TFNR - Why there is something rather than nothing

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I think that the question “Why is there something rather than nothing?” can be considered a secondary question. The answer, in this system of knowledge, is “because everything emerges from a source, from the Source”.

So, the real question to pose is “why is there a source?”. Or better “why is there the Source?”. Every other question we can imagine is a sub question, a secondary, derived question. We could try and be successful in answering any other question, but the reason why there is a source of existence, in my opinion, will remain forever unanswered. This is and will ever be a mystery, the only mystery that we ought to accept as non-resolvable… our limit in knowledge…

We can call it the Source, God, Chaos, Indetermination, First Mover, Nature, Force... We can think it as a willing being or as an impersonal force… But for us, it is and will ever be the unknown, the unknowable... It is the precursor of causality, spatiality and temporality. It is beyond everything we can conceive, observe, measure. It is really the Limit, the limit of Reality, both the Physical and the Cognitive, at the same time, the limit of physical dimensions and of the knowledge about Reality and the Universe.

In this sense, I think that scientific and religious answers have to be considered truly equivalent. Everyone must be free to choose the answer he prefers, the one rising from his culture, or from his reasoning, or from his heart. Nobody, nothing, neither science, must say a man what to believe about the origin of reality and the cosmos. Spiritual freedom is one of the most important and fundamental rights.

We can argue about facts, observations, measurements. It is here that science, with its peculiar method, with its rigorous and specific approach can make the difference, can shed light in the obscure areas of reality, can remove the wrong and superstitious visions of reality that frequently hold people in ignorance and submission. Always with the maximum respect for the traditional cultures, for the “other” visions of reality, products of the vast evolution of the human though.

Always remembering that our cognitive systems, in the history of mankind and even before in the whole evolution of life on this planet, has evolved through different steps, different developments. Perceptions, sensations, emotions, thoughts are equally important and vital for us, and today prominence of rationality is sometime only apparent, the emotional and the unconscious being, in some way, the true forces that lead our behavior.

So, irrational, superstitious, magic visions of the Nature must be accepted for what they are. Always representations of reality… If, in the physical domain of reality, we all have to prefer a description, an explanation coming through the rigorous application of the scientific method, in the spiritual field concerning the origin of Nature, I think that science cannot say anything final, that science must let way to the individual spiritual freedom.

In conclusion, in my opinion, everything that exists, emerging from the Source through the creative and the evolutive sub processes that make up the Process of Formation of Reality, is in principle knowable even though not observable, measurable. Everything but the origin of the Source itself. I believe that it will be possible to describe every physical process, even the main properties of the Source. It will be only matter of time and diligence. But the origin of the Source of Existence and Essence / Form will remain a mystery forever and we must accept it.

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