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== Definition ==
== Definition ==
L'Operatore Propagazione trasmuta le perturbazioni in flussi traslazionali (Traslazione), diretti al ripristino dell'omogeneità, dell'isotropia del Campo dell Azione Elementare.
Translation is a specification of [[Propagation]]. It is '''the second fundamental [[Modes of Physical Action|mode of expression]] of the [[Elementary Action]]'''.  
Nella Dinamica del Campo dell'Azione Elementare chiamiamo "Traslazione", o Azione traslatoria, l'orientamento delle perturbazioni, prodotto dalla reazione tendente al ripristino dell'omogeneità, nella direzione e verso di espressione della reazione stessa, da punti caratterizzati da contrazione della metrica a punti in espansione.
In term of [[Elementary Events]], '''Translation represents any action that spreads [[Perturbation]] in the [[Elementary Field]]'''.
== Common definition  ==
Perturbations, inhomogeneities in the distributions of the intensities of the Elementary Events, the intensities of the deformations of the Elementary Field under the incessant pressure of the Fundamental Force, the products of the Elementary Events, "diffuse", propagate, translate in the Field.
Nella geometria euclidea, una traslazione è una trasformazione affine dello spazio euclideo, che sposta tutti i punti di una distanza fissa nella stessa direzione. La si può anche interpretare come addizione di un vettore costante ad ogni punto, o come spostamento dell'origine del sistema di coordinate. <br>
In the Dynamics of the Elementary Action we call "Translation", or Translational Action, the orientation of the perturbations, produced by the reaction tending to restore homogeneity, in the direction of expression of the reaction itself.
Tutte le traslazioni sono isometrie.<br>
La traslazione può anche essere vista come il risultato di una rotazione eseguita da un centro di rotazione che si trova all'infinito nella direzione ortogonale alla direzione di traslazione. {{WpLink}}
Like Perturbation, we cannot say that Translation is something that exists, an entity. It is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.
Translation is associated with the [[Operators of Reality|Operator of Reality]] that has the same name and is the expression of the [[Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics|Fundamental Principle]] that we call [[Principle of Propagation]] (the mutations described by the Principle of Variation, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, the Events, always tend to propagate). The [[Operators of Reality|Operator]] Translation organizes Perturbations, the fluctuations of the [[Acted / Fields]], in fluxes of [[Action]] directed to the restoring of homogeneity, of isotropy of the Elementary Field. The Operator Translation is responsible for the formation of '''fluxes / divergence''' aimed at canceling gradients (inhomogeneities, anisotropies) in the Acted / Fields.
'''Perturbation is the way in which the [[Elementary Field]] react to the [[Elementary Action]] of the [[Fundamental Force]]''', the way in which the [[Elementary Field]] receive the expression of the [[Fundamental Force]], its the product of the expression of [[Causality]] at the most elementary level of Reality. Variation is the root of the emergence of the [[Dimensionalities of Reality]] that we call [[Spatiality]] and [[Temporality]], the fundaments of [[Space]] and [[Time]].
'''Translation is the way in which the [[Elementary Field]] reacts to the appearing of Perturbations produced by the [[Action]] of the [[Fundamental Force]]''', the way in which the Elementary Field receives the expression of the Fundamental Force, it is the product of the expression of [[Causality]]. Translation is the root of the emergence of the [[Dimensionalities of Reality|Dimensionality of Reality]] that we call [[Spatiality]], the fundament of [[Space]].
The best question with respect to Translation undoubtedly is: what propagates? '''What propagates is the inhomogeneity in the distributions of the [[Elementary Events]] and the patterns of [[Relations|correlations]] among them'''. Any departure from an homogeneous distribution of Events as any change in that distribution (and in their stochastic independence / correlation) represents a variation that tend to propagate to restore homogeneity. At any level of complexity, from the most elementary to the Universe as a whole, Reality can be described as a net of more or less independent / correlated stochastic processes that propagate in the Fields.
Modes of Action are intimately connected with the [[Dimensionalities of Reality]]: [[Physical Causality]] and [[Physical Variationality]], that produce the [[Dimensions of Physical Reality]]: [[Cause]], [[Space]] and [[Time]]. They represent three [[Operators of Physical Reality|fundamental operators]] in the [[Formation of Physical Reality]].
The Operator [[Perturbation]] can be seen as the result of expression of [[Physical Causality]], the active side of [[Physical Agency]], while [[Translation]] and [[Rotation]] can be seen as expressions of the two aspects of its passive side, [[Physical Variationality]]: [[Physical Spatiality]] and [[Physical Temporality]].
