parti nel tutto.
Tutto ciò di cui possiamo fare esperienza è Informazione: ""In - Forma - Azione"" = Azione che prende Forma.
Ogni interazione, ogni osservazione, ogni misurazione fisica, ogni percezione e ogni scambio tra i sistemi cognitivi degli esseri viventi consiste sempre in un insieme di interazioni tra Strutture di Informazione, in ultima analisi, scambio di Informazione (Azione in qualche modo strutturata, dotata di forma) tra sistemi (strutture o forme).
A livello della Realtà Fisica, parliamo di Strutture di Informazione nella forma di materia oscura (aloni e onde gravitazionali) e di strutture di materia ordinaria (particelle, semplici e composte, e onde elettromagnetiche).
A livello della Metarealtà, parliamo di Strutture di Informazione (Strutture Cognitive e di Forme Cognitive (Sistemi di Conoscenza) generate dall'attività cognitiva degli Agenti Finalistici (Forme Viventi e Automi - agenti autonomi)." Role of Information in the Universe "The Operator Relation gives form to the Action, creating the Information, organized Action.
At all the levels of complexity, at the same time, the Information represents the pattern of organization that tie the events in processes, the Action in Structures, the parts in the whole.
Everything we can make experience is Information: ""In - Form - Action = Action that takes Form.
Each interaction, each observation, each physical measurement, each perception and each exchange between the cognitive systems of the living being always consists in a set of interactions between Structures of Information, in last analysis, exchange of Information (Action in certain way structured, provided with form) between systems (structures or forms).
At the level of Physical Reality, we speak about Structures of Information in the form of dark matter (halos and gravitational waves) and structures of ordinary matter simply and composed (particles, and electromagnetic waves.
At the level of the Metareality, we speak about Structures of Information (Cognitive Structures and of Cognitive Forms Systems of Knowledge) generated by the cognitive activity of the Finalistic Agents (Living Forms and Robots - independent agents)." Role of Information in the Universe "The Operator Relation gives form to the Action, creating the Information, organized Action.
At all the levels of complexity, at the same time, the Information represents the pattern of organization that tie the events in processes, the Action in Structures, the parts in the whole.
Everything we can make experience is Information: ""In - Form - Action = Action that takes Form.
Each interaction, each observation, each physical measurement, each perception and each exchange between the cognitive systems of the living being always consists in a set of interactions between Structures of Information, in last analysis, exchange of Information (Action in certain way structured, provided with form) between systems (structures or forms).
At the level of Physical Reality, we speak about Structures of Information in the form of dark matter (halos and gravitational waves) and structures of ordinary matter simply and composed (particles, and electromagnetic waves.
At the level of the Metareality, we speak about Structures of Information (Cognitive Structures and of Cognitive Forms Systems of Knowledge) generated by the cognitive activity of the Finalistic Agents (Living Forms and Robots - independent agents)."

d_complexity Complessità "La complessità è la misura del contenuto di Informazione, livello di organizzazione dell'Azione, di una Forma. La complessità rappresenta l’estensione del processo causale che ha prodotto la Forma in oggetto, in altre parole, la quantità e il livello di organizzazione degli eventi che hanno prodotto la suddetta Struttura o Forma.
La complessità è il risultato dell'incessante evoluzione dell'Informazione. Evoluzione di eventi, processi, strutture e Forme. In altri termini, la complessità rappresenta il prodotto del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, l'organizzazione emergente, prodotta dall'incessante evoluzione, alimentata dalla Forza (Forza Relazione - Operatore REL), che opera a tutti i livelli della Realtà. In senso statistico, rappresenta una misura del grado di organizzazione di un sistema o dell’Universo nel suo complesso.
Nella scala continua che va dal caos assoluto all'ordine assoluto, i processi evolutivi costruiscono livelli crescenti di organizzazione, che corrispondono a picchi di complessità che osserviamo nella Realtà. E' nell'equilibrio dinamico, o, per meglio dire, nel disequilibrio in continua tensione verso un irrangiungibile equilibrio, che l'interazione tra processi anabolici (costruttivi - Operatore Organizzazione) e processi catabolici (distruttivi - Operatore Trasformazione) produce le Forme della Realtà.
Entalpia e entropia. Le funzioni di stato dei sistemi evolvono verso stati localmente e/o globalmente più complessi (meno probabili), in una incessante danza su traiettorie che ora volgono verso il caos (es: secondo principio della termodinamica) ora verso l'ordine (principio sistemico dell'ordine emergente)." Complexity The complexity is the measure of the contents of Information, level of organization of the Action, of a Form. The complexity represents the extension of the causal process that has produced the Form in object, in other words, the quantity and the level of organization of the events that have produced the above mentioned Structure or Form.
The complexity is the result of the incessant evolution of the Information. Evolution of events, processes, structures and Forms. In other terms, the complexity represents the product of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, the emerging organization, produced by the incessant evolution, nourished by the Force (Force Relation - Operator REL), that operates at all the levels of the Reality. In statistical sense, it represents a measure of the degree of organization of a system or of the Universe in its complex.
In the continous scale that goes from the absolute chaos to the absolute order, the evolutive processes construct rising levels of organization, that correspond to peaks of complexity we observe in the Reality. It's in the dynamic balance, or more precisely, in the imbalance in continous tension towards an unattainable balance, that the interaction between the anabolic processes (constructive - Operator Organization) and catabolic processes (destroying - Operator Transformation produces the Forms of the Reality.
Enthalpy and entropy. The functions of sate of the systems evolve towards locally and/or globally more complex (less probable) states, in an incessant dance on trajectories that now turn towards the chaos (e.g.: according to the principle of the thermodynamic) now towards the order (systemic principle of the emerging order). Complexity The complexity is the measure of the contents of Information, level of organization of the Action, of a Form. The complexity represents the extension of the causal process that has produced the Form in object, in other words, the quantity and the level of organization of the events that have produced the above mentioned Structure or Form.
The complexity is the result of the incessant evolution of the Information. Evolution of events, processes, structures and Forms. In other terms, the complexity represents the product of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, the emerging organization, produced by the incessant evolution, nourished by the Force (Force Relation - Operator REL), that operates at all the levels of the Reality. In statistical sense, it represents a measure of the degree of organization of a system or of the Universe in its complex.
In the continous scale that goes from the absolute chaos to the absolute order, the evolutive processes construct rising levels of organization, that correspond to peaks of complexity we observe in the Reality. It's in the dynamic balance, or more precisely, in the imbalance in continous tension towards an unattainable balance, that the interaction between the anabolic processes (constructive - Operator Organization) and catabolic processes (destroying - Operator Transformation produces the Forms of the Reality.
Enthalpy and entropy. The functions of sate of the systems evolve towards locally and/or globally more complex (less probable) states, in an incessant dance on trajectories that now turn towards the chaos (e.g.: according to the principle of the thermodynamic) now towards the order (systemic principle of the emerging order).

d_ev_theory Teoria dell Evoluzione Nell'ambito della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, la Teoria Evoluzionistica assume una centralità e un'importanza fondamentale. Essa costituisce una parte fondamentale della Dinamica Evoluzionistica. Ogni aspetto della Realtà, dal Campo dell'Azione, all'Informazione, alle Strutture di Informazione, alle Forme e all'intero Universo, sia a livello della Realtà Fisica che della Realtà Metafisica, è incessantemente interessato da un continuo processo di Evoluzione, in cui l'essenza, la forma, di ogni entità esistente muta incessantemente attraverso un processo di co-evoluzione interattiva con l'ambiente. Gli Operatori Evoluzionistici (Organizzazione, Trasformazione e Selezione) realizzano tutti gli aspetti e tutti i fenomeni che possiamo osservare nei processi evolutivi naturali, sia a livello fisico e cosmologico, sia a livello biologico e cognitivo. Theory of Evolution In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, the Evolutionary Theory has a centrality and a fundamental importance. It constitutes a fundamental part of the Evolutionary Dynamics. Each aspect of the Reality, from the Field of Action, to the Information, to the Structures of Information, to the Forms and to the entire Universe, both at level of Physical Reality and the Metaphysical Reality, is incessantly interestedby a continous process of Evolution, in which the essence, the form, of each existing entity incessantly changes towards a process of interactive co-evolution with the environment. The Evolutionary Operators (Organization, Transformation and Selection realize all the aspects and all the phenomena we can observe in the evolutive natural processes, both at physical cosmological level and at biological cognitive level. Theory of Evolution In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, the Evolutionary Theory has a centrality and a fundamental importance. It constitutes a fundamental part of the Evolutionary Dynamics. Each aspect of the Reality, from the Field of Action, to the Information, to the Structures of Information, to the Forms and to the entire Universe, both at level of Physical Reality and the Metaphysical Reality, is incessantly interestedby a continous process of Evolution, in which the essence, the form, of each existing entity incessantly changes towards a process of interactive co-evolution with the environment. The Evolutionary Operators (Organization, Transformation and Selection realize all the aspects and all the phenomena we can observe in the evolutive natural processes, both at physical cosmological level and at biological cognitive level.

