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Creation is the causal and variational sub-process that incessantly gives life to the Existence of Reality. Creation represents the Dynamics of Events, of Action.

Creation is the sub-process by which the two emerging aspects of the Source of Reality, the former causal agent and the elementary acted entity, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field respectively, interacting, incessantly produce the most elementary form of Existence, the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action,the quantum vacuum, the without form.

Elementary Events from whose organization the Forms and the Universe in evolution incessantly emerge.

Creation is one of the two fundamental formative aspects of Reality, the first, in causal sense, of the two functional aspects of the unitary formative process that, from the Primary Source, leads to the Forms, from the Unity to the Universe.

Beyond any contrast, the sub-processes of creation and evolution incessantly and parallelly operate (co-operate) to the formation of the physical and cognitive Reality.

It produces the phase transition from Nothingness to Elementary Events and Elementary Action. In the creative sub-process, the Fundamental Force, the fundamental causal agent, expresses its Action producing the phase transition of the Elementary Field, from Nothingness to Somethingness.

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