TFNR - A brief history of the Universe

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Think different!

Here, after all these premises, it is clear that this approach gives us a different (alternative) image of Physical Reality and the Universe.

We have been led to think of the universe as the result of the Big Bang, to consider the CMB as its fossil remnant, the cosmic expansion as one of the main evidences in favor of this model and of the supposed age of the Universe.

Other alternative models gradually proposed over time have not had similar success.

But, many things don't add up! An example? Almost everything that is supposed to exist appears to be dark and not yet observable except through indirect effects (gravity and the expansion of the cosmos).

Also as a result of the latest observational evidences, it is now clear to most that something is wrong...

We need to completely rethink the way we represent the origin and the evolution of the world of which we are part and in which we live.

Can we try to imagine telling a different story of Creation and Evolution of the Universe?

A different story

And what could this different story be?

"Long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."

No, no, stop... I was just kidding...

Not an instant in time, not a point in space. Not an initiating causal event. This alternative story begins very differently.

It starts out of causality, out of space and out of time (causality and variationality, i.e. space and time, are emergent, properties / espressions of the Source of Reality). "Out" or rather "before" time and space, "before" in a causal sense. It is difficult to find a suitable wording, "before" in causal sense and not strictly in temporal sense, but without a single causal event. Perhaps "out" is the word that best represents this situation

Different, in what sense?

Different in the sense that we take nothing for granted, nothing for sure, because the "truths" that science tells us are not "acquired scientific knowledge", but hypotheses and proposals for answers to "open scientific questions". Fundamental difference between what we know (we know that) and what we would like to know (we wonder if). Although based on a complex of ideas, concepts, models, theories, apparently supported by observational and/or experimental scientific evidence, these "truths" are considered "scientific knowledge acquired" on the basis of a consolidated mechanism which is called "consensus": if we all believe a statement is true, that statement is true, until proven otherwise. Yes, it is true, science must proceed. We also need some certainty to build a vision of the world.

The problem is when this "certainty" (which is actually a hypothesis, a proposal) is passed off as a "truth", albeit temporary. It makes me smile to read that an electron "is" like this, the Universe "originated" like that, quanta functioned in this or that way, spacetime curves due to the presence of mass and energy, black holes evaporate, and a thousand other oddities...

Everyone is convinced that their idea is right. And that's good. It means believing in one's work, bringing one's ideas forward with conviction and passion. The problem is, everyone thinks that's the truth. Or at least, they tell it as if it were the truth. It could be, but we're not sure. And science, research is used for this, to build ever better ideas, models, theories. Without ever forgetting that these are hypotheses, not "truths".

I put myself in the shoes of that part of the world population which does not do science and research, but which has the legitimate desire, the interest to understand how the world is made, where we come from and where we are going, what is the origin and the sense of existence and evolution of physical reality, and so on...

Reading a lot of popular science, but also, for the more curious and trained, the "official" scientific literature (articles, papers, preprints, etc.) I think that the general feeling is one of bewilderment, not because of the difficulty of concepts or math, not because of the vertigo that fills us in front of the infinitely small or the immensely large, but because of the fragmentation, the contradiction, the precariousness, the fragility , the presumption... of what is passed for true scientific knowledge, for "truth".

Have I been able to do better with this work of mine? No. But, in this work, I have stated and reaffirmed countless times that these are hypotheses, proposals, ideas formulated in a constructive sense to stimulate reflection and research towards new directions that can help us construct a broader and deeper vision of Reality.

I am not criticizing anything or anyone. I'm trying to forcefully grasp the idea that what everyone (or many) believes to be true, isn't necessarily true.

That said, what are the most important and peculiar aspects of this story? What is the deeper essence of what we are trying to outline?

A look at the fundamental dimensions of Reality:

  • Cause: no limits in causality both in input (no first cause, etc.) and in output (no limit to the complexity reachable by the Universe) of the Process of Formation of Reality, no first Cause (in the sense of Big Bang), no causal singularity, no external force (in the sense of a creation by a supernatural being or cause). The Primary Source, at the same time, is external (the active aspect of the Source, the causal aspect, the Force, is transcendent) and internal (its passive aspect, the variational - spacial and temporal - aspect, the Field, is immanent) to the process itself. Its existence, its manifestation is the Process of Formation of Reality. Its essence is the Form of the evolving Universe
  • Space: no limits in Space, no borders, no special points (no center, no singularity). Space was born within the same process (and is incessantly re-created and evolves)
  • Time: no limits in Time, no beginning, no end, no singularity. Time was born within the process itself

And, what about Creation (origin) "and" Evolution (development), in a word, Formation:

  • Existence: the product of the sub-process of Creation (Events -> Action)
  • Essence / Form: the product of the sub-process of Evolution (Relations -> Information, the Form of Action)

Formation of Reality

The history of the Universe, as a "present" section of Reality, is a history of Formation, of incessant production of Elementary Action, of its organization in Information / Energy (by Energy we mean an elementary form of Physical Information), of evolutive construction of Structures of Information (the structures of dark matter, halos, gravitational waves and interactions, and those of ordinary matter, particles, waves and interactions), and evolutive construction of the forms we observe, the cosmic web, galaxies, clusters, giant voids, etc.

Reality is produced by an incessant Process of Formation, which is both Creation (formation of Existence of Reality, the transition spontaneously operated by the Source - the Force and Field couple - from Nothing to Action, the Elementary Events) and Evolution (formation of Essence / Form of Reality, from Action to Information / Energy, of which the Structures and Forms that make up the Universe are made).

"Entities that create Events organized by Relations in evolving Processes".

Thus, the whole Reality, the evolving Universe, is a super-process of infinite processes nested in innumerable existential levels, a super-system of infinite systems, in ceaseless interaction with each other.

The Process of Formation of Reality is that super-process of all processes that incessantly build Reality. From the largest, at a cosmological level, to the smallest, those that take place on the scale of Reality closest to us (starting up our car, producing a protein in one of the billions of cells that make up our body), up to those of the infinitely small (the interactions between particles and waves, the internal dynamics of composite particles, the processes that make existence possible and determine the properties and dynamics of those same particles and waves, objects of QM and QFT).

And the Universe, this incredible marvel, full of Action and Energy, of Structures and changing Forms, this infinite space and time in incessant evolution, unlimited and eternal, is the super-system object of the Process of Formation in the incessant construction of Reality.

Creation (of the most elementary form) of Existence

Things don't exist in the conventional classical sense. Things happen, everything happens. The true fundamental "substance" that make up things, atoms, molecules, objects, stars, galaxies, dark matter, dark energy, everything, are not particles and waves. The real "substance" are Events, Elementary Events, fluctuations at the Planck scale of / in the Elementary Field produced by the Action of the Fundamental Force (Force and Field are the two aspects of the Source of Reality).

Elementary Events organized by Relations in Processes, huge and complex networks of Elementary Events and Relations, incessantly evolving toward more and more Complex Events, forming increasingly complex Processes, which together make up the entire Process of Formation of Reality.

Or rather, what really matters are the "distributions of Elementary Events" that support Information, (the correlations between the distributions, patterns that organize Relations between Events in Processes, which we can mathematically describe through mixed (stochastic "and" deterministic) processes, which correspond to the creative and evolving chaos / order processes that form Reality. Correlations between the inhomogeneities in the distributions of the Elementary Events are the key element, which supports everything that exists: Space-time, Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin, etc.

Everything, absolutely everything, in its most elementary basis, depends on the distributions of the Elementary Events, produced by the interaction of the fundamental / elementary Entities, and on Relations, or correlations, which organize Events into Processes. Everything is relative, as it arises from the Relations between Events.

So, the most fundamental physical aspects / quantities: Space, Time, Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin and so on up to the more complex Forms of Existence are relative too. Nothing is absolute, apart from the Source, the fundamental entity, Primary Source of Existence and Essence / Form.

The fundamental entity, the Source, and its two aspects, Force and Field, are not directly knowable, observable, measurable. We can know, observe, measure only the effects they produce (phenomena) and how they are produced (dynamics). We cannot see forces and fields, but we can see events and the relations that organize them into more complex events, into networks of events and relations, into processes.

Evolution (of the more complex forms) of Existence

Evolution is differentiation, departure from homogeneity, organization, transformation and selection of inhomogeneities, anisotropies, from the most elementary to the most complex. Difficult to see a star or an apple, or even our body, as an inhomogeneity, an evolving anisotropy. And yet it is so, our body, a cell, a molecule, an atom, each of the infinite particles that make up our body in a given instant is the result of the dynamic organization of a very high number of inhomogeneities which at the various levels of complexity always create inhomogeneities larger and more complex.

From the correlation between the distributions of Elementary Events emerges the profoundly uncertain, quantum, probabilistic nature of Reality at the most elementary levels, which in the evolution towards a greater complexity, towards greater spatial and temporal extensions, compensate / mediate, giving rise to an emergent certainty that brings us to the classical / determinist view that characterized the early development of physics.

Reality is not uncertain or certain or finalistic. Reality is uncertain and certain and finalistic. Causality also evolves like any other aspect of Reality, and these three states of the evolution of causality coexist, overlapping, in different dimensional and complexity levels of Reality. Interacting with each other, they produce the immense variety of existing forms and their diversified dynamics.

Similarly, our models of descriptions of Reality cannot be probabilistic / quantum, or classical / deterministic, or finalistic. They have to reconcile all these aspects together in a deeper and wider vision.

Science must not try at all costs to find the simplicity of the parts while missing out on the complexity of the whole. It must try to embrace the complexity of everything by trying to identify the principles that make its existence and evolution possible.

A brief history of the Universe - Glyph -Draft

Let'start from... "Nothing"

Let'start from... "Nothing". Or better, from the transition from Nothingness to Emptiness, from "nothing" to the "absolute vacuum" (the most elementary form of Existence).

We cannot say that Nothingness exists. That would be a contradiction. Nothingness, by definition, has no property: neither existence nor form. It is the non-existent boundary in the phase transition that we call the "creation of existence", in its most basic form. Absolute emptiness, in fact.

"Spontaneous" creation from nothing does not mean that there is no cause. This transition is incessantly "caused", operated, by the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Primary Source, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field. The transcendent property of the Source, its causal agent represented by the Force, and its immanent property, the variational (spatial and temporal) acted represented by the Field, together they realize the full Agency, the fundamental property of the Source, and its manifestation, the Action (Events).

This seems a philosophical question, a pleasant curiosity. In fact, it represents a central issue in physics, essential for understanding the causally initial phase that we here indicate as Creation, the production of Elementary Events, by the Action of the Force on the Field. It seems a mystical approach that attributes to a supernatural entity, external to the Physical Reality, the cause of the existence of something rather than nothing. But here the Source is intended as a transcendent and immanent entity at the same time, in its two causal and variational components, Force and Field, origin of Physical Existence and Essence / Form of Reality. Creation (incessant action and not one shot) is described as a perturbative action on a (quantum?) state of a field by a force.

Force and field, fundamental concepts of physics, at the basis of all natural phenomena. Of course, the root cause of Reality's existence is shifted to the entity we call Primary Source. Why the Source exists remains a mystery, which, I believe, will never be solved. But, taking for granted the existence of the Source, we can, we must, develop a system of knowledge that can account for everything we observe in the Universe (Physical and Cognitive), not only formulate predictions of observations and results of experiments, but provide descriptions and possible / plausible explanations of what exists (ontology), of what happens (phenomenology) and of how what exists produces what happens (dynamics).

Summing up, the reason why there is something rather than nothing is that the Source, by its existence, ceaselessly produces the phase transition between non-existence and existence, between nothingness and absolute void, through the inner interaction between the couple of its aspects, Force and Field. This transition takes the form of the incessant production of the fluctuations of the Elemental Field by the Fundamental Force, primary (in a causal sense) and fundamental expression of the Source of Reality. Each point-event of the Elementary field can be seen as a quantum (harmonic?) oscillator, whose fluctuations just represent the Elementary Events.

Emptiness: the absolute vacuum

There are so many words to refer to emptiness, to define a condition of existence without forms, absence of objects, without things, events. And where there are many words, there is much confusion...

Confusion between "nothing" and "emptiness", void and vacuum, a confusion that also and above all comes from the lack of clarity on the constitution of matter and energy, on the role of quantum fields and of the classical/relativistic structures of space-time, of its curvature and dynamics, and of the existence and nature of hypothetical and never observed entities such as dark matter and dark energy.

To clearly and correctly define these concepts and differentiate them appropriately, it is necessary to refer to the hypotheses proposed in this research project regarding the nature of primary entities, events and relationships, in short, the processes that underlie the most elementary forms of existence that contribute to the formation of Physical Reality.

We are all frightened by the term "absolute", as the whole history of modern science has been played out between successive extensions of the concept of relativity to ever wider areas of the physical world (and not only...). Up to the very concept of space-time.

But I ask you to refrain from the (pre)judgment that would come naturally and follow me on a journey into the infinitesimal, into a causal dimension that goes beyond what we already consider elementary, of the world of particles, before space and time, down to the infinitesimal dimension of the Planck scale. Please also refrain from recalling the hypotheses of quantum gravity, which made us think of a dimensional limit both in space and in time, a discrete organization of these fundamental entities.

It is at this extreme scale that, in the descent towards minus infinite, we find significant resonances (determined by the intrinsic properties of the First Source, of the intensity of the causal pressure exerted by the Fundamental Force and of the resistances to the opposing variations from the Elementary Field) that quantum physics identifies as quantum vacuum, quantum fluctuations, the energy of the vacuum, etc.

In this system of knowledge, we hypothesize that these resonances, which we can call infinitesimal fluctuations of the Elementary Field at the Planck scale, fluctuations of the spatial distances well described by the Uncertainty Principle, constitute the Elementary Events from whose organization everything springs.

The dynamics of each point-event of the Elementary field makes up an Elementary Process, which can be described by a stochastic process.

In this hypothesis, by absolute vacuum we mean a condition of the Elementary Field where all the Elementary Events are stochastically independent, there is no correlation between the distributions of these Events, we are in the presence of a condition of absolute homogeneity of the fluctuations of / in the Field. In this sense, absolute vacuum can be seen as the "perfect caos".

The structure of space, distances, areas and the space volumes are determined by the average intensity of the elementary fluctuations (the result of the balance between the intensity of the pressure exerted by the Force on the Field, which we call Elementary Action, and the resistance from the Field opposed to the Force, which we call re-Action). A space that is dynamically curved at the level of a single point-event on the Planck scale, but which is flat for extensions involving multiple point-events (emerging flatness), where the single indeterminate fluctuations mediate in the absolute and flat extension of the space that we know and see at higher scales and certainly of the entire cosmos at a universal level. Here in this condition, space, or what we consider its precursor, can be considered absolute (in the absence of any inhomogeneity in the Elementary Field). All of this implies the absolute flatness of space as a whole.