d_organization Organizzazione "L'Operatore Organizzazione, o auto-organizzazione, determina l’emergere di relazioni tra eventi caotici, non organizzati, la creazione di nuova Informazione, l’incremento della complessità del Campo dell'Azione, delle Strutture, dei sistemi, delle Forme, dell’Universo nel suo complesso.
Incessantemente la Realtà incorpora nuovi eventi caotici in un flusso evolutivo di organizzazione emergente. L'Operatore Organizzazione, espressione dell'Operatore Forza Relazione esercita una costante pressione dal caos verso l’ordine, in senso anti-entropico.
Principio anabolico, costruttivo, creativo. E’ la modalità di espressione dell’Operatore Relazionale che crea nuova Informazione, nuovi schemi relazionali tra gli Eventi. A livelli della Realtà più complessi, questo operatore crea nuove relazioni tra le parti costituenti delle Forme, relazioni tra le Strutture, a formare Forme e sistemi via via più complessi. A livello dell’evoluzione biologica, ad esempio, esso si caratterizza come meccanismo di mutazione genetica.
L’Informazione emersa dal caos attraverso il processo di auto-organizzazione tende a conservarsi caratterizzandosi per una permanenza causale che genera nuovi effetti, nuova Informazione, in un crescendo di complessità." Organization The Operator Organization, or self-organization, determines the emerging of relationships between not organized chaotic events, the creation of new Information, the increasing of the complexity of the Field of Action, of the Structures, of the systems, of the Forms, of the Universe in its complex.
Incessantly the Reality incorporates new chaotic events in an evolutive flux of emerging organization. The Operator Organization, expression of the Operator Force Relation exercises a costant pressure from the chaos towards the order, in anti-entropic sense.
Anabolic costructive, creative Principle. It's the way of expression of the Relational Operator that creates new Information, new relational patterns between the Events. At more complex levels of the Reality, this operator creates new relationships between the constituting parts of the FOrms, relationships between the Structures, to form form and system gradually more complex. At level of the biological evolution, e.g. it charactherizes itself as mechanism of genetic mutation.
The information emerged by the chos through the process of self-organization tends to conserve itself characterising for a causal permanence that generates new effects, new Information, in a crescendo of complexity. Organization The Operator Organization, or self-organization, determines the emerging of relationships between not organized chaotic events, the creation of new Information, the increasing of the complexity of the Field of Action, of the Structures, of the systems, of the Forms, of the Universe in its complex.
Incessantly the Reality incorporates new chaotic events in an evolutive flux of emerging organization. The Operator Organization, expression of the Operator Force Relation exercises a costant pressure from the chaos towards the order, in anti-entropic sense.
Anabolic costructive, creative Principle. It's the way of expression of the Relational Operator that creates new Information, new relational patterns between the Events. At more complex levels of the Reality, this operator creates new relationships between the constituting parts of the FOrms, relationships between the Structures, to form form and system gradually more complex. At level of the biological evolution, e.g. it charactherizes itself as mechanism of genetic mutation.
The information emerged by the chos through the process of self-organization tends to conserve itself characterising for a causal permanence that generates new effects, new Information, in a crescendo of complexity.

d_transformation Trasformazione "L'Operatore Trasformazione, o dis-organizzazione, determina la distruzione di relazioni tra eventi già organizzati, la distruzione di Informazione, la riduzione della complessità del Campo dell Azione, delle Strutture di Informazione, dei Sistemi, delle Forme, dell’Universo nel suo complesso.
Incessantemente, nella Realtà, strutture di Informazione vengono meno, si scindono nelle strutture costituenti, in sottoinsiemi di eventi che vanno a costituire nuova materia prima per l’azione dell’Operatore Organizzazione. Si distrugge così l’informazione di più alto livello, l’insieme delle relazioni tra le parti. L’Operatore Trasformazione esercita una costante pressione dall’ordine verso il caos, in senso entropico (nell’ambito della fisica della materia possiamo identificare tale operatore nella Seconda Legge della Termodinamica). Al livello dell’evoluzione biologica esso si caratterizza come il meccanismo della ricombinazione (Operatore Trasformazione con contemporanea o successiva azione dell’Operatore Organizzazione) .
E' la radice di processi catabolici, distruttivi. E’ la modalità di espressione dell’operatore relazionale che attraverso l’interazione trasforma Informazione esistente, genera nuovi schemi relazionali tra gli Eventi attraverso la relazione tra reti di relazioni esistenti. A livello più complesso crea diverse mutevoli relazioni tra le parti costituenti le Forme, tra le Strutture elementari, a formare Strutture e sistemi a complessità variabile. La continua interazione dell'Informazione che realizza una Forma con l’ambiente (l’insieme dell’Informazione che realizza tutte le Forme dell’Universo), trasforma sia la Forma in oggetto che le Forme con cui si stabilisce l’interazione, e in modo indiretto ed esteso, trasforma l’intero Universo. Il Campo è unico e unitario, così è l’insieme dell’Informazione, delle Forme, l’ambiente, che è interamente connesso, prodotto di un unico processo unitario, l'Uni-verso." Transformation The Operator Transformation, or dis-organization, determines the destruction of relationships between already organized events, the destruction of Information, the redution of the complexity of the Field of Action, of the Structures of Information, of the Systems, of the Forms, of the Universe in its complex.
Incessantly, in the Reality, structures of Information fail, they divide themselves in constituting structures, in subsets of events that constitute new raw material for the action of the Operator Organization. The highest level Information is destroyed, the set of the relationships between the parts. The Operator Transformation exercises a costant pressure from the order towards the chaos, in entropic sense (in the area of the physics of the matter we can identify this operator in the Second Law of the Thermodynamics). At the level of the biological evolution it characterize itself as the mechanism of the crossing-over (Operator Transformation with contemporary or following action of the Operator Organization).
It's the root of catabolic, destroying processes. It's the way of exprssion of the relational operator that through the interaction transforms existing Information, generates new relational patterns between Events through the relationships between networks of existing relationships. At more complex level it creates different changeable relationships between the parts constituting the Forms, between the elementary Structures, to form Structures and systems with variable complexity. The continous interaction of the Information that realizes a Form with the environment (the set of the Information that realizes all the Forms of the Universe), transforms both the Forms in object and the Forms with which the interaction settles, and in indirect and extended way, transforms the entire Universe. The Field is unique and unitary, so it's the set of the Information, of the Forms, the environment that is completely connected, product of an unique and unitary process, the Uni-verse. Transformation The Operator Transformation, or dis-organization, determines the destruction of relationships between already organized events, the destruction of Information, the redution of the complexity of the Field of Action, of the Structures of Information, of the Systems, of the Forms, of the Universe in its complex.
Incessantly, in the Reality, structures of Information fail, they divide themselves in constituting structures, in subsets of events that constitute new raw material for the action of the Operator Organization. The highest level Information is destroyed, the set of the relationships between the parts. The Operator Transformation exercises a costant pressure from the order towards the chaos, in entropic sense (in the area of the physics of the matter we can identify this operator in the Second Law of the Thermodynamics). At the level of the biological evolution it characterize itself as the mechanism of the crossing-over (Operator Transformation with contemporary or following action of the Operator Organization).
It's the root of catabolic, destroying processes. It's the way of exprssion of the relational operator that through the interaction transforms existing Information, generates new relational patterns between Events through the relationships between networks of existing relationships. At more complex level it creates different changeable relationships between the parts constituting the Forms, between the elementary Structures, to form Structures and systems with variable complexity. The continous interaction of the Information that realizes a Form with the environment (the set of the Information that realizes all the Forms of the Universe), transforms both the Forms in object and the Forms with which the interaction settles, and in indirect and extended way, transforms the entire Universe. The Field is unique and unitary, so it's the set of the Information, of the Forms, the environment that is completely connected, product of an unique and unitary process, the Uni-verse.

d_selection Selezione "L'Operatore Selezione determina la permanenza causale degli Eventi, dell'Informazione, delle Strutture di Informazione, delle Forme, dei sistemi nel rapporto con gli altri Eventi, Strutture, Forme, sistemi che compongono l’Universo, e che costituiscono “l’ambiente”. L’azione di tale operatore si sostanzia, quindi, nella incessante interazione costruttiva o distruttiva tra Eventi elementari e complessi, Informazione, Strutture, Forme.
E’ la modalità di espressione dell’Operatore Relazionale che determina la distruzione o la conservazione causale degli schemi di relazione tra Eventi. Determina, quindi, la permanenza causale dell’Informazione, e ai livelli complessi delle Strutture e delle Forme determina la permanenza causale delle Forme stesse, che producono nuovi effetti in una incessante interazione.
Terzo funzionale del livello dell’Informazione ed elemento di uscita del relativo ciclo metabolico. Insieme a Organizzazione e a Trasformazione, realizza i processi di adattamento che rappresentano le strutture evolutive responsabili della incessante crescita della complessità della Realtà.
Al livello dell’evoluzione biologica l’Operatore Selezione si caratterizza come meccanismo di selezione naturale." Selection "The Operator Selection determines the causal permanence of the Events, of the Information, of the Structures of Information, of the Forms, of the systems in the relationship with the other Events, Structures, Forms, systems that copose the Universe, and that constitute ""the environment"", Tha action of this operator materializes, therefore, in the incessant constructive or destroying interaction between elementary and complex Events, Information, Structures, Forms. <br It's the way of expression of the Relational Operator that determines the destruction or the causal conservation of the patterns of relationships between Events. It determines, therefore, the causal permanence of the Information, and at the complex levels of the Structures and of the FOrms determines the causal permanence of the same Forms, that produce new effects in an incessant interaction.
Third functional of the level of the Information and element of way out of the related metabolic cycle. Together with Organization and with Transformation, realizes the processes o adjustment that represent the evoutive structures responsible of the incessant growth of the complexity of the Reality.
At the level of the biological evoution the Operator Selection charactherizes itself as mechanism of natural selection. " Selection "The Operator Selection determines the causal permanence of the Events, of the Information, of the Structures of Information, of the Forms, of the systems in the relationship with the other Events, Structures, Forms, systems that copose the Universe, and that constitute ""the environment"", Tha action of this operator materializes, therefore, in the incessant constructive or destroying interaction between elementary and complex Events, Information, Structures, Forms. <br It's the way of expression of the Relational Operator that determines the destruction or the causal conservation of the patterns of relationships between Events. It determines, therefore, the causal permanence of the Information, and at the complex levels of the Structures and of the FOrms determines the causal permanence of the same Forms, that produce new effects in an incessant interaction.
Third functional of the level of the Information and element of way out of the related metabolic cycle. Together with Organization and with Transformation, realizes the processes o adjustment that represent the evoutive structures responsible of the incessant growth of the complexity of the Reality.
At the level of the biological evoution the Operator Selection charactherizes itself as mechanism of natural selection. "

d_structures_dyna Dinamica delle Strutture di Informazione La Dinamica delle Strutture di Informazione è quella parte della Dinamica Evoluzionistica che, nell'ambito del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, studia specificamente il Livello delle Strutture. Analizza e descrive tutti i processi di formazione delle due principali tipologie di Strutture, le Strutture di Propagazione e le Strutture di Conservazione, e le Interazioni che producono le Strutture Miste. Dynamics of Structures of Information The Dynamic of Structures of Information is that part of the Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the area of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, studies the Level of Structures. It analizes and describes all the processes of formation of the two principal types of Structures, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and the Interactions that produce the Mixed Structures. Dynamics of Structures of Information The Dynamic of Structures of Information is that part of the Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the area of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, studies the Level of Structures. It analizes and describes all the processes of formation of the two principal types of Structures, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and the Interactions that produce the Mixed Structures.

d_info_structures Strutture di Informazione "Le Strutture di Informazione, a tutti i livelli di complessità, rappresentano i blocchi costruttivi della Realtà Fisica e della Metarealtà. Una Struttura di Informazione è un insieme, una rete di Eventi organizzati (Azione organizzata, Informazione) che mostrano una qualche forma di comportamento collettivo coerente, e, per questo, pur se composti dall'aggregazione di moltissime parti (Eventi) possono essere considerati unità, enti/sistemi unitari, oggetti, ""individui"" (Principio di Individuazione / Quantizzazione).
Le Strutture di Informazione possono appartenere a due tipologie fondamentali/pure: le Strutture di Propagazione e le Strutture di Conservazione, e una tipologia mista, appunto le Strutture Miste, prodotte dall'interazione tra strutture.
Al livello fondamentale del Campo dell'Azione Elementare troviamo le Strutture Fisiche di Informazione dalla cui aggregazione e organizzazione scaturisccono le Forme Materiali.
Osservando la Realtà a livelli di maggior complessità, troviamo, ad esempio, le strutture chimiche, geologiche, biologiche, cosmiche, sino alle più complesse Strutture Metafisiche prodotte dall'attività cognitiva delle Forme Viventi. " Structures of Information "The Structures of Information, att all the levels of complexity, represent the constructive blocks of Physical Reality and of Metareality. A Structure of Information is a set, a netword of organized Events organized Action, Information that show a certain form of collective logical behavior, and for this reason, even if composed by the aggregation of many parts (Events) can be considered unities, entities/unitary systems, objects, ""individuals"" (Principle of Individuation / Quantization).
The Structures of Information can belong to two fundamental/pure types : the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and a mixed type, exactly the Mixed Structures, produced by the interaction between structures.
At the fundamental level of the Field of Elementary Action we find the Physical Structures of Information from which aggregation and organization spring the Material Forms.
Observing the Realityat levels of greater complexity, we find, e.g., the chemical, geological, biological, cosmic structures, till the more complex ones Metaphysical Structures produced by the cognitive activity of the Living Forms." Structures of Information "The Structures of Information, att all the levels of complexity, represent the constructive blocks of Physical Reality and of Metareality. A Structure of Information is a set, a netword of organized Events organized Action, Information that show a certain form of collective logical behavior, and for this reason, even if composed by the aggregation of many parts (Events) can be considered unities, entities/unitary systems, objects, ""individuals"" (Principle of Individuation / Quantization).
The Structures of Information can belong to two fundamental/pure types : the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and a mixed type, exactly the Mixed Structures, produced by the interaction between structures.
At the fundamental level of the Field of Elementary Action we find the Physical Structures of Information from which aggregation and organization spring the Material Forms.
Observing the Realityat levels of greater complexity, we find, e.g., the chemical, geological, biological, cosmic structures, till the more complex ones Metaphysical Structures produced by the cognitive activity of the Living Forms."

d_prop_structures Strutture di propagazione "Le Strutture di Propagazione sono Strutture di Informazione nelle quali prevale l'Azione dell'Operatore Propagazione. Si tratta di strutture che prevalentemente esprimono l'Azione come vettori di Informazione.
A livello fisico, le Strutture di Propagazione prendono la forma di Onde.
A livello metafisicole Strutture di Propagazione prendono la forma degli elementi semantici che consentono la comunicazione tra sistemi cognitivi (es. azioni non verbali, gestualità, versi, lemmi, strutture linguistiche, linguaggi, ecc.)." Structures of progagation The Structures of Propagation are Structures of Information in which prevails the Action of the Operator Propagation. It's a matter of structures that mainly express the Action like vectors of Information.
At physical levels, the Structures of Propagation take the form of Waves.
At metaphysical level the Structures of Propagation take the form of the semantic elements that permit the communication between cognitive systems (e.g. not verbal action, gestures, verses, lemmas, linguistic structures, languages, etc.). Structures of progagation The Structures of Propagation are Structures of Information in which prevails the Action of the Operator Propagation. It's a matter of structures that mainly express the Action like vectors of Information.
At physical levels, the Structures of Propagation take the form of Waves.
At metaphysical level the Structures of Propagation take the form of the semantic elements that permit the communication between cognitive systems (e.g. not verbal action, gestures, verses, lemmas, linguistic structures, languages, etc.).

d_cons_structures Strutture di conservazione "Le Strutture di Conservazione sono Strutture di Informazione nelle quali prevale l'Azione dell'Operatore Conservazione. Si tratta di strutture che prevalentemente esprimono l'Azione come supporto di Informazione.
A livello fisico, le Strutture di Conservazione prendono la forma di Vortici, a cui corrispondono, ad esempio, le Particelle della Materia Ordinaria.
A livello metafisico, le Strutture di Conservazione prendono la forma di ""memorie"", strutture semantiche che consentono la conservazione delle esperienze cognitive (es. elementi della memoria fisica, della memoria emotiva, ricordi, istinti, concetti, modelli cognitivi della realtà, ecc.)" Structures of conservation "The Structures of Conservation are the Structures of Information in which prevails the Action of the Operator Conservation. It's a matter of structures that mainly express the Action as support of Information.
At physical level, the Structures of Conservation take the form of Vortex, to which correspond, e.g., the Particles of the Ordinary Matter,
At metaphysical level, the Structures of Conservation take the form of ""memories"", semantic structures that permit the conservaiton of the cognitive experiences (e.g. elements of the pbysical memory, of the emotional memory, recollections, istintc, concepts, cognitive models of the reality, etc.) " Structures of conservation "The Structures of Conservation are the Structures of Information in which prevails the Action of the Operator Conservation. It's a matter of structures that mainly express the Action as support of Information.
At physical level, the Structures of Conservation take the form of Vortex, to which correspond, e.g., the Particles of the Ordinary Matter,
At metaphysical level, the Structures of Conservation take the form of ""memories"", semantic structures that permit the conservaiton of the cognitive experiences (e.g. elements of the pbysical memory, of the emotional memory, recollections, istintc, concepts, cognitive models of the reality, etc.) "

d_interactions Interazioni "Espressione diretta dell'Operatore Relazione al livello delle Strutture di Informazione, a tutti i livelli di complessità, l'Operatore Interazione mette in relazione le Strutture di Propagazione, le Strutture di Conservazione e i relativi Eventi che ne caratterizzano la dinamica e l'evoluzione, creando Strutture Miste ed eventi più complessi.
Nella Realtà Fisica è il livello a cui si manifestano le forze derivate, complesse. Fondamento di ogni manifestazione." Interactions Direct expression of the Operator Relation at the level of the Structures of Information, at all the levels of complexity, the Operator Interaction puts in relationship the Structures of Propagation, the Structures of Conservation and the related Events that characterize the dynamics and the evolution creating Mixed Structures and more complex events.
In te Physical Reality is the level to which the derived complex forces manifest themselves. Foundation of each manifestation. Interactions Direct expression of the Operator Relation at the level of the Structures of Information, at all the levels of complexity, the Operator Interaction puts in relationship the Structures of Propagation, the Structures of Conservation and the related Events that characterize the dynamics and the evolution creating Mixed Structures and more complex events.
In te Physical Reality is the level to which the derived complex forces manifest themselves. Foundation of each manifestation.

d_mixed_structures Strutture miste Le Strutture di Informazione Miste sono il risultato dell'espressione dell'Operatore Interazione, dell'interazione di Strutture di Conservazione e di Strutture di Propagazione, e sono caratterizzate da più elevati livelli di complessità rispetto a quelli delle strutture interagenti (es. al livello fisico, gli adroni, protoni e neutroni, composti da quark e da bosoni). Mixed Structures The Mixed Structures of Information are the result of the expression of the Operator interaction, of the interaction of Structures of Conservationand of Structures of Propagation, and are characterized by higher levels of complexity in respect to those of the interacting structures (e.g. at the physical level, the adrons, protons and neutrons, composed by quark and by bosons). Mixed Structures The Mixed Structures of Information are the result of the expression of the Operator interaction, of the interaction of Structures of Conservationand of Structures of Propagation, and are characterized by higher levels of complexity in respect to those of the interacting structures (e.g. at the physical level, the adrons, protons and neutrons, composed by quark and by bosons).

d_str_classification Classificazione delle Strutture "Tutte le Strutture esistenti possono essere classificate in tre diverse tipologie: due tipologie pure, le Strutture di Propagazione e le Strutture di Conservazione, e una tipologia mista, appunto le Strutture Miste, prodotte dall'interazione tra strutture pure, o, nei piani più complessi, a loro volta dall'interazione tra strutture anch'esse miste.
Le " Classification of Structures All the existing Structures can be classified in three different types: two pure types, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and a mixed type, exactly the Mixed Structures, produced by the interaction between the pure structures, or, in the most complex planes, to their turn by the interaction between also mixed structures.
Classification of Structures All the existing Structures can be classified in three different types: two pure types, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and a mixed type, exactly the Mixed Structures, produced by the interaction between the pure structures, or, in the most complex planes, to their turn by the interaction between also mixed structures.

d_forms_dyna Dinamica delle Forme "La Dinamica delle Forme è quella parte della Dinamica Evoluzionistica che, nell'ambito del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, studia specificamente il Livello delle Forme e il Livello della Manifestazione, l'Universo.
Analizza e descrive i processi di formazione delle Forme, dei Sistemi di Forme, dell'Universo e della sua Evoluzione." Dynamics of the Forms The Dynamics of the Forms is that part of the Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the area of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, studies specifically the Level of the Forms and the Level of Manifestation, the Universe.
It analyzes and describes the processes of formation of the Forms, of the Systems of Forms, of the Universe and of its Evolution. Dynamics of the Forms The Dynamics of the Forms is that part of the Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the area of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, studies specifically the Level of the Forms and the Level of Manifestation, the Universe.
It analyzes and describes the processes of formation of the Forms, of the Systems of Forms, of the Universe and of its Evolution.

d_forms Forme "Le Forme rappresentano le entità incessantemente prodotte dal Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, in particolare dal sub-processo evolutivo che, a partire dal Livello dell Azione, attraverso l’azione dell’Operatore Relazione, conduce sino all’intero Universo in una infinità continua di livelli crescenti di complessità. Le Forme sono in incessante evoluzione, mutazione continua, tanto maggiore quanto maggiore è il livello di complessità.
Si tratta di insiemi organizzati di Strutture di Informazione, che realizzano la propagazione, l'interazione e la conservazione, dell’Informazione nel Campo dell Azione.
" Forms The Forms represent the entities incessantly produced by the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, particularly by the evolutive sub-process that, beginning from the Level of Action, through the action of the Opeator Relation, leads till the entire Universe in a continuous infinity of rising levels of complexity. The Forms are in incessant evolution, continous mutation, as greater as is the level of complexity.
It's a matter of organized sets of Structures of Information, that realize the propagation, the interaction and the conservation, of the Information in the Field of Action.
Forms The Forms represent the entities incessantly produced by the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, particularly by the evolutive sub-process that, beginning from the Level of Action, through the action of the Opeator Relation, leads till the entire Universe in a continuous infinity of rising levels of complexity. The Forms are in incessant evolution, continous mutation, as greater as is the level of complexity.
It's a matter of organized sets of Structures of Information, that realize the propagation, the interaction and the conservation, of the Information in the Field of Action.

d_systems Sistemi "Nell'ambito della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, per sistema si intende qualunque insieme di enti, di eventi e di relazioni, che realizzano Forme in interazione, che si comporta come un tutt'uno.
Insiemi di enti e di eventi, organizzati da reti di relazioni, che mostrano una qualche forma di comportamento coerente.
" Systems In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, as system we mean whatever set of entities, of events and relationships, that realize Forms in interaction, that behaves as a whole.
Sets of entities and of events, organized by networks of relationships, that show some form of coherent behavior. Systems In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, as system we mean whatever set of entities, of events and relationships, that realize Forms in interaction, that behaves as a whole.
Sets of entities and of events, organized by networks of relationships, that show some form of coherent behavior. d_universe Universo "L’Universo è l'insieme di tutto ciò che esiste: il Campo dell Azione, l’Informazione, le Strutture di Informazione, le Forme Materiali (i vettori di forza, l'energia, la materia, ecc.) e le immateriali (il prodotto immateriale dell'attività cognitiva delle Forme Viventi, più in generale, degli Agenti Finalistici). E' la sezione temporale attuale della Realtà, il ""presente"". In continua mutazione, in perenne evoluzione, l’Universo viene incessantemente ri-creato ed evolve per opera della Forza, dal livello più elementare, il Campo dell Azione Elementare, sino ai livelli più complessi (sia nel dominio cosmologico che nel dominio biologico e cognitivo)." Universe "The Universe is the set of everything that exists: the Field of Action, the Information, the Structures of Information, the Material Forms (the vectors of force, the energy, the matter, etc.) and the Immaterial (the immaterial product of the cognitive activity of the Living Forms, more generally, of the Finalistic Agents). It's the temporary actual section of the Reality, the ""present"". In continuous mutation, in everlasting evolution, the Universe is incessantly re-created and evolves at the hands of the Force, from the most elementary level, the Field of the Elementary Action, till the most complex levels (both in the cosmological domain and in the biological and cognitive) domain. " Universe "The Universe is the set of everything that exists: the Field of Action, the Information, the Structures of Information, the Material Forms (the vectors of force, the energy, the matter, etc.) and the Immaterial (the immaterial product of the cognitive activity of the Living Forms, more generally, of the Finalistic Agents). It's the temporary actual section of the Reality, the ""present"". In continuous mutation, in everlasting evolution, the Universe is incessantly re-created and evolves at the hands of the Force, from the most elementary level, the Field of the Elementary Action, till the most complex levels (both in the cosmological domain and in the biological and cognitive) domain. "

d_evol_universe Evoluzione dell Universo "Processo dinamico unitario mediante il quale l'insieme di tutte le Forme Materiali e Immateriali, che costituiscono l'Universo, interagendo si organizzano, si trasformano ed emergono dalla selezione, in una in continua co-evoluzione complessivamente verso livelli di complessità crescente.
Questo processo universale raccoglie in un'unica direzione tutto l’esistente e comprende tutti i processi spaziotemporali che emergono all’esistenza.
E la Realtà in continua mutazione, la manifestazione dell'incessante azione adattativa espressa dall'insieme di tutti i domini spazio-temporali, di tutti gli Eventi (l'Azione), di tutta l'Informazione, di tutte le Strutture, di tutte le Forme esistenti, manifestazione del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale." Evolution of Universe Unitary dynamic process through which the set of all the Material Forms and Immaterial, that constitute the Universe, interacting organize and transform themselves and emerge from the selection, in a continuous co-evolution overall towards levels of rising complexity.
This universal process collects in only one direction all the existing and includes all the space-temporal processes that emerge to the existence.
It's the Reality in continous mutation, the demonstration of the incessant adaptive action expressed by the set of all the space-temporal domains, of all the Events (the Action), of all the Information, of all the Structures, of all the existing Forms, demonstration of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality. Evolution of Universe Unitary dynamic process through which the set of all the Material Forms and Immaterial, that constitute the Universe, interacting organize and transform themselves and emerge from the selection, in a continuous co-evolution overall towards levels of rising complexity.
This universal process collects in only one direction all the existing and includes all the space-temporal processes that emerge to the existence.
It's the Reality in continous mutation, the demonstration of the incessant adaptive action expressed by the set of all the space-temporal domains, of all the Events (the Action), of all the Information, of all the Structures, of all the existing Forms, demonstration of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality.

DONE d_adventure_of_knowledge Avventura della Conoscenza Il Progetto Avventura della Conoscenza consiste in un ampio programma di ricerca nel vasto ambito della cultura umana, indirizzato all’analisi e alla comparazione in ottica evoluzionistica dei sistemi di conoscenza antichi e moderni. Adventure of Knowledge The Adventure of Knowledge Project consists in a wide program of research in the extended area of the human culture, addressed to the analysis and comparison in evolutionary perspective of the ancient and modern systems of knowledge. Adventure of Knowledge The Adventure of Knowledge Project consists in a wide program of research in the extended area of the human culture, addressed to the analysis and comparison in evolutionary perspective of the ancient and modern systems of knowledge.

DONE d_corrispondences_matrix La Matrice della Corrispondenze La Matrice consiste in uno strumento di ricerca che ci consente di indagare le corrispondenze profonde che legano diversi sistemi di conoscenza. The Matrix of Correspondences The Matrix consists in a research tool that permits us to investigate the deep correspondences that tie different systems of knowledge. The Matrix of Correspondences The Matrix consists in a research tool that permits us to investigate the deep correspondences that tie different systems of knowledge.

DONE d_discipline_of_the_force Disciplina della Forza Via all'evoluzione individuale e collettiva, verso il miglioramento, il piacere e il benessere esistenziale, attraverso l'applicazione delle conquiste concettuali ed esperienziali dei progetti Conoscenza Evoluzionistica e Avventura della Conoscenza. Discipline of the Force Way to the individual and collective evolution, towards the improvement, the pleasure and the existential welfare, through the application of the conceptual and experiential conquests of the Evolutionary Knowledge and the Adventure of Knowledge projects. Discipline of the Force Way to the individual and collective evolution, towards the improvement, the pleasure and the existential welfare, through the application of the conceptual and experiential conquests of the Evolutionary Knowledge and the Adventure of Knowledge projects.

DONE d_ev_spirituality Spiritualità Evoluzionistica "Nell'ambito dell'approccio evoluzionistico alla conoscenza della Realtà, per Spiritualità intendiamo il rapporto dell'essere umano con la dimensione della Forza, con la dimensione assoluta della Realtà. Si tratta di una visione, di un approccio e di una pratica spirituale orientati al raggiungimento di uno stabile contatto diretto con la Forza e alla corretta comprensione della Realtà, della propria posizione e del proprio ruolo nell'Universo.
La percezione del Campo e della Forza in Azione, nel profondo silenzio interiore che si estende al di là dei pensieri, delle emozioni, della vita fisica (il dominio relativo, il teatro dell'Evoluzione), costituisce e fornisce l'autentico senso dell'Esistenza. E' la percezione dell'Azione creativa, della Creazione, che incessantemente rinnova l'Esistenza cosmica e individuale.
La Spiritualità Evoluzionistica propone una via di contatto con la Forza che riprende antiche tradizioni filosofiche e religiose, inserendole e rielaborandole nel contesto della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica. Non vuole contrapporsi alle filosofie e alle religioni. Al contrario, intende fornire una visione della Realtà, un approccio e una pratica spirituale in grado di valorizzare ulteriormente le vie spirituali tradizionali." Evolutionary Spirituality In the area of the evolutionary approach to the knowledge of Reality, as Spirituality we mean the relation of the human being with the dimension of the Force, with the absolute dimension of the Reality. It's a matter of a vision, of an approach and a spiritual doctrine oriented to the realization of a steady direct contact wi the Force and to the right understanding of the Reality, of the own position and of the own role in the Universe.
The perception of the Field and of the Force in Action, in the deep inside silence that extends over the thoughts, the emotions, physic life (the related domain, the theater of the Evolution, constitutes and gives the authentic sense of the Existence. It's the perception of the creative Action, of the Creation, that incessantly renews the cosmic and individual Existence.
The Evolutionary Spirituality purposes a way of contact with the Force that recalls ancient phylosophical and religious traditions, inserting and re-elaborating them in the context of the Evolutionary Knowledge. It doesn't want to oppose to the philosophies and religions. On the contrary, it intends to give a vision of the Reality, an approach and a spiritual doctrine able to further value the traditional spiritual ways. Evolutionary Spirituality In the area of the evolutionary approach to the knowledge of Reality, as Spirituality we mean the relation of the human being with the dimension of the Force, with the absolute dimension of the Reality. It's a matter of a vision, of an approach and a spiritual doctrine oriented to the realization of a steady direct contact wi the Force and to the right understanding of the Reality, of the own position and of the own role in the Universe.
The perception of the Field and of the Force in Action, in the deep inside silence that extends over the thoughts, the emotions, physic life (the related domain, the theater of the Evolution, constitutes and gives the authentic sense of the Existence. It's the perception of the creative Action, of the Creation, that incessantly renews the cosmic and individual Existence.
The Evolutionary Spirituality purposes a way of contact with the Force that recalls ancient phylosophical and religious traditions, inserting and re-elaborating them in the context of the Evolutionary Knowledge. It doesn't want to oppose to the philosophies and religions. On the contrary, it intends to give a vision of the Reality, an approach and a spiritual doctrine able to further value the traditional spiritual ways.