The Operator Translation is responsible for the formation of '''divergence''' in the Elementary Field, propagation of inhomogeneities, anisotropies, in the Field and their dynamics.
In vector calculus, Translation is embodied by '''the vector operator called "Divergence" (DIV)''', which represents a vector operator that operates on a vector field, producing a scalar field giving the quantity of the vector field's source at each point (the divergence represents the volume density of the outward flux of a vector field from an infinitesimal volume around a given point).
Translation is:
*expression of the [[Principle of Action and Reaction]]'': it describes the formation of translational reactions (Translation), produced by the interactions among micro-gradients and aimed at restoring homogeneity, or isotropy, in the distribution of elementary fluctuations
*the root of [[Motion and kinetic phenomena]]'''
*intimately connected with the spatial direction of propagation of Elementary Action and [[Inertia]].
== Common definition  ==
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Translation_(geometry)#Application_in_classical_physics Translation]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shift_operator Shift operator]
*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divergence Divergence]
== Description ==
== Description ==
L’azione della Forza crea la metrica perturbata del Campo alla scala di Planck, come descritta dal Principio di Indeterminazione, determinando l’incessante formazione di micro-gradienti nella metrica stessa, che chiamiamo Azione elementare. La metrica è, quindi, in ciascun punto completamente definita dalla distribuzione delle perturbazioni elementari. L’espansione e la contrazione della metrica, la variazione locale della distribuzione delle perturbazioni elementari, è caratterizzata dall’incessante orientamento delle perturbazioni nella direzione del massimo gradiente, da punti in espansione verso punti in contrazione, dove la resistenza è minore. Questo effetto, in cui effettivamente consiste l’Azione elementare, produce contestualmente nel Campo una “reazione”, un’Azione uguale e contraria, tendente a ripristinare lo stato di omogeneità, di isotropia, nella distribuzione delle perturbazioni elementari. Chiamiamo  “Traslazione”, o Azione traslatoria, l’orientamento delle perturbazioni, prodotto  dalla reazione tendente al ripristino dell’omogeneità, nella direzione e verso di espressione della reazione stessa, da punti caratterizzati da contrazione della metrica a punti in espansione. La minore resistenza all’espansione presente nei punti in fase di contrazione produce una più ampia espressione della Forza, che genera perturbazioni di maggior ampiezza che tendono a ripristinare l’omogeneità nelle distribuzioni. In modo speculare avviene per i punti in fase di espansione. L’espansione si esaurisce, si arresta e regredisce per effetto dell’aumento della resistenza che si oppone all’espressione della Forza. Si produrranno così perturbazioni di minore ampiezza che riporteranno verso l’omogeneità della distribuzione delle perturbazioni nel punto considerato in relazione ai punti del suo intorno. Questo fenomeno produce un orientamento delle perturbazioni da punti caratterizzati da contrazione della metrica a punti caratterizzati da espansione, orientamento che rappresenta la manifestazione del processo tendente al riequilibrio delle distribuzioni delle perturbazioni elementari. In un punto, o dominio spazio-temporale infinitesimo alla scala di Planck, tanto maggiore l’orientamento delle perturbazioni elementari, tanto maggiore il gradiente e tanto maggiore l’orientamento delle perturbazioni dei punti dei domini infinitesimi che costituiscono l’intorno, “reazione”, orientamento nella direzione e nel verso determinati dalla interazione dei gradienti formati dal punto in rapporto all’intorno stesso (massimo gradiente). Mentre l’Azione dipende dalla distribuzione delle intensità delle perturbazioni elementari, la Traslazione dipende dalla distribuzione spaziale della direzione e del verso delle perturbazioni stesse.
