Principle of Connection

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As described by the Principle of Unity, all the Elementary Events that form Reality, produced by the inner interaction with the Fundamental Force, happen as variations in / of the Elementary Field, a unitarian field that represent the real "substance" everything is made of. One Source, one Force, one Field. From the organization of those Events, everything emerge and evolve.

A unitarian field where every Event interacts with all other Events in the spatial and temporal dimensions. In this sense we can say that the Field is completely connected.

Connection implies "Continuity".

The only limit to this connection (only, but fundamental) is represented by the finite velocity of propagation of Causality (the primary expression of the Fundamental Force) with respect to Variationality (spatiality and temporality, the main expression of the Elementary Field, in other words, of Information in space-time. This is the fundamental limit to the connection of / in the Field, to the propagation of Causality, of Information, of everything in the Universe.

In the physical realm of Reality, the general Principle of Connection characterize itself as the Principle of Locality. Locality and its supposed violation are crucial aspects of Physical Reality, an outcome of one of the most important interpretations of Quantum Mechanics.

Common definition

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