DONE d_pfr_symbol Il Simbolo PFR "Il simbolo PFR rappresenta la sintesi del Processo di Formazione della Realtà, lo schema concettuale che nell’ambito della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica condensa i principi fondamentali della Creazione e dell’Evoluzione della Realtà ad opera della Forza.
Dalla perturbazione dell’Uno, che differenziandosi produce l’Azione elementare, substrato di ogni Forma, al ciclo infinito dell’evoluzione, che attraverso l’organizzazione, la trasformazione e la selezione dell’Informazione produce sempre nuove, infinite e più complesse Forme. " The PFR Symbol The PFR symbol is the synthesis of the Process of Formation of Reality, the conceptual pattern that in the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge summarises the fundamental principles of the Creation and of the Evolution of the Reality by means of the Force.
From the perturbation of the One, that differentiating produces the elementary Action, substrate of each Form, to the infinite cycle of the evolution, that through the organization, the transformation and the selection of the Information produces always new, infinite and more complex Forms. The PFR Symbol The PFR symbol is the synthesis of the Process of Formation of Reality, the conceptual pattern that in the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge summarises the fundamental principles of the Creation and of the Evolution of the Reality by means of the Force.
From the perturbation of the One, that differentiating produces the elementary Action, substrate of each Form, to the infinite cycle of the evolution, that through the organization, the transformation and the selection of the Information produces always new, infinite and more complex Forms.

DONE d_force_complex La Forza nella complessità "La Realtà, in tutti gli ambiti e a tutti i livelli dimensionali, è incessantemente costruita, formata, secondo un Processo Creativo fondamentale, costituito da un semplice schema: la Forza agisce sul Campo producendo Azione, Eventi dalla cui organizzazione, trasformazione e selezione (Processo Evolutivo) scaturisce l'Informazione, le Strutture e le Forme che popolano l'Universo. In un crescendo di complessità, nei vari domini delle Realtà, troviamo forze che agiscono su campi, riflesso dello schema che agisce il Processo Creativo fondamentale.
Nel dominio fisico della Realtà troviamo le forze naturali, trasposizione su piani complessi dello schema creativo fondamentale. Troviamo forze che agiscono su campi (elettromagnetico, nucleare, gravitazionale, Higgs, ecc.) che producono azioni (eventi, interazioni, ecc.). E ancora, la forza elettromagnetica e la gravitazionale plasmano il mondo a livelli di maggior compessità (le strutture cosmiche e gli organismi biologici).
E ancora, forze sempre più complesse evolvono e si esprimono a livello della Metaerealtà, la Realtà Metafisica, dove, nel dominio biologico, emergono le funzioni cognitive degli esseri viventi. Le stesse forze che spingono l'evoluzione del mondo fisico, promuovono l'evoluzione delle strutture e delle funzioni cognitive che consentono alle Forme Viventi di esplorare il mondo, di procurare il nutrimento, di riprodursi, ecc. " The Force in complexity The Reality, in all the areas and at all the dimensional levels, is incessantly constructed, formed, according to a fundamental CreativeProcess, constituted by a simple pattern: the Force acts on the Field producing Action, Events from which organization, transformation and selection (Evolutive Process) springs the Information, the Structures and the Forms that populate the Universe. In a crescendo of complexity, in the various domains of the Reality, we find forces that act on fields, reflection of the pattern that acts the fundamental Creative Process.
In the physical domain of the Reality we find the natural forces, movement on complex planes of the fundamental creative pattern. We find the forces that act on (electromagnetic, nuclear, gravitational, Higgs, etc.) fields that produce actions (events, interactions, etc.). And again the electromagnetic force and the gravitational one shapes the world at level of greater complexity (the cosmic structures and the biological organisms).
And again, always more complex forces evolve and express themselves at level of Metareality, Metaphysical Reality, where, in the biological domain, emerge the cognitive functions of the living being. The same forces that push the evolution of the physical world, promote the evolution of the structures and of the cognitive functions that permit to the Living Forms to explore the world, to get the nourishment, to reproduce, etc. The Force in complexity The Reality, in all the areas and at all the dimensional levels, is incessantly constructed, formed, according to a fundamental CreativeProcess, constituted by a simple pattern: the Force acts on the Field producing Action, Events from which organization, transformation and selection (Evolutive Process) springs the Information, the Structures and the Forms that populate the Universe. In a crescendo of complexity, in the various domains of the Reality, we find forces that act on fields, reflection of the pattern that acts the fundamental Creative Process.
In the physical domain of the Reality we find the natural forces, movement on complex planes of the fundamental creative pattern. We find the forces that act on (electromagnetic, nuclear, gravitational, Higgs, etc.) fields that produce actions (events, interactions, etc.). And again the electromagnetic force and the gravitational one shapes the world at level of greater complexity (the cosmic structures and the biological organisms).
And again, always more complex forces evolve and express themselves at level of Metareality, Metaphysical Reality, where, in the biological domain, emerge the cognitive functions of the living being. The same forces that push the evolution of the physical world, promote the evolution of the structures and of the cognitive functions that permit to the Living Forms to explore the world, to get the nourishment, to reproduce, etc.

DONE d_indiv_universe L individuo nell Universo "Cosa significa essere individuo nell'Universo, essere ""uno"" nella molteplicità dell'UNIverso, manifestazione di una Realtà unitaria? Una Forza, un Campo, la molteplicità delle Strutture di Informazione e delle Forme, un individuo tra molti individui.
Essere uno ed essere consapevoli della propria individualità, che si costruisce nello sviluppo evolutivo, attraverso l'esplorazione cognitiva della Realtà e la relazione con altri individui.
Come si forma la Realtà Individuale, interpretazione soggettiva della Realtà Universale, nei piani fisici e [Realtà Metafisica|metafisici]]?
Domande complesse che implicano risposte complesse, articolate, che abbiacciano tutti i piani di esistenza e tutti gli aspetti dell'evoluzione fisica e cognitiva." The individual in the Universe "What does it mean to be individual in the Universe, to be ""one"" in the multiplicity of the Universe, manifestation of a unitary Reality? A Force, a Field, the multiplicity of the Structures of Information and of the Forms, an individual between many individuals.
To be one and be conscious of own individuality, that constructs itself in the evolutive development, through the cognitive exploration of the Reality and the relationship with the other individuals.
How does the Individual Reality form, subjective interpretation of the Universal Reality, in the physical and metaphysicalplanes?
Complex questions that imply complex, articulated answers, that embrace all the planes of existence and all the aspects of the physical and cognitive evolution. " The individual in the Universe "What does it mean to be individual in the Universe, to be ""one"" in the multiplicity of the Universe, manifestation of a unitary Reality? A Force, a Field, the multiplicity of the Structures of Information and of the Forms, an individual between many individuals.
To be one and be conscious of own individuality, that constructs itself in the evolutive development, through the cognitive exploration of the Reality and the relationship with the other individuals.
How does the Individual Reality form, subjective interpretation of the Universal Reality, in the physical and metaphysicalplanes?
Complex questions that imply complex, articulated answers, that embrace all the planes of existence and all the aspects of the physical and cognitive evolution. "

DONE d_pfir Processo di Formazione della Realtà Individuale "Processo unitario mediante il quale la Realtà Individuale prende incessantemente forma e si manifesta nell'individuo in evoluzione.
Il Processo di Formazione della Realtà Individuale (PFIR) è il processo unitario mediante il quale la Forza, l'agente causale fondamentale, incessantemente crea l’esistenza individuale e la Forma Materiale e le Forme Immateriali che costituiscono l’Individuo in evoluzione.
Solo a fini descrittivi, il PFIR può essere rappresentato mediante due sub-processi:

Processo che porta all’esistenza le manifestazioni della Forza fondamentale, l’Esistente, l’Individuo.
Così come per lo schema del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, anche lo schema del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Individuale si articola in dodici punti che corrispondono alle entità e agli operatori fondamentali responsabili del Processo di Formazione." Process of Formation of Individual Reality Unitary Process through which the Individual Reality takes incessantly form and shows itself in the individual in evolution.
The Process of Formation of the Individual Reality (PFIR) is the unitary process through wich the Force, the causal fundamental agent incessantly creates the individual existence and the Material Form and the Immaterial Forms that constitute the individual in evolution.
Only for descriptive purposes, the PFIR can be represented throuth two wub-processes:
*creative process (constituted by the level of physical and cognitive Field of Action)
*evolutive process (level of Information, level of Structures and level of Forms)
Process that leads to the existence the manifestations of the fundamental Force, the Existing, the individual.
As well the pattern of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, so the pattern of the Process of Formation of Individual Reality articulates itself in twelve points that correspond to the entity and to the fundamental operators responsible of the Process of Formation. Process of Formation of Individual Reality Unitary Process through which the Individual Reality takes incessantly form and shows itself in the individual in evolution.
The Process of Formation of the Individual Reality (PFIR) is the unitary process through wich the Force, the causal fundamental agent incessantly creates the individual existence and the Material Form and the Immaterial Forms that constitute the individual in evolution.
Only for descriptive purposes, the PFIR can be represented throuth two wub-processes:
*creative process (constituted by the level of physical and cognitive Field of Action)
*evolutive process (level of Information, level of Structures and level of Forms)
Process that leads to the existence the manifestations of the fundamental Force, the Existing, the individual.
As well the pattern of the Process of Formation of Universal Reality, so the pattern of the Process of Formation of Individual Reality articulates itself in twelve points that correspond to the entity and to the fundamental operators responsible of the Process of Formation.

DONE d_artevolution artEvoluzione Il progetto artEvoluzione consiste essenzialmente nel promuovere una diffusione non esclusivamente intellettuale dei principi e delle conquiste concettuali della Conoscenza e della Fisica Evoluzionistica attraverso forme di espressione artistica. artEvolution The artEvolution project consists essentially in promoting a not exclusively intellettual diffusion of the principles and of the conceptual conquests of the Knowledge and of the Evolutionary Physics through forms of artistic expression. artEvolution The artEvolution project consists essentially in promoting a not exclusively intellettual diffusion of the principles and of the conceptual conquests of the Knowledge and of the Evolutionary Physics through forms of artistic expression.

DONE d_infinite_light Luce Infinita "Il progetto consiste nella realizzazione di dodici opere grafiche, dedicate ai dodici punti del Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale, il concetto centrale della Fisica Evoluzionistica. La Forza che si fa Forma, attraverso l'Azione e l'Informazione, in un equilibrio dinamico frutto del bilanciamento dei poteri attivi e passivi. Il ciclo metabolico dell'Informazione, vero motore dell'evoluzione. E ancora, il mondo delle Strutture di Informazione e delle loro interazioni, i mattoni della complessa realtà dell'Universo." Infinite Light The project consists in realization of twelve graphic works, dedicated to the twelve points of the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality, the central concept of the Evolutionary Physics. The Force that becomes Form, through the Action and the Information, in a dynamic balance, result of the trade-off of the active and passive powers. The metabolic cycle of the Information, real engine of the evolution. And again, the world of the Structures of Information and of their interactions, the bricks of the complex reality of the Universe. Infinite Light The project consists in realization of twelve graphic works, dedicated to the twelve points of the Process of Formation of the Universal Reality, the central concept of the Evolutionary Physics. The Force that becomes Form, through the Action and the Information, in a dynamic balance, result of the trade-off of the active and passive powers. The metabolic cycle of the Information, real engine of the evolution. And again, the world of the Structures of Information and of their interactions, the bricks of the complex reality of the Universe.

DONE d_soung_from_nothing Sinfonia Suono dal Nulla "Il progetto è indirizzato alla composizione e alla produzione di un'opera musicale, o meglio ""sonora"", dedicata al Processo di Formazione della Realtà Universale." Sinfony Sound from Nothing "The project is addressed to the composition and to the production of a musical work, or better ""auditory"", dedicated to the Process of Formation of Universal Reality." Sinfony Sound from Nothing "The project is addressed to the composition and to the production of a musical work, or better ""auditory"", dedicated to the Process of Formation of Universal Reality." DONE d_evtek evTek - Tecnologie Evolutive Il progetto Ev-Tek promuove l'attività di ricerca nel campo della formazione, della tecnologia, dell'organizzazione, del Knowledge Management, della comunicazione multimediale. evTek - Evolutive Technologies The Ev-Tek project promotes the research activity in the field of the formation, of the technology, of the organization, of the Knowledge Management, of the multimedia communication. evTek - Evolutive Technologies The Ev-Tek project promotes the research activity in the field of the formation, of the technology, of the organization, of the Knowledge Management, of the multimedia communication.

DONE d_pico_project Progetto Pico - Knowledge Dynamics "Il Progetto Pico - Knowledge Dynamics ha per oggetto la promozione della DONE ricerca nel campo dell’analisi e della gestione delle dinamiche evolutive dei sistemi di conoscenza.
Il progetto, che nasce nell’area di ricerca evTek - Tecnologie Evolutive, è finalizzato allo sviluppo di innovative metodologie e strumenti per la creazione, l’organizzazione e lo scambio della conoscenza, in tutti i tipi di strutture organizzative (aziendali, sociali, ecc.), mediante l’applicazione dei principi fondamentali della ricerca evoluzionistica." Pico - Knowledge Dynalics Project The Pico-Knowledge Dynamics Project has per object the promotion of the research in the field of the analysis and of the mangement of the evolutive dynamics of the knowledge systems.
The project, that arises in the evTek - Evolutive Technologies research area, is finalized to the development of innovative methodologies and tools for the creation, the organization and the exchange of the knowledge, in all the types of organizative structures (business, social, etc.), through the application of the fundamental principles of the evolutionary research. Pico - Knowledge Dynalics Project The Pico-Knowledge Dynamics Project has per object the promotion of the research in the field of the analysis and of the mangement of the evolutive dynamics of the knowledge systems.
The project, that arises in the evTek - Evolutive Technologies research area, is finalized to the development of innovative methodologies and tools for the creation, the organization and the exchange of the knowledge, in all the types of organizative structures (business, social, etc.), through the application of the fundamental principles of the evolutionary research.

DONE d_knowledge_dynamics Knowledge Dynamics (it) "La Conoscenza, nel senso più ampio che possiamo immaginare, comprende tutta l’attività di esplorazione evolutiva della Realtà operata dagli esseri viventi nella costante ricerca di gradienti mediante i quali estrarre Informazione nelle sue infinite forme: energia, nutrimento, occasioni per riprodursi, comunicazione, benessere, piacere.
Ciascuna forma vivente, dalla più elementare alla più complessa, dai più semplici ecosistemi alle società umane nel loro complesso, acquisisce, elabora ed espelle Informazione nelle forme più disparate, a molteplici livelli di complessità." Knowledge Dynamics The Knowledge, in the widest sense we can imagine, includes all the activity of evolutive exploration of the Reality operated by the living being in the steady research of gradients through which extract Information in its infinite forms: energy, nourishment, occasions to reproduce, communication, welfare, pleasure.
Each living form, from the most elementary to the most complex, from the simplest ecosystems to the human societies in their complex, acquires, elaborates and dismisses Information in the most different forms, at various levels of complexity. Knowledge Dynamics The Knowledge, in the widest sense we can imagine, includes all the activity of evolutive exploration of the Reality operated by the living being in the steady research of gradients through which extract Information in its infinite forms: energy, nourishment, occasions to reproduce, communication, welfare, pleasure.
Each living form, from the most elementary to the most complex, from the simplest ecosystems to the human societies in their complex, acquires, elaborates and dismisses Information in the most different forms, at various levels of complexity.

DONE d_knowledge_analitics Knowledge Analytics (it) "Metodologie e tecniche di analisi e misurazione degli ""eventi cognitivi"", di analisi ""topologica"" di reti semantiche, di insiemi (più o meno organizzati) di risorse informative / documentali, ecc." Knowledge Analytics "Methodologies and technics of analysis and measurement of the ""cognitive events"" , of ""topological"" analysis of semantic networks, of (much or less organized) sets of informative/document resources, etc." Knowledge Analytics "Methodologies and technics of analysis and measurement of the ""cognitive events"" , of ""topological"" analysis of semantic networks, of (much or less organized) sets of informative/document resources, etc."

DONE d_knowledge_management Knowledge Management (it) Knowledge Management Knowledge Management DONE d_knowledge_tools Knowledge Tools (it) Knowledge Tools Knowledge Tools DONE d_semantic_webapps Semantic Web Applications (it) Semantic Web Applications Semantic Web Applications DONE d_semantic_maps Mappe Semantiche Semantic Maps Semantic Maps

DONE d_beyond_km Oltre il Knowledge Management Beyond Knowledge Management Beyond Knowledge Management DONE d_foti_tek Dall Uno all Infinito "Opera complessiva, che in cinque testi illustra tutti i principali aspetti della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica e della attiità di ricerca collegate, Si tratta di testi introduttivi, che forniscono un inquamento generale della materia e approfondimenti in merito alle tematiche principali.
Un'introduzione generale alla Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, un testo introduttivo che illustra i principali concetti e peculiarità della Fisica Evoluzionistica, una trattazione sulla natura e sull'evoluzione dei Sistemi Cognitivi e, ancora, un testo che tratta delle scienze cognitive evoluzionistiche.
Infine, una breve guida alle implicazioni e alle applicazioni della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica nell'ambito dell'evoluzione personale e dei gruppi umani." From One to Infinity Total work, that in five texts illustrates all the principal aspects of the Evolutionary Knowledge and of the research connected activities. It's a matter of introductive texts, that give a general framework of the matter and deepening in relation to the principal themes.
A general introduction to the Evolutionary Knowledge, an introductive text that illustrates the principal concepts and peculiarities of the Evolutionary Physics, a dissertation on the nature and on the evolution of the Cognitive Systems, and again, a text that regards the cognitive evolutionary sciences.
Finally a brief handbook to the implications and to the applications of the Evolutionary Knowledge in the are of the personal and human groups evolution. From One to Infinity Total work, that in five texts illustrates all the principal aspects of the Evolutionary Knowledge and of the research connected activities. It's a matter of introductive texts, that give a general framework of the matter and deepening in relation to the principal themes.
A general introduction to the Evolutionary Knowledge, an introductive text that illustrates the principal concepts and peculiarities of the Evolutionary Physics, a dissertation on the nature and on the evolution of the Cognitive Systems, and again, a text that regards the cognitive evolutionary sciences.
Finally a brief handbook to the implications and to the applications of the Evolutionary Knowledge in the are of the personal and human groups evolution.

DONE d_foti_tek_ek "La Realtà e l Universo in evoluzione - Introduzione alla Conoscenza Evoluzionistica" Un´introduzione generale al Progetto Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, che ne illustra gli obiettivi, la struttura, le idee forti e i concetti fondamentali che indirizzano la ricerca. Una nuova visione della Realtà e dell´Universo. The Reality and the Universe in evolution - An introduction to Evolutionary Knowledge A general introduction to the Evolutionary Knowledge Project that illustrates the goals, the structure, the strong ideas and the fundamental concepts that address the research. A new vision of the Reality and Universe. The Reality and the Universe in evolution - An introduction to Evolutionary Knowledge A general introduction to the Evolutionary Knowledge Project that illustrates the goals, the structure, the strong ideas and the fundamental concepts that address the research. A new vision of the Reality and Universe.

DONE d_foti_tek_ep Il Processo di Formazione della Realtà - Introduzione alla Fisica Evoluzionistica "Un testo introduttivo ai principi e ai concetti sviluppati nell’ambito del progetto di ricerca di Fisica Evoluzionistica.
Un viaggio affascinante e sistematico nel Processo di Formazione della Realtà Fisica, che dalla Forza conduce all’Universo, attraverso l’espressione funzionale degli Operatori di Realtà." The Process of Formation of Reality - An introduction to Evolutionary Physics An introductive text to the principles and concepts developed in the area of the Evolutionary Physics research project.
A fascinating and systematic trip in the Process of Formation of Physical Reality, that from the Force leads to the Universe, through the functional expression of the Operators of the Reality. The Process of Formation of Reality - An introduction to Evolutionary Physics An introductive text to the principles and concepts developed in the area of the Evolutionary Physics research project.
A fascinating and systematic trip in the Process of Formation of Physical Reality, that from the Force leads to the Universe, through the functional expression of the Operators of the Reality.

DONE d_foti_tek_emph Il Processo di Formazione della Metarealtà - Introduzione alla Metafisica Evoluzionistica Un testo introduttivo sui processi evolutivi che dalla materia conducono all´esperienza cognitiva, alla mente, allo spirito, attraverso lo sviluppo degli agenti finalistici naturali (gli esseri viventi) e degli agenti finalistici sintetici (automi, programmi di elaborazione, ecc.). The Process of Formation of Metareality - An introduction to Evolutionary Metaphysics An introductive text about the evolutive processes that from the matter lead to the cognitive experience, to the mind, to the spirit, through the development of the natural finalistic agents (the living being) and of the syntetic finalistic agents (robots, programms of elaboration, etc.) The Process of Formation of Metareality - An introduction to Evolutionary Metaphysics An introductive text about the evolutive processes that from the matter lead to the cognitive experience, to the mind, to the spirit, through the development of the natural finalistic agents (the living being) and of the syntetic finalistic agents (robots, programms of elaboration, etc.) DONE d_foti_tek_emmph Il Processo di Formazione della Meta-metarealtà - Introduzione alle scienze cognitive evoluzionistiche "L'opera indaga sullo sviluppo dei processi formativi/evolutivi attraverso i quali gli esseri umani riflettono sulla loro esperienza cognitiva della Realtà.
Come impariamo a conoscere i processi attraverso i quali conosciamo il mondo e noi stessi. " The Process of Formation of Meta-metareality - An introduction to Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences The work investigates about the development of the formative/evolutive processes through which the living being reflet on their cognitive experience of Reality.
As we learn to know the processes through which we know the world and ourselves. The Process of Formation of Meta-metareality - An introduction to Evolutionary Cognitive Sciences The work investigates about the development of the formative/evolutive processes through which the living being reflet on their cognitive experience of Reality.
As we learn to know the processes through which we know the world and ourselves.

DONE d_foti_tek_ddf Il Processo di Formazione della Realtà Individuale - La Disciplina della Forza Attraverso l’applicazione dei principi della Fisica Evoluzionistica alla ricerca della comprensione dei fatti della vita e degli eventi che condizionano i destini individuali, a metà tra indagine psicologica e analisi spirituale, viene disegnato un percorso unitario diretto alla rappresentazione e all’interpretazione della propria vita e dell’evoluzione personale e dei gruppi umani. The Process of Formation of Individual Reality - The Discipline of the Force Through the application of the principles of Evolutionary Physics till the research of the understanding of the facts of the life and of the events that influence the individual fates, halfway between a psychological investigation and spiritual analysis, an unitary path directed to the representation and to the interpretation of own life and of the personal and human groups evolution is drawn, The Process of Formation of Individual Reality - The Discipline of the Force Through the application of the principles of Evolutionary Physics till the research of the understanding of the facts of the life and of the events that influence the individual fates, halfway between a psychological investigation and spiritual analysis, an unitary path directed to the representation and to the interpretation of own life and of the personal and human groups evolution is drawn,