TFNR - The Dynamics of Information: Evolution toward Complexity

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Evolution is the causal sub-process that incessantly gives life to the Essence / Form of Reality, where anabolic / constructive processes and catabolic / destructive ones interact, co-evolve in the continuous construction of complexity, from which arise the materials and immaterials Forms that compose the Universe. An endless co-evolutionary process that leads Reality towards increasing levels of complexity.

Evolution represents the Dynamics of Relations, of Information.

Evolution is the sub-process by which, through the progressive interaction, organization, transformation and selection of the Elementary Events, of the Elementary Action, under the incessant evolutive pressure operated by the relational aspects of the Primary Source and its manifestations at the more and more complex Levels of Reality, Information emerges in the world, constructing more and more complex Structures of Information, Radiation - waves and particles, composing more and more complex Forms, the Material Forms of the Physical Reality (atoms, molecules, gas, dust, stars and planets, galaxies, and more) and the Immaterial Forms of the Cognitive Reality. Beyond any contrast, the sub-processes of creation and evolution incessantly and parallelly operate (co-operate) to the formation of the physical and cognitive Reality.

The Dynamics of Information

Information (In-form-action: Action with a Form) is the product of the expression of the Operator Relation, a more complex form of interaction between the two complementary aspects of the Sources (Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields) that produces Complex Events (organization of variations of/in the Fields, that represent Essence / Form, from the first organization of the elementary level of Reality to the most complex levels).

The Dynamics of Information is the part of Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the Process of Formation of Reality, studies the dynamics of the "Relations among Events" that incessantly form Reality, in their causal, space and time dimensions or, in other words, "why and how (Principles and Processes - dyna) what exists (Entities - onto) produces what happens (Events - pheno), the Principles and the Processes that describe the product of the second part of the Process of Formation of Reality, the sub-process of Evolution.

The Dynamics of Information analyzes and describes all the processes of Organization, Transformation and Selection of Information (Action that Takes Form), which represent processes of construction of increasing complexity.

In general, by "Dynamics of Information" we intend the dynamics of the:

Evolutionary Ontology - Phenomenology - Dynamics

This part of dynamics studies:

  • the nature and the properties of the Relations among the Events and their interactions / organization in networks and processes that form the whole Reality and the Universe in evolution
  • the ways in which Information manifests itself, the Structures of Information

Information represent the substance, the support of all the Structures and the Forms that exists, and its dynamics ais he root of all the complex phenomena both in the Physical and in the Cognitive domains of Reality.

The essence of the Dynamics of Information is the study of what we call "The Cycle of Information", which come from the expression of the three Operators of Reality:

Information / Evolution Operators

Information is the product of a complex form of Agency, the main property of the Sources. Agency (Causality and Variationality) is a continuum, a continuous relation/interaction that links Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields in an incessant Evolution of a universal network of Relations among Events, of Action.

With respect to the level of Reality we are observing, we can identify:

In the Process of Formation of Reality, at the level of Information, which represents the evolutionary engine of Reality itself, two Agents / Forces are at work, acting two concurrent Processes: the operator Organization (represented by the anti-entropic processes - creation of more complex Information - increase of complexity) and the operator Transformation (entropic processes - destruction of complex Information - decrease in complexity).

The balance of the chaos-order process of the Universe is oriented towards increasing levels of organization, a tendency to create more and more Information, more and more Complexity.

As a consequence, the acceleration of cosmic expansion linked to the increase in the rate of formation of Ordinary matter and the increase in the density profiles of Dark matter Halos should continue in the Universe.

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