=== Divergence ===
Questo processo rappresenta la natura e l’espressione del secondo principio della dinamica evoluzionistica, il [[Principio di Azione e Reazione]]. Così come per il Principio di Indeterminazione, anche il Principio di Azione e Reazione si esprime sia a livello delle perturbazioni elementari sia a livello delle loro distribuzioni spazio-temporali, sempre nel senso del ripristino dell’omogeneità della metrica, o in senso equivalente, delle velocità di propagazione delle perturbazioni stesse. Questo principio rappresenta l’aspetto dinamico del Campo della Azione, archetipo e natura profonda del moto, dell’attrazione gravitazionale, dell’attrazione e della repulsione elettrostatica e magnetica; da esso derivano tutte le leggi e i fenomeni che distribuiscono la propagazione e il moto a tutti i livelli di complessità della Realtà. Attraverso l’espressione di questo principio, la primaria perturbazione generata dalla Forza si distribuisce in ogni fenomeno naturale, prende forma ed evolve nella costruzione dell’Universo. Questo processo può essere immaginato e rappresentato mediante l’associazione a ciascun punto dello spazio-tempo di un vettore, che rappresenta la propagazione della metrica locale, orientato con direzione e verso dal punto caratterizzato da contrazione della metrica al punto caratterizzato da espansione della stessa, o in termini equivalenti dal punto caratterizzato da una maggiore velocità di propagazione ad punto adiacente caratterizzato da una minore velocità. Se rappresentiamo, infatti, il Campo come campo delle velocità, possiamo immaginare il vettore Traslazione come un vettore che unisce punti adiacenti dove massimo è il rapporto tra le rispettive velocità associate, tendente a ripristinare l’omogeneità delle velocità nei due punti. Come dall’organizzazione della Azione scaturiscono fenomeni e grandezze fisiche (la massa), dall’organizzazione della Traslazione scaturiscono alcuni importanti fenomeni fondamentali: il moto, l’inerzia e l’attrazione gravitazionale La Traslazione, che rappresenta tra l’altro l’essenza del fenomeno che chiamiamo campo gravitazionale, si manifesta come grandezza accelerazione. In questo aspetto essenziale si esprime il principio di equivalenza tra gravità e accelerazione, tra massa gravitazionale e massa inerziale. L’organizzazione della Traslazione, nel senso di correlazione tra l’orientamento delle perturbazioni nei punti di un dominio spazio-temporale, produce, infatti, un valore non nullo di accelerazione che equivale a un campo gravitazionale presente nel dominio considerato. Qualsiasi Struttura dotata di massa posta nel dominio considerato subirà una accelerazione dovuta alla interazione tra la Traslazione dei punti del dominio spazio-temporale che la caratterizza e la Traslazione dei dominio spazio-temporale che attraversa nel suo moto. L’accelerazione, che modifica il moto della Struttura, si sostanzia in una interazione tra la Traslazione dei punti del dominio che compone la Struttura stessa e la Traslazione dell’area del Campo attraversata dalla Struttura. Dall’interazione può risultare una diversa correlazione (maggiore nel caso di accelerazione positiva che produce un incremento della velocità) nell’orientamento delle perturbazioni elementari nel dominio considerato. Le Strutture e le Forme giacenti nel dominio caratterizzato da Traslazione organizzata verranno, quindi, accelerate nella direzione e nel verso della Traslazione stessa, attraverso l’interazione della Traslazione del dominio e la Traslazione della Forma. Al contrario, in un Campo elementare caotico, disordinato, anche i vettori Traslazione, così come l’entità Azione, risultano in incessante fluttuazione caotica, non organizzata.
In the context of [[Evolutionary Knowledge]], '''divergence is any propagation of a gradient, intended as any variation of the parameters that describe the [[Elementary Field]] along a chosen direction''', the most elementary form of inhomogeneity, of anisotropy, of deformation of the Field.
Secondary manifestation of [[Action]]. Elementary divergences are produced by the reaction of the [[Elementary Field]] to the deformations produced by the action of the [[Fundamental Force]] on the Field itself.
At more complex levels, the gradients are divergences by the reaction to the perturbation of the [[Derived Acted / Fields]] under the action of [[Derived Agents / Forces]].
=== Inertia (no acceleration) ===
'''Inertia''' is commonly defined as '''the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity''' (speed and direction of motion). '''Inertia can be seen as resistance to acceleration, and acceleration as change of a state of inertia'''.
'''Inertia is the manifestation of the presence of [[Translation]] in the dynamics of the object''' and not in the region of the [[Elementary Field]] where the object is moving. What does "presence of Translation" or a non null value of Translation means? It means that the amount of Elementary Action, in the mode we call Translation is greater that zero. In other word, in more detail, with reference to the [[Elementary Events]], which represent the dynamics of the Elementary Field at its fundamental level, the tiny fluctuations of the Elementary Field at the Planck-scale, it means that we are in presence of some form and quantity of organization of the correlations among the inhomogeneities of the distributions of those fluctuations, the Elementary Events. And in particular, for Translation, and therefore for inertia and acceleration, what matters is not the intensity, but the intensity of the correlations of the (spatial) orientations of that fluctuations. The more intense the correlations of the orientation of the fluctuations, the greater the inertial velocity, the stronger the increase in those correlations, the greater the acceