Unification of the physical derived structured forces and fields

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One of the fundamental objectives of contemporary physics is the unification of the Forces of nature, or, following the general trend expressed by General Relativity and Quantum Field Theory, albeit in different areas, the unification of the Fields.

Finding unity in multiplicity, the first Principles from Phenomenology, going back from Phenomena, Events, to Entities, Sources, to the Primary Source from which everything comes, the whole Reality as a single and inseparable flow of Existence that takes Form. This has always been the central yearning in every "scientific" investigation, the search for Knowledge of the world and its laws.

We cannot speak of Forces without speaking of Fields, and vice versa, because Forces and Fields are always complementary aspects of Entities, of Sources, from the most fundamental and elementary level of Reality, where we find the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, as the complementary aspects of the two Source of Reality, the Primary Source. At the more complex levels, in the world of Waves and Particles / Vortices and their Physical Interactions, the Structures of Information, we can find various kinds of Derived Physical Forces and Derived Physical Fields, as the two complementary aspects of Physical Sources.

The road to the unification of Forces and Fields passes through a necessary clarification on the profound nature of the forces / fields that we intend to unify. We must necessarily separate the forces / fields with less organizational complexity (direct expression of the Primary Source, its aspects and properties) from those with greater complexity typical of the Mixed Physical Structures that make up Ordinary matter.

The former (direct expression of the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field) - less complex, closer to the dimension of the continuum:

The latter (direct expression of the combination of the former) - more complex, closer to the discrete / quantized dimension:

  • Weak nuclear force and field
  • Strong nuclear force and field

It would be better for us to start from the unification of the former, in terms of the dynamics of elementary action, of Information and of the first simpler Information structures, waves and vortices, e.m. radiation. and particles. The latter, too complex, exist only of the dynamics of composite Physical Structures of Information, highly quantized, so far from the simplicity of the continuum phenomena, or of the first emergence of quantum granularity.

Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin, and their related phenomena, directly coming from the Dynamics of the Elementary Action, can be unified in that elementary level, where the inner interaction of the two aspect of the Source, the FF and the EF, create the Physical Reality and make it to evolve.

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