The structure of time, the temporal distances, its "rhythm of flow" so to speak, are determined by the density of Elementary Events (speed of the variations of the Field under the Action of the Force, with relative re-Action of the Field itself). If we were dealing with periodic processes, we could speak of the frequency of fluctuations. But here we are in a domain completely characterized by indeterminacy, where a sort of periodicity, or rather "resonance of periodicity", could be seen as an emergent property at scales larger than the Planck scale. Symmetrically, in this condition, time, or what we consider its precursor, can be considered absolute (in the absence of any inhomogeneity in the Elementary Field), absolutely flat.

Absolute space and time, but not measurable, completely hypothetical, as unobservable due to the lack, in an absolutely homogeneous Field, of space-time reference points, observers and observation tools (their existence would be configured as the absence of stochastic independence between the Elementary Events, the emergence of correlations between them, and an organization of the correlations in complex processes, which we call "observables", "observers", measuring instruments, etc.).

Thus, when we speak of absolute emptiness, absolute vacuum (and respectively of absolute space and time) we mean absolute homogeneity and absolute statistical independence, absolute absence of correlations, in the fluctuations of the Elementary Field, in the dynamics of all its infinite event-points, in the Elementary Events which constitute the most elementary form of existence, which differentiate Nothingness from absolute vacuum.

This can be expressed in different equivalent ways, in relation with the particular point of view from which we observe, or better immagine to observe, the Elementary Field, its organization and dynamics:

  • observing Space: absolute space, absolute space flatness (all the contributions of the dynamics of space at Planck scale mediate in an absolute flatness on higher scales)
  • observing Time: absolute time, absolute time flatness (due to the absolute homogeneity of the distributions of the Elementary Events, the fluctuations of space at Planck scale)
  • observing Space-time and metric phenomena: absolute space-time, absolute space-time flatness, no curvature on higher scales than Planck scale
  • observing Mass and gravitational phenomena: in the Field is not present any mass (positive or negative) and therefore any gravitational attraction (Dark and Visible / ordinary Matter) / repulsion (Dark Energy)
  • observing Motion and kinetic phenomena: the velocity of propagation of Action and Information in the Field is the same for any position in the Field, for all observers, if any exist
  • observing Temperature: always from the point of view of motion, observing the Elementary Field as a thermodynamic system: a (obviously improper) parallelism through the elementary fluctuations of / in the Field a the motion of atom and molecules that determine the temperature of a solid, or a liquid, or a gas / plasma, etc. In this case, to any point-event of the Field, due to its peculiar dynamics, can be associated a specific (variable) temperature
  • observing Charge and electric phenomena: no structured electric charges, no electric potential
  • observing Spin and magnetic phenomena: no structured magnetic charges (poles), no magnetic potential

From absolute to relative vacuum

From this "primordial soup" so to speak, from a condition of absolute emptiness, absolute vacuum, due to the effect of the spontaneous formative activity of the Source, in the Action that incessantly springs from the creative inner interaction between the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, in the forms described by the three Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics, the Uncertainty Principle, that of Action and Reaction, and that of Least Action, correlations (Relations) begin to emerge between the Elementary Events, between distributions of the fluctuation of / in the Field at the Planck scale.

These correlations can manifest themselves in the different forms of the Dynamics of the Elementary Action, in what we call the three Modes of Elementary Action:

  • Perturbation (gradient: correlations in the distributions of the intensities of the elementary fluctuations of the event-points of / in the Field, of the Elementary Events)
  • Translation (divergence: correlations in the distributions of the spatial direction of the elementary fluctuations)
  • Rotation, in the two components we call Rotation Chirality (correlations in the distributions of the chirality of the intrinsic point rotation of the elementary fluctuations) and Orientation of the Rotation Axis (correlations in the distributions of the spatial direction of the orientation of the axes of the intrinsic point rotation of the elementary fluctuations of the event-points).

The spatial and temporal density of the elementary fluctuations (an approximate average density of 10^35 to the third power in a cubic meter for 10^44 fluctuations per second, an enormous density, immense compared to the infinitesimal spatial and temporal dimensions we are used to thinking of in reference to what are considered and called elementary particles), produced by the intrinsic properties of the Force and the Field, and of their incessant dynamics, leads to the emergence, from the absolute homogeneity and indeterminacy, of very slight and unstable patterns of correlation, which gradually evolve into more stable patterns.

We are referring here to patterns that we can identify as volumes (spatial domains of the Elementary Field) with a greater incidence of correlation, in translation and rotation in the space-time in formation. It is the emergence (the evolution) of the relative from the absolute. Stochastically independent Elementary Events that gradually begin to manifest patterns of correlation that begin to evolve. They are the first Processes: Events (variations, fluctuations) produced by entities (Primary Source, the Force - Field couple), organized by Relations (correlations between the distributions of the Elementary Events, of the fluctuations / variations) in Processes, the objects of Evolution (Organization, Transformation and Selection) which determines an increasing causal permanence.

These patterns of organization of the correlation between the distributions of the elementary fluctuations of / in the Field represent the emergent Information and the Structures of Information that characterize the relative vacuum. For their nature, form and dynamics, we call them Dark Structures of Information, the building blocks of the dark side of the Universe.

The emergence of the dark side of the Universe

Everything I said up to now and everything I illustrated later in this evolutionary overview that from the Nothing animated (perturbed) by the Source leads to the infinite multiplicity of the Universe can be observed and described in different ways, different planes / levels of Reality, different representations that in parallel make up the complete picture of the Formation of Reality.

In this phase of the development of Reality, of the evolution of the Universe, from the first and most elementary interactions of the Elementary Events, from the emerging correlations between their distributions, in an incessant swarming of Elementary Action, the first structures, so ephemeral and unstable, in an eternal evolutionary challenge they begin to compete to reach an even minimal causal permanence, capable of occupying space and time and producing other interactions, gradually more complex, even if still so elementary and confined in the dimensional abyss that float slightly above the Planck scale.

No particles, no waves, none of the interactions we now consider fundamental... Only infinitesimal fluctuations of space (distances, areas, volumes) resonating at the Planck scale, with emerging very weak inhomogeneities in their temporal distributions, and very slight and unstable correlations between these distributions. This is what Reality is made of at the fundamental level, of Elementary Action produced by the interaction between the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, the inner interaction between the two aspects of the Primary Source.

Micro-gradients that produce micro-flows, from whose interactions micro-torsions arise. Inhomogeneities in the time distributions of the space fluctuations at Planck scale, which produce reactions in the sense of restoration of homogeneity, from whose interactions arise torsional combinations of flows in the sense of conservation of inhomogeneities..

Gradients, flows, "torsions. Always, at all dimensional scales, from the infinitesimal ones to the entire Universe. Turbulence, everywhere... This is one of the fundamental reasons for the difficulty of describing and calculating the physics of the world. Turbulence, the most complex of things to describe... We look for simplicity, elementality, elegance, and in the depths of the factory of Reality we find complexity, turbulence, damned turbulence... from which everything springs. We look for objects, things. Particles, waves, strings, loops, networks, foams, ... and we find Events, Action, incessant mutation, a bubbling of action that takes your breath away.... As if we were trying to build a house not with solid and resistant bricks, but with vibrant gelation, fireworks in perennial explosion, unstoppable whirligigs.

Gradients, flows, torsions. Gradient, divergence and curl. Perturbation, Translation, Rotation (the precursors of mass, motion, charge / spin respectively). Always this, at all dimensional scales, repeated more and more, and more, combined in infinite different ways, in the incessant construction of Reality. And in other words, Uncertainty, Action and Reaction and Least Action, the Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics and three of the main principles of Physics.

And we, desperately trying to find stability within turbulence, order within chaos, simplicity within complexity.

Increasingly complex and large inhomogeneities, ever more durable in the incessant mutation, in the eternal swarming of the foundations of Realities, in an infinite field of gradients, flows and twists, spontaneously organize themselves creating the first variational structures (space-time) with increasing permanence causal.

And so on, in a crescendo of spatial and temporal dimensions. It is the Creation (production of Events) that supports, on which the Evolution (production of Relations) is inserted, for the construction of Physical Reality, and of all that composes it, including ourselves, in an infinite crescendo of complexity, of extension, of duration.

In this ocean of turbulence and complexity, all we can hope for, all we can attempt to describe the world and make predictions, is to use a multilevel, statistical-probabilistic approach, where the specific physical quantities that underlie the functioning of a (e.g. particles and waves, quantum objects) emerge as statistical / probabilistic summaries of quasi-stochastic / quasi-deterministic processes that represent the complexity of the underlying, most elementary, most fundamental level (the correlations between the distributions of the Elementary Events). Impossible to punctually describe a particle in terms of the dynamics of the correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field produced by the Action of the Fundamental Force. Impossible due to indeterminacy, which is a fundamental property of Reality (and not lack of perfect knowledge of it), impossible due to the orders of magnitude involved, due to the complexity of the turbulence that constitutes its dynamics, impossible due to the incomputability of a problem of this size.

So, it is, again, from the organization of Elementary Events (space fluctuations with their peculiar time distributions), Relations (correlations between distributions) and Processes (Entities /Sources / Forces and Fields couples that produce Events and Relations that organize them) that the first Information and Structures of Information arise.

The first Vortices, the first convective structures in space-time (a space-time in very slow heating, now at the mean temperature of about 2.7 Kelvin degrees), characterized by a minimal but increasing inhomogeneity, an emerging organization of the Elementary Field, which in a very slow evolution leads to the formation of the first Dark structures. These, growing and interacting in successive processes of aggregation, merger and annihilation, filled all the available space, creating what we now understand to be the dark structure of the cosmic web.

Why "Dark"? Because in this initial stage of Formation, of the construction of Reality, the structures that emerge, progressively occupy and expand in space, in the Field, are structures characterized by an impalpable density, gradually increasing in size, not endowed with precise boundaries, of a clear dynamic, everything is nuanced, hazy, gradual. Soft gradients nested in other gradients, uncertain flows like the ripples of wind waves between clouds, turbulent eddies that twist and turn intertwining between gradient flows and other eddies. It is the inherently turbulent nature of Reality, the formless complexity at the basis of formed complexity. It is not gas, not ether, not substance in the sense that we attribute to this term. It is space itself, time itself that take shape, in their uncertain dynamics, Entities that produce Events and Relations that organize them into Processes. It is the dynamics of the Elementary Field, elementary fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field which little by little take the form of space-time, then of mass, motion, charge, spin, and so on towards increasing levels of complexity.

Why "Dark", I said? Because in this stage of the evolution of the Field, of space-time, of causality, there are no particles and waves, from whose interactions light arises and everything that allows us to observe "ordinary" visible matter and energy, observable indeed. In this phase we are in the "dark", only dark structures are formed, organized, transformed and selected by evolution. They expand, they grow in extent and duration, they occupy all space and all time. They are the only actors on the universal stage.

The first (dark) structures and their evolution

"Soft gradients nested in other gradients, uncertain flows, turbulent eddies" in a very slow evolution lead to the formation of the first dark structures.

More and more extensive vortices, always extremely thin, gradually evolve conquering the infinite space. Up to interacting, merging, annihilating. Vortices that increasingly extend and slower rotate on themselves, permeated by the nascent form, vortices of currents of Elementary Events, of Relations, stochastic Processes that little by little, in the spatial and temporal dimensional expansion, acquire more and more deterministic flavor and consistency.

Vortices that will evolve towards the gigantic voids that draw the profile of the cosmic web in the cosmos, and smaller bubbles than in the nodes of the web will be the cradles of the superclusters, and inside smaller bubbles that will welcome clusters of galaxies, even smaller bubbles that of galaxies will form the halos that make up the dark matter part, even smaller bubbles within the halos, bubbles that will lead to the formation of clusters of stars in formation, and so on in an endlessly nested structure.

Vortices, bubbles, halos, with approximate, intertwined, nested shapes, which interact in an endless dance, which occupies all the space and all the time that the Elementary Events, the correlations between their distributions, draw in the dynamics of the Field under the ceaseless action of the Force.

To understand the shape, the dynamics, the evolution of these first dark structures we must refer to the Modes of Elementary Action (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation Chirality and Rotation Axis orientation) and observe their characteristic profiles:

Profile of Perturbation

Each vortex, like a mega particle of matter, more or less extended in space, with its profile of Perturbation, a quasi spherical, bubble like gradient, an immense scheme of organization of the correlations between the intensity distributions (power spectrum, relation spatial variation in time) of elementary fluctuations, which draws the temporal profile of the halo. The more intense, rapid, the spatial fluctuations in time, the faster the flow of local time. Less intense, slower, the slower the passage of time.

It is the time profile of these bubbles (flat space and curved time, which forms the curved space-time that we observe in the structure of the visible cosmos). And, as illustrated by the Principle of General Equivalence, curved time (positively and negatively, time faster than the universal mean, or the largest volume the bubble contains) can be expressed as:

  • non-zero mass density (positive, what we call dark energy, if time faster than the average, negative, the dark and visible mass that we observe of the cosmos, if time less abrupt than the average),
  • temperature of the Elementary Field, or of space-time if we like (higher or lower temperature than the average, the very light variations that we see in the CMB, which we mistakenly attribute to the outcome of the Big Bang and Inflation),
  • velocity of propagation in the Field (or in space-time if we want) of Causality (Force-Forces), of Action, of Information, speed of light in a vacuum therefore, c zero which is no longer a constant, but a limit value, different in space and time, which tells us at each point-event of the Universe at what speed the perturbations can propagate at that point.

And together with the vortices, in their peripheral regions, in the interaction between different bubbles, and inside the halos, in the interactions between the internal vortices, flows of correlations propagate gradients, contributing to the conservation of inhomogeneities, their destruction, transformation, into a chaotic dance that incessantly (re-)shapes the structure of the Universe.

Vortices and flows, cosmic turbulence of space-time, of the Elementary Field which, in the swarming of Elementary Events, incessantly evolves towards the space-time which we observe, measure, with rulers and clocks, which we see bending in the dynamics of the masses of dark matter and ordinary (what we call visible).

Perturbation is the precursor, the source of Mass. Therefore, the profile of Perturbation can be seen and observed as a distribution of Mass, which forms, which gives shape to the structure. Attention: not distribution of Matter, but of Mass. This clarification is not trivial. In fact we are looking at a structure that is not "made of dark matter", but "is a unit, a structure of dark matter", as a particle is a structure of ordinary, visible matter. The Mass possessed by a particle of ordinary matter and that possessed by a structure of dark matter (a tenuous galactic halo for example, but also the structure of dark matter with very low density that hosts the solar system, or other whirling and undulating structures still less dense that make up the impalpable turbulence that shapes the space that we incessantly traverse in the cosmic dance of our body that revolves around the earth, that revolves around the sun, in the galaxy, in the local group, in the cluster of which the milky way is part, in the supercluster that collects it, and so on up to the entire Universe).

Profile of Translation

To time profile/mass density/field temperature/etc. the profile of Translation is accompanied, an almost spherical gradient, correlated to the Pertubation profile, an immense scheme of organization of the correlations between the spatial direction of the distributions of elementary fluctuations, which draw the gravitational profile of the halo, which we can also call acceleration, negative divergence, towards the center of mass. At any point of the halo and outside it (in the absence of gravitational contributions from other structures, other bubbles, halos), no zero amount of Translation towards the center of mass, or time center (the spatial point of the halo where time flows is slower), than the halo. Responsible for what we observe as attraction between masses (dark or visible), or repulsion between structural components of Dark Energy (positive mass).

And more, Translation (motion) of the structure as a whole, as an object in space and time...

Translation is the precursor, the source of Motion. Therefore, the profile of Translation can be seen and observed as a distribution of Acceleration, which forms, which gives shape to the gravitational and kinetic aspects of the structure.

Profiles of Rotation

And again, the Perturbation and Translation profiles are accompanied by the profiles of Rotation, in the two sub-modes Chirality and Axis Orientation, respectively precursors of the physical quantities Charge and Spin. Yes, even dark mega structures, in addition to having mass/gravity and motion, have charge and spin

Rotation is the precursor, the source of Charge and Spin. Therefore, the profile of Rotation can be seen and observed as a distribution of Charge (Rotation Chirality) and Spin (Rotation Axis Orientation), which forms, which gives shape to the Electric and Magnetic aspects of the structure.

Rotation at the level of the event-points of the Field and correlation between them, translate into intense magnetic fields and complex phenomena in the structures that host galaxies, clusters, the entire cosmic web.

All together

Each dark vortex structure, therefore, has its own spatial extent, its own temporal profile, its mass and a peculiar mass distribution that derive from its time / mass density profile, an internal and external gravitational profile / acceleration profile (motion in the Field) and an inertia profile (motion of the Structure), a chirality / electric charge profile, a spin / magnetic charge profile which results in the immense and structured magnetic fields which, together with gravity, determine the development, the evolution and dynamics of the forms of cosmic structures.

Focusing in particular on the mass, we can imagine these large dark structures that host galaxies, clusters, superclusters, giant voids, etc. like bubbles, or rather shaded halos in more or less regular rotation, formed by an extensive central region characterized by a negative mass (the mass we are used to, which has an attractive power over other massive structures), the one which forms Dark Matter and by a surrounding region characterized by positive mass (with repulsive power on other massive structures), which we call Dark Energy.

The Dark Energy region gradually becomes more evident and energetic in the interaction (compression) with other dark structures, and more and more repulsive, as it is easy to imagine in the dynamics of fuzzy objects which, in compression in a finite volume, tend to have collisions (or better frictions) more frequent and energetic. These external regions, in the compression of the interaction, gradually become thinner, compressed and turbulent, triggering massive processes of formation of smaller and denser structures. A real foam of dark bubbles, which forms mainly in the areas of greatest friction between the large structures, and tends to migrate and accumulate in the more spacious and less dynamic interstitial areas.

This is the first real evolution that from the continuum leads to the emergence of the discrete, after the hint we had seen with the resonances on the Planck scale which represent a preview of this fundamental evolution.

Immense discrete structures, with spherical-like but irregular shapes, not precisely or clearly delimited, partly overlapping and nested, changing and interacting. These dark structures will be crucial for the formation of the, proportionally very small, visible structures, particles, waves and interactions, which constitute the bricks with which Reality has built the forms, objects, visible structures that we observe in the Universe. Including ourselves, our bodies and everything physical and "visible" that we see around us (made up of "ordinary" matter, the stuff of the Standard Model of Particles, so to speak). And as we will see later, dark and visible structures, gradually intertwined together, conquer all space and time, in the incessant construction of the evolving Universe.

The evolution of Action

We have seen how the first dark structures manifested themselves and little by little, in an abyss of time, occupied all the available Space, in a dynamic evolution where Time and Mass, which is its direct derivation, and the structures that arise from their organization, have played a fundamental role, accompanied by other manifestations that represent Motion, Charge and Spin. All fundamental physical aspects, and related physical quantities.

And all this is nothing but the fruit of an absolutely primitive, primary form of Evolution: the Evolution of Action, of Elementary Action in particular. And the emergence of the Modes, of the Components of the Elementary Action (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation in the two sub-modes Chirality and Axis Orientation), and further evolution towards derived forms of Action that correspond to the Modes (gravitational, kinetic, electric and magnetic), which will still evolve towards even more complex forms (weak and strong nuclear power), and away towards all the even more complex forms that manifest themselves in the Universe.

Action, Events, the real substance of which Reality is made, together with Relations that organize them into more complex Events, into Processes, which incessantly construct the Reality.

The emergence of the visible side of the Universe

All those dark structures, so far from light, and from any electromagnetic radiation, at any wavelength or frequency we wish to observe (from radio waves to the most extreme gamma rays), are however the causal sources of the emergence of the spectacular side visible in the Universe.

From the incessant and changing dark interactions and dynamics of these dark structures, which we can observe as giant voids, dark halos of various sizes, walls and strings between them, which make up the Dark Cosmic Web, ordinary matter arose and continues to arise, from the interaction of the boundaries of those bubbles, halos, from boundaries formed by what we assume is Dark energy generating a swirling dynamic in space-time. A foam of correlations between the distributions of Elementary Events, which generates micro Vortices (Micro-torsions) and Waves (Micro-flows), which immediately evolve into Particles, accelerated by immense and intense magnetic fields (corresponding to a locally weak but very widespread correlation between the axis of rotation of all the point events in the volume of space hosting the considered dark structure).

Imagine these mega cosmic structures, halos, bubbles of an impalpable, very light space-time foam, or rather of Elementary Field animated by infinitesimal space fluctuations, Elementary Events, in the spatial organization of their distributions over time, correlation schemes that build growing complexities.

Bubbles, which rotate and interact in the incessant dynamics of the cosmic foam. Friction between the increasingly compressed peripheral areas due to the growing crowding of space-time pushed by the Force that incessantly acts on the Field, always producing new Events. That part which, in the structure that we hypothesize for these immense halos, we identify as Positive Mass, Dark Energy, impalpable but extremely energetic turbulence that collides, creates friction with other turbulence in the opposite direction in a counter-rotation of structures with equal chirality.

Micro-gradients, micro-flows and micro-vortices are produced incessantly, splashing all around, and above all in tangent directions to the interacting bubbles, accelerated by the very powerful magnetic fields produced by the correlation of the distributions of the spatial orientations of the rotation axes of the event-points ( Rotation Axis Orientation) that support bubbles.

Turbulences within turbulences, micro-turbulences within macro-turbulences, so to speak, which we hypothesize, even after numerous decays, stabilize in the most elementary types of particles, the leptons, ultimately electrons and positrons, characterized by very high energies, and therefore masses.

A rarefied but incessant process, at times or locally more intense, extended episodes of formation of ordinary matter, which alternate with periods of scarce production, in an expansion and contraction of the great dark structures, which in an incessant, very slow breath, produce foam, like the sea through its waves. From the consequent collisions between the elementary particles thus produced and accelerated, more complex particles are formed and begin to collapse into the less extensive but more dense, massive dark halos.

Light from the dark. The world of visible structures

The peripheral areas of friction of the mega-halos, in the compression of the structures in the cosmic foam, in a cosmos that progressively heats up and is increasingly structured by the incessant Action of the Source, thus become forges of microscopic turbulence, very energetic, which decays into charged particles and mega particle accelerators that direct them towards collisions capable of converting their immense energy and mass into more complex structures, capable of decaying into nucleons of quarks and leptons, protons and neutrons.

These vortex structures, particles, are the bricks of the first ionized atoms, hydrogen, which, by collecting further protons and neutrons, will partly be transmuted into helium, and other light atoms.

The gradual irruption of visible (ordinary) matter, produced, collected and shaped by the dynamics of the immense dark structures, drastically increases the complexity of the cosmos, pushes the evolution of the Universe towards ever new levels of organization.

The infinitely large, produced by the organization of the formless infinitely small, which produces structures and forms in the medium small. Worlds so united and causally linked, yet separated by immense orders of magnitude. It's a matter of size... Nothingness -> the super small (Planck scale fluctuations, emptiness) -> giant (cosmic dark bubbles / halos that will host galaxies, clusters, superclusters, ..., somethingness) -> small (particles of visible matter and radiation, the Standard Model) -> medium sized (the objects ) -> large -> huge (the cosmic web, with its giant voids and the filament and nodes that host galaxies, clusters, superclusters, ... ) -> the whole immense Universe (everything).

From this dynamic between dark structures, then between dark and visible structures, and then between visible structures in the fabric of the Universe, in an immense dimensional scale, interaction, friction, conversion, motion, acceleration, collision, transformation, dark, visible, dark, and again , and again...

This is not the beginning, nor the end... But we can consider it a fundamental step in the path towards our own existence. The transition between the dark side and the visible side of Physical Reality, radiation, the exchange of action / information between particles of matter is what allows us to perceive the world around us.

The same Information / Energy, which will give shape to increasingly complex objects, forms, systems.

Interactions, relations intensify and structure themselves in always new and varied ways.

In a Universe essentially dominated by Mass and gravitational interactions, Charge and Spin, and the related electromagnetic interactions, are starting to emerge and become increasingly evident.

And, with the formation of composite particles (starting from "simple" elementary particles such as leptons) new types of interactions, not so fundamental as gravitational and electromagnetic, therefore derived interactions, more complex interactions, interactions of more complex structures, such as nucleons, protons and neutrons, the quarks that compose them and all the particles up to the most exotic, produced and destroyed in the super energetic collisions mentioned above. We speak of nuclei, and therefore of the weak nuclear interaction (which manifests itself in nuclear decays) and the strong nuclear interaction, which binds the nucleons in the atomic nuclei, and the quarks inside the nucleons.

It is the dance of fermions and bosons from whose incessant interaction all "visible" matter arises.

And here is the domain of light and electromagnetic radiation at all wavelengths. Elementary phenomena, emission and absorption, and a thousand other bizarre ones, the paradise of Quantum Mechanics.

"Let there be light, and there was light"...

Information / Energy everywhere

Sources. Forces acting on Fields. Action that acquires Form. Information. In-Form-Action.

There is a powerful force operating in the Universe, which incessantly pushes towards aggregation, construction, complexity. An organizational operator, we will call him Organization.

In incessant competition / collaboration with another very powerful force, which pushes towards disintegration, destruction, simplicity. A transformative operator, we will call it Transformation. This is very familiar to science. They call it the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

But that's not all. Another operator completes this triad. We will call it Selection. It is the key to the evolutionary process, to adaptation, it is the force that incorporates the mechanism that ensures that only what can exist, exists and continues to exist, in an ocean of possibles that tends towards the actual, possibilities towards actuality, potential towards real.

This triad of operators realizes the Cycle of Information (or of Energy, as we call Information in the elementary levels of Reality), the true evolutionary engine of Reality.

And what does Information look like in the Universe? Infinite aspects, infinite structures, infinite forms... From the most elementary, the basic forms of energy, radiant energy, matter, information conveyed by radiation, photons, energy and information that propagates, which preserves itself, which builds the infinite and growing complexity of the Universe.

And what about "Complexity"? I like to think that this concept is linked to the causal dimension of Reality, to the expression of the Force, the active side of the Source, more in general to Forces expressed by Sources, to the amount of Action expressed by the Source needed to produce that Information / Energy / Structure or Form.

Infinite forms... With different levels of complexity and different space-time extensions, different dimensions, configurations, organization, different shapes, functions, behaviors, phenomena.

Any existing stuff in the Universe is Information, Action (Events) with a form (Relations between Events), in the end, different complex patterns of organizations of the correlations between the distributions in time of the elementary spatial fluctuations of the Elementary Field under the incessant Action of the Fundamental Force, expression of the Primary Source:

  • Particles
  • Radiation
  • Atoms
  • Molecules
  • Gas and Dust
  • Stars, Planets and Rocks (any object... yes, even cars, toothpaste, your nose...)
  • Black Holes
  • Star Clusters
  • Galaxies
  • Clusters of Galaxies
  • Super-clusters
  • Cosmic giant structures
  • Cosmic Web
  • Universe

Atoms and Molecules

Just as the collisions between the elementary particles produced and accelerated by the dynamics of the immense dark structures have produced and continue to produce composite particles, such as protons and neutrons, so from the collision of these same composite particles those aggregates that constitute the nuclei have formed and are formed of the lightest chemical elements: hydrogen, helium, etc.

These nuclei, following other collisions with elementary particles like electrons, become neutral atoms, the first atoms that form the gas clouds that gave birth to first generation stars (or third as it is usually called, with a truly unfortunate expression), which cannot but confuse the already confused current ideas about the origin and evolution of the Universe.

We have already illustrated the shape of the atom in the previous sections of this chapter. I don't want to dwell on it. What is of the utmost importance here is that there was no "magical" appearance of an immense mass of matter, which then took the shape of the Universe we observe (as proposed by the Big Bang / Inflation models). But, the formation of ordinary matter took place and continues to take place, albeit with different rhythms in various cosmological epochs, instant by instant, in absolutely dilated times, due to the effect of the complex dynamics of dark structures, in turn the result of the eternal dynamics of the Elementary Field.

Just as we assume that the Universe is evolving and will continue to evolve in an infinite time in the past and in the future, therefore infinite time and space, so too Energy and Matter are infinite. To infinity, new Information is constantly added, in the form of Energy and Matter.

Atoms which, through new collisions, establish bonds to form molecules (yes, always Relations, we could speak here of quantum correlations, entanglement, sharing of particles, exchange of bosons, waves, etc.).

Gas, gas everywhere... light elements

Due to this mechanism of creation of visible (ordinary) matter, all available space is occupied by dark structures, and particles, atoms and small molecules, lighter chemical elements spread everywhere. With variable densities, but always very light, with lumps, flows and peculiar dynamics that make up the turbulent life of these fertile regions.

Atoms and molecules, through new dynamics of dark structures, to which are added the new emerging dynamics of visible structures, begin to form rarefied clouds of gas, which as they grow, begin to collapse to form disks and protostars, then stars, clusters of stars, up to small galaxies, and so on.

And then, in those stars, in their red-hot furnaces, in their explosions, larger and more complex atoms are born, forming more mature stars, which in successive generations produce heavier and more complex atoms and molecules. An incessant evolution that opens the door to new chemical dynamics.

Molecular clouds, essentially full of molecular hydrogen, can contain lumps of more dense gas, they become stellar nurseries, cradles of rapidly evolving protostars, which continue to grow due to the availability of gas which continues to cool and concentrate due to gravity.

So, this gas, these clouds in the course of thickening, gradually collapsing towards the centers of mass of the smaller and denser bubbles, will form the first stars, forges of heavier chemical elements, which will go on to form the stars of successive generations, together to the dust produced by the explosions of the first stars.

Then, gas, dust, stellar debris will gradually form more and more complex objects, stars of further generations, solar systems, planets, satellites, and so on up to the variety and complexity of shapes that we observe in the cosmos.

Anywhere, at any distance, in any era, in an infinite space, in a time that has never begun and will never end.

Protons and electrons... Hydrogen... Neutrons... Other atoms... Little molecules... Maybe some Helium atom... Gas everywhere... Light elements... Dust... Structure... Structures... More structures...

The cosmos takes form

These are the dominant forms in the Universe: - dark structures -> the dark cosmic web - visible structures -> gas, dust, stars and other celestial objects, - dark and visible structures together -> group of stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, super-clusters, super-structures, the whole cosmos in evolution, the Universe

The dark dance is gradually enriched with light, radiant energy, infinite local dynamics, which together create the immense complexity of the evolving Universe.

Just as from this dark cosmic dynamic, which involves immense and invisible structures, the ever more complex dynamics of visible matter arose and continues to arise, the dance that involves every structure, every form in this unlimited, infinite and eternal Universe that hosts us and of which, like the whole planet we inhabit, we represent a highly complex and constantly evolving part.

But the very dominant form of the cosmos, as in the dynamics of the Elementary Field at all spatial scales of magnitude, is turbulence, something that exist in the sense that happens, as the whole Reality. Processes, Events organized by Relations, or correlations between distributions of variations of / in the Field produced by the Action of the Force, expression of the Source of Reality.

This infinite and eternal turbulence, the churning of space-time, very slight temperature differences, nested convective flows and vortices, is the source of the immense complexity of the cosmos.

The dynamic structure that emerges from this immense, albeit impalpable, turbulence is what we call the Cosmic Web (with its inseparable dark and visible components). A cosmic foam, with gigantic bubbles of very low density dark matter, in whose border areas, of friction with the other gigantic voids, collect and compress other smaller bubbles, albeit always immense, which host super clusters that collect randomly sometimes smaller clusters, thousands of galaxies in gravitational interaction, each composed of its dark halo and its visible part, composed of visible matter, gas, dust, stars and other celestial bodies, black holes, active or quiescent galactic centers.

And in the peripheral areas of each dark bubble, in the cosmic interstices, the friction of positive density areas, dark energy we call it, processes of formation of ordinary "visible" matter, elementary, composite particles, nuclei, atoms, molecules, gases, etc. An immense, infinite cosmic foam.

The bubbling of space-time, of the Elementary Field, which takes shape, incessantly heated by the Action of the Force, the incessant manifestation of the Source.

The Form from the Formless, always, forever. Turbulence at all dimensional levels. Foam, halos, bubbles, matter, energy, radiation. Increasing organization, complexity. Everything that interacts with everything. The Whole that interacts with itself.

An incessant explosion of Forms

Again... Atoms, Molecules, Gas, Dust, Stars and Planets, Star Clusters, Black Holes, Galaxies, Clusters of Galaxies, Super-clusters, Cosmic giant structures, Cosmic Web...

What else can we say about this incessant explosion of Forms that go to give, or rather, that represent the ever greater structure of this turbulent Field, where Causality and Variationality, the two expressions of the Agency of the Primary Source, intertwine in an infinite and eternal dance, both creative and evolutionary? All that we observe directly or indirectly, that we intuit and deduce, is Information (which in its most basic and "physical" form we call Energy, but also Matter and Radiation).

In-Form-Action. Lastly, the Form of Action, Events linked by Relations, always Processes. Everywhere and always. Physical processes, which we represent with cognitive, mathematical mixed processes, stochastic and deterministic together, processes that from a domination of random aspects, of stochastic independence, through evolutionary, formative processes, give rise to a progressive emergence of tendencies, of determined aspects, deterministic. Chaos and order together, in a dynamic, creative and evolutionary disequilibrium, which finds precarious and local balances which propagate in Reality, which conserve in Reality, which incessantly form Reality, give Form to the Reality in its happening.

If we look at Events, we see Action. If we look at the Relations (between the Events), we see Information. Two aspects of the same Reality. We observe the Reality which is incessantly forming before our eyes, but in observing its evolution we cannot grasp its Form, which is constantly changing (even if due to "slow" processes we are not aware of it, we immersed in the illusion of a static nature). To observe the Form we have to stop Time, like taking a snapshot. In a photograph we don't see the Reality that takes form, that takes a shape. We are not observing the present as it happens. We observe the past, which was formed but which is no longer. We do not witness events as they happen. We see the relations between the events that gave rise to that Form. The relations that organize the complexity we see.

What differentiates Action from Information is precisely Time. Information, Energy as "simple" Information, is Action blocked in Time, without Time... In fact, in physics, Action has the dimensions of F x s x t, Force times the spatial variation (deformation of the Field) times the temporal variations in the which the spatial variation is produced. And Energy is Action divided by Time, then Force by spatial variation (field deformation).

Here, exactly, how do we capture the Form, the shape of Reality? Let's stop time, let's take a snapshot, it doesn't matter if we do it with the camera of our mobile phone, with a spectrograph mounted on the most advanced space telescope, or with the most expensive particle collider. Let's stop time by capturing a snapshot. we see the fruit. The product of the Events, the deformation of the Field that took place before the shot. Either we experience Reality in the act of forming itself (Events) or we see Reality formed (Relations between Events), the Form of Reality.

We cannot experience Reality and observe its Form at the same time. Because the Form is constantly changing, even when we are not aware of it (illusion). This aspect of Reality (Physical Reality) and its representation (Cognitive Reality) makes use of the Principle of Indetermination: we cannot simultaneously observe / measure with infinite precision two so-called "conjugated" physical quantities. For example, a particle's position and momentum, or its Energy and Time. What distinguishes these physical quantities? Time, of course. It is always Time that distinguishes what happens from the form of what happens.

Creation and Evolution, Events and Relations, Action and Information/Energy. This is a fundamental key to the Knowledge of Reality.

The Universe as a whole

The Universe as a whole, infinite, unlimited and eternal, is a very particular system, the system of all systems.

It is a system that is both open and closed, since the causal (Fundamental Force, the primary causal Agent) and variational (Elementary Field, the primary variational Acted) source, the Source of Reality therefore, in its expression, Agency, is both transcendent (Causality) and immanent (Variationality).

We can say that this system, the Universe, is an immense, infinite "transmuter", a changer of Form.

Causality (Force) in input, Complexity (variational transformation, variation of the form of / in the Field) in output.

The Universe, as the present section of the whole Reality, is formative (creative and evolutive at the same time), dynamic(al) and conservative.

It is a incessant flow of Existence and Essence / Form, both in the physical and cognitive domains of Nature, of which, as physical and cognitive creatures, we are a part.

Universe, Uni-verse, a multiplicity in evolution towards the One, the Unity, an infinity of directions that converge in a single overall direction.

This is for the past and present of the Universe. And the future? What should we expect? In fact, it doesn't seem like a very relevant question for mortal creatures who, even at the species level, have a rather limited time horizon. But you know, the curiosity and thirst for knowledge have no limits.

Given that, I don't believe that any of us will be able to verify whether the hypotheses and predictions we formulate will come true, what can we hypothesize for the future of the Universe?

Thermal end, vacuum decay, decay of all matter, relocation of all galaxies beyond the horizon, cyclic universe, big crunch, big rip, big bounce, big what? Well, I personally don't believe in any of these hypotheses. In my opinion they are based on incorrect assumptions, they do not take into account the fundamental nature of Reality, nor the cosmological dynamics that seem to emerge from ever more accurate observations.

I don't believe that the Second Law of Thermodynamics (Transformation operator) prevails over the fundamental evolutionary tendency of Reality (Organization operator). Gravity vs. electromagnetism?

Cosmic expansion is not true expansion into space or of space. It is a phenomenon (slowing down of time with consequent decrease in the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information) due to the progressive structuring of the Elementary Field under the incessant creative / evolutionary pressure of the Force, expression of the Source of Reality.

The formation of new matter (especially the visible one) follows local dynamics determined by the interaction between the immense dark structures, which, even with variable production rates, never stops.

My guess, given the fundamental nature of Reality as sketched in this paper, is that the Universe will continue to evolve for the eternity. Always new Time, always new organization, always new energy, matter, new structures and new forms, increasingly articulated interactions...

At least as long as the Source continues to exert its pressure towards the Formation of Reality. Always new Force (Causality) will always produce new Action, always new variations in the Field (Varianity). Ever new Causality will produce new and greater Complexity. An endless Evolution.

What did we expect to observe?

From recent observations and analyses, also through the new powerful tools available to the scientific community, and from the increasingly extensive and accurate simulations, a very different picture emerges from that predicted by the most accredited cosmological models. We talk about crises and every day we read comments that push towards a revision of the fundamental pillars of the current scientific vision.

The hypotheses and proposals formulated in this work, which form the basis of this section, of the "Brief history of the Universe" outlined here, seem to imply a vision of the cosmos and its dynamics that is very different from the one described up to now and essentially "defended" by academic science.

What could we expect to observe on the basis of the hypotheses and proposals expressed here? What would we expect to see based on this Evolutionary Cosmological Model, the different history that we hypothesized?

Let's talk about the most relevant aspects...

The general view

A Universe much more complex than the one emerging from the prevailing model (Lambda-CDM or ΛCDM) and all its derivations. A much older Universe. And much broader. Thus, an enlargement of the Universe in all the fundamental three dimensions of Reality: causality (complexity), spatiality (extension / distances) and temporality (age / durations).

Based on our hypotheses, the farther we look in time and therefore in space, the more we would expect to see complex, large and ancient, well-formed objects similar to those we observe in the closer Universe.

We should see the same variability in shapes and age of the objects (galaxies and clusters) that we see in more recent epochs, but we believe that a selection effect due to luminosity weighs heavily (smaller objects, or objects in formation, or in any case of non-luminous may be too weak to be observed even with the aid of strong gravitational lenses). Deep field areas are so narrow that it may be difficult to see entire clusters with sufficiently representative galactic populations.

We could therefore see individual galaxies with very high redshift, characterized by great luminosity (forming galaxies with many low metallicity stars with very intense emissions and ancient and well-formed galactic monsters, very luminous for their immense size, probably with extremely active galactic nuclei that enhance their luminosity).

A characteristic foamy structure

A characteristic foamy structure, with immense voids and denser border regions, nodes and filaments filled with smaller size bubbles rich in visible matter, which host super-clusters, clusters and galaxies, with peculiar attractive and repulsive dynamics, sometimes due to the prevalence of the gravitational interaction, sometimes of the repulsion determined by the overlapping of the positive mass density regions (Dark Energy) resulting from the amount of compression of the bubbles / dark halos that make up the cosmic web.

A peculiar CMB shape / anisotropies distribution

The structure of the anisotropy of the CMB determined not by the configuration and dynamics of the early stages of the development of the Universe, but by the current distribution ("current" in the relativistic sense) of Energy and Matter, and therefore of the "temperature of the structured Elementary Field" (essentially from the distribution of Matter and Dark energy). The distribution of anisotropies in the CMB should reflect the space-time configuration of the "current" structure of the cosmos, of the cosmic web we observe and its dynamics.

The distribution of anisotropy in space-time can be represented by a power spectrum characterized by peaks and valleys which should correspond respectively to the areas with the lowest temperature of the Elemental Field (filaments and nodes of the cosmic web, where the concentration of bubbles is higher, halos of medium and small size that host clusters and galaxies) and less lower temperature areas (giant voids that occupy the spaces between the meshes of the cosmic web).

This image is counterintuitive as we would expect a higher temperature where we have a higher concentration of dark and visible matter. But it should be noted that the equivalence of Mass (positive -> repulsive Dark energy, negative -> attractive Dark and Visible matter) and temperature at the level of the Elementary Field associates a lower temperature to the regions of the Field where the Perturbation value is lower (the distributions of the intensities of the spatial fluctuations over time are lower -> lower density of Elementary Events, slower time flow, lower speed of propagation of perturbations/Causality/Action/Information, temperature of the Field lower than the universal mean /universal instantaneous mass density/, or of the surrounding regions /local instantaneous mass density/).

The power spectrum of the CMB and its space-time configuration contains important information on the physical properties of the cosmic regions that surround us, always remembering that the weight of the thermal emission of the disturbed field propagates in the field itself and its intensity decreases with the square of the distance.

Differences in the rates of expansion of the cosmos

The tension between the estimates of the Hubble constant deriving from different methods that observe different epochs in the history of the Universe has become increasingly greater and more worrying. It is obvious to everyone that there is something wrong.

The possibilities are many. One or all of the methods could be wrong or misunderstood, the collected data could be affected by systematic errors or instrumental deficits, the processing techniques not corrected or applied incorrectly, the photons / e.m. could undergo significant transformations in the propagation over immense distances / times, the quantities involved in the observations not constant over time (e.g. masses could vary over time, as well as light / photons, space-time itself could undergo / have undergone such deformations to influence the measurements and therefore the results of the estimates).

The aforementioned tension could be due to one of these reasons, a combination of some or even all of them together. Or, there is something deeper that escapes. Something in the model of the Universe and its origin and evolution, in its dynamics, in its structure and in the relationships between what exists. Yeah... what exists...

It is no secret that, despite the innumerable successes of science, we know very little about what exists and why it exists. I know I'm merciless, but I'm not the one who said that we know little about 5% of the energy/matter content of the Universe (the visible, "baryonic" matter), and nothing about the remaining 95%. Put like this, it sounds like a devastating scenario.

Following the assumptions expressed in this paper, it seems clear that we should not expect a constant rate of expansion of the cosmos at all times and in all places. Nor should we expect literal expansion (an increase in spatial distances, an expansion of space). Maybe it's not space that's expanding. Perhaps the observed expansion is a phenomenon that has another nature and other explanations. Perhaps it is the flow of time that is slowing down (and with it the speed of light), globally due to the progressive growth of the complexity of the level of organization of the Elementary Field (more and more structures, matter and dark and visible energy) and locally due to the more intricate and complex interplay of existing structures.

From the locally (spatially as well as temporally) differentiated dynamics there would derive what are interpreted as different "rates of expansion" and therefore different values of the Hubble constant. It would therefore be the structures in space-time which, by evolving, would determine the expansion of space-time itself (not space, but time slowing down and therefore the limit speed of propagation of Causality/Action/Information (commonly, the speed of light in empty space).

No plausible signs of Big Bang and Inflation

Observations that undermine the prevailing cosmological model and give credence to alternative hypotheses are growing.

It is surprising how much academic science hastens to shore up existing models, denying new evidence, or providing improbable interpretations, or simply turning back the clock or dilating the permissible distances of the Universe.

If, as we assume:

  • expansion is not a real expansion, but a phenomenon determined by the progressive organization of the Elementary field towards increasing complexities,
  • CMB is not a remnant of the Big Bang / Inflation, but the black body emission of the Elementary Field in the "current" cosmos, with its peaks and valleys corresponding to the immense structures that populate the cosmos,
  • the composition of matter at the beginning of time (hydrogen / helium balance) was not determined by the nucleosynthesis hypothesized by the standard cosmological model and which frankly does not seem to have a robust scientific basis (we understand QM and QFT so well that we can imagine them as if from a soup quarks and other exotic particles can form protons and neutrons?), but it has occurred and continues to occur in a variable way in space and time, due to the peculiar dynamics of the large dark bubbles and above all to the "friction" of their peripheral regions).

Once this fundamental "evidence" has been removed, what is left of the Big Bang and the Inflationary model?