Structured Elementary Field

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From Emptiness to Somethingness, from the Vacuum to the Structured Elementary Field, the Evolution of the Organization of the Elementary Field toward increasing levels of Complexity, from the Void to the more complex Physical and Cognitive Forms.

The Elementary Field as a whole, without causal, space and time limits, due to its dynamical nature based on the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action, has a time by time space universal more than zero total Energy.

This energy corresponds to the sum of:

  • the "potential" energy or the energy / information of the Field: the Action frozen in time, as a snapshot of all the anisotropies / correlations of the distributions of the fluctuations of the Field in all the modes of Elementary Action (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation). In other words, a snapshot of the sum of the instant stochastic dependencies among the Elementary Events
  • the "effective" energy or the energy / information of the Structures of Information in the Field: the Action frozen in time, as a snapshot of all the anisotropies / correlations of the distributions of the fluctuations of the Field in all the modes of Elementary Action (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation) that compose the Structures of Information in the Field. In other words, a snapshot of the sum of the instant stochastic dependencies among the Elementary Events that participate to the incessant formation of those Structures.

In the Structured Elementary Field we can find:

The sum, or better the interaction, of all the "states" above listed, attributable to the state we call Somethingness, make up the Everything, the whole Reality, the Universe in Evolution.

Common definition

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See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
