Research Areas
The Evolutionary Knowledge Project is ideally divided into five areas of research. They are the main paths of expression, the fundamental branches for the building of an evolutionary knowledge base and the development of artistic and technological creations, inspired to evolutionary subjects. Each area hosts several research projects devoted to specific subjects.
Common definition
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Reasearch Areas
Evolutionary Knowledge
Evolutionary Knowledge is a comprehensive approach to the observation of natural and human world, based on an integral extension of the evolutionary theory and a critical review of the constructivist thinking. It’s knowledge of reality and its manifestation, the Universe in evolution. Therefore, under this approach, knowledge is to be considered as doubly oriented in an evolutionary sense, as object and as nature. The Research Area of Knowledge Evolution is ideally divided into two main parts, which are closely linked: Evolutionary Physics and Evolutionary Metaphysics.
Evolutionary Physics, the starting point and the backbone of all the research, has the ambitious goal of developing an integrated and unified vision of reality and natural phenomena. An organic and necessarily holistic vision that through the extension of the evolutionary paradigm to all aspects of the investigation about the phenomena of nature and the physical processes, the formating substrate, aims to build a path to the Knowledge new and, at the same time, oriented to a careful and targeted recovery of traditional cultures. Evolutionary Physics focuses in particular on analysis and description of the formation of Reality, a conceptual framework intended to accommodate all the fundamental principles that create the reality and give shape to reality through a real universal evolutionary process.
The second area of research, the Evolutionary Metaphysics has as its object the study of phenomena related to the ongoing construction of the representation of reality made by life forms. From the simplest bacteria up to humans, from the most basic and impermanent representations up to the complex cognitive architecture of the most developed societies, the history of living beings is the evolution of the elaboration of perceptions, oriented to building new and more refined models of physical reality. Up to the heights of complexity formed by the human mind reflecting on the mechanisms of creation of the representation itself, the meta-metareality or metacognitive reality, the study of the cognitive processes that support the cognitive life of human beings. We call this sub-area: Evolutionary Meta-metaphysics.
Adventure of Knowledge
The Project Adventure of Knowledge is divided into a broad program of research into human culture, addressed to the analysis and comparison of ancient and modern systems of knowledge in a evolutionary perspective. The knowledge systems consist of patterns of representation of Reality, the natural world, its interaction with the human and the spiritual world, the relationship between Man and the natural and divine forces. From a historical point of view we can identify knowledge systems in the nuclei of religions, philosophies, esoteric schools, in the immense heritage of human culture, in deep and millenarian humanistic vision and in the most recent scientific vision of natural phenomena.
Discipline of the Force
Discipline of the Force, way to individual and collective evolution, towards the improvement, the pleasure and existential well-being through the application of the conceptual and experiential achievements of the projects " Evolutionary Physics " and " Adventure of Knowledge". Through the study, recovery and integration of knowledge, methods and practices derived from old and new disciplines relating to the Man, the Existence, the Enlightenment and to the relationship with the Divine Forces, is under developed an evolutive way, new and old at the same time, aimed at improving the reality of individuals and groups. A spiritual approach that wants to integrate the multiple dimensions of the human being, spiritual, psychological and physical, in a unified way aimed to the search of simplicity within the complexity of human nature.
The main aim of the project artEvolution is to promote a spread, not only intellectual, of the principles and conceptual achievements of Evolutionary Physics, through forms of artistic expression. The return to a kind of sacred art, based on the concept of spirituality, coming from the evolutionary approach to Knowledge and the evolutionary vision of the Process of Formation of Reality. The contact with the Force, the source of Reality, primary creative principle of the Universe, that in a mystical-religious perspective is represented by the Deity.
EvTek - Evolutive Technologies
The EvTek - Evolutive Technologies project promotes the research in the field of training, technology, organization and multimedia communication. The search develops from the principles of Evolutionary Physics, with particular reference to the evolutionary dynamics of information and, in a broader sense, to the Process of Formation of Reality.
See also
- Topic id: t_research_areas
- Belongs to the class: Evolutionary Knowledge Project
- Has as instances: Evolutionary Knowledge, Adventure of Knowledge, Discipline of the Force, artEvolution, evTek - Evolutive Technologies
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|