Acted / Fields

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Acted/Fields are the passive aspects of the unity represented by Sources.

They are the passive side of Reality, of Existence. Acted are the fields on which Agents / Forces act in the formation, the creation and evolution of Reality, in its two domains: physical and cognitive.

In other words, Acted are the fundamental variational (spatial and temporal) entities (Space and Time) that give life to, that incessantly produce the construction of Reality. They represent "objects of causal action".

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:


There is only one fundamental / Elementary Field. Every other field that we see in the Universe is a derivation of the elementary one.

We can imagine the derived fields (as the gravitational field, the electromagnetic field, all the fields associated with the particles described by the Standard Model, etc.) can be seen as different view of the Elementary Field, whose dynamics produces all the derived entities, Structures and Forms, and all the phenomena that we observe in the world.

Elementary Field

Definition of Elementary Field

Derived Fields

Definition of Derived Acted / Fields

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
