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Perturbation is a specification of Variation. It is the most fundamental mode of expression of the Elementary Action.

In term of Elementary Events, the "substance" Reality in made of, produced by the inner interaction between the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, the the unitary couple of the two aspects of the Source of Reality, Perturbation represent any inhomogeneity in the distributions of the Elementary Events.

Perturbation is the substrate of Existence in its most elementary form. But we cannot say that Perturbation is somethng that exists, an entity. It is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.

It is associated with the Operator of Reality that has the same name and is the expression of the Fundamental Principle that we call Principle of Variation (everything that exists is in incessant mutation, variation, or better, all that exist "is" incessant variation). Perturbation , as an Operator of Physical Reality, transmutes the pressure of the Fundamental Force on the Elementary Field in an incessant flux of variations, fluctuations, of the parameters that describe the same Elementary Field.

Perturbation is the way in which the Elementary Field react to the Elementary Action of the Fundamental Force, the way in whichthe Elementary Field receive the expression of the Fundamental Force, its the product of the expression of Causality at the most elementary level of Reality. Variation is the root of the emergence of the Dimensionalities of Reality that we call Spatiality and Temporality, the fundaments of Space and Time.

The best question with respect to Variation undoubtedly is: what varies? What varies is the distribution of the Elementary Events and the patterns of correlations among them. Any departure from an homogeneous distribution of Events as any change in that distribution (and in their stochastic independence / correlation) represents a perturbation. At any level of complexity, from the most elementary to the Universe as a Whole, Reality can be described as a net of more or less independent / correlated stochastic processes. Space, time, mass, motion, charge, spin and all the more complex entities (Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields) and phenomena (Events and Relations) that we can see in Nature are made of Events, of Action, which can be described be sets, or better nets, of relations among an infinite number of stochastic processes. Infinite are the ways in which the relations among those stochastic processes organize, produce, the infinite complexity of the Universe in evolution.

Action Physical Action Cognitive Action
Variation Perturbation Perception
Propagation Translation Communication
Conservation Rotation Storage

The Modes of Action are intimately connected with the Dimensionalities of Reality: Causality and Variationality, that produce the Dimensions of Reality: Cause, Space and Time. They represent three fundamental operators in the Formation of Reality. The Operator Perturbation can be seen as the result of expression of Causality, the active side of Agency, while Translation and Rotation can be seen as expressions of the two aspects of its passive side ,Variationality: Spatiality and Temporality.

The Operator Perturbation is responsible for the formation of gradients in the Elementary Field, inhomogeneities, anisotropies, in the parameters that describe the Field and their dynamics in the inner interaction with the Fundamental Force as components of the Sources.

Common definition

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In the context of Evolutionary Knowledge, gradient is the variation of the parameters that describe the Field along a chosen direction, the most elementary trace of inhomogeneity, of anisotropy.
Primary manifestation of Action. Elementary gradients are produced by the action of Force, which disturbs the Field of Action. At more complex levels, the gradients are produced by the action of the derived forces, which perturb the derived fields, characterizations of the fundamental field, different levels and modalities of organization of the Events, which constitute the Action."

d_gradients Gradienti "Nell'ambito della Conoscenza Evoluzionistica, gradiente è la variazione dei paramentri che descrivono il Campo lungo una direzione scelta, orma più elementare di disomogenità, di anisotropia.
Manifestazione primaria dell'Azione. I gradienti elementari vengono prodotti dall'azione della Forza, che perturba il Campo dell'Azione.
A livelli più complessi, i gradienti vengono prodotti dall'azione delle forze derivate, che perturbano i campi derivati, caratterizzazioni del campo fondamentale, livelli e modalità diverse di organizzazione degli Eventi, che costituiscono l'Azione." Gradients In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, gradient is the variation of the parameters that describe the Field along a chosen direction, more elementary trace of dishomogeneity, of anisotropy.
First manifestation of Action. The elementary gradients are produced by the action of the Force, that perturbates the Field of Action.
At more complex levels, the gradients are produced by the action of the derived forces, that perturbate the derived fields, characterizations of the fundamental field, different levels and ways of organization of the Events, that constitute the Action. Gradients In the area of the Evolutionary Knowledge, gradient is the variation of the parameters that describe the Field along a chosen direction, more elementary trace of dishomogeneity, of anisotropy.
First manifestation of Action. The elementary gradients are produced by the action of the Force, that perturbates the Field of Action.
At more complex levels, the gradients are produced by the action of the derived forces, that perturbate the derived fields, characterizations of the fundamental field, different levels and ways of organization of the Events, that constitute the Action.

See also
