Physical Information

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Physical Information is what gives form in a physical sense (Physical Essence / Form).

At each level of Physical Reality, Physical Information is organized Physical Action, the whole set of Physical Relations, produced by the expression of the Operator Physical Relation, which links Physical Events in Physical Processes, the informative elements in structures, then in Physical Forms, parts in Physical Systems, in a whole, the Physical Universe in Evolution.

At the most elementary level of Reality, at the level of the Elementary Field, Information manifests itself as correlations between the Microstates that represent the elementary constitutive units of Reality, the most basic substance able to support Information.

At the more complex levels of the Physical Structures of Information, where we find Particles of Ordinary matter and Radiation, Information manifests itself as patterns of Relations between Structures, immaterial Information that organizes Information in the form of Matter. "In-form-action": that which gives shape to Elementary Action, the object of evolutionary Processes.

Physical Information is the object and the product of Physical Evolution.

It is the pattern of organization of Physical Relations, which link Events in Processes, the Information elements in Structures, the parts in a System, in a whole. It is the organizing element in "chaos-order" processes, the key element in the evolution towards Physical Complexity. It is the Energy, in a broad sense.

In this model of description of Reality, Physical Information is Physical Action that takes a form through Physical Relation. At the most elementary Levels of Physical Reality, Physical Information is represented by the sets/nets of Physical Relations that organize (the distributions of) the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action, and its Modes / Components. Only inhomogeneous sets/nets of Physical Events manifest, represent, "are" Physical Information. Homogeneity represents the minimum level/amount of Physical Information (absolute homogeneity: no Information).

The Cycle of Information, as the evolutionary engine of Physical Reality, is acted by the following Operators:

In the Process of Formation of Physical Reality we speak of Physical Information: it's the Information that organizes the Physical Structures of Information and the Physical Forms, produced by the physical activity of the Quantum Agents and the Deterministic Agents:

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:


The Role of Physical Information in the Physical Universe

All we can experience is Information: "In - Form - Physical Action = Physical Action taking Form.

Every interaction, every observation, every physical measure, every perception and every exchange between the cognitive systems of the living being always consists of a set of interactions between Structures of Information, ultimately, exchange of Physical Information (Physical Action in certain way structured, provided with form) between Physical Systems (Structures or Forms).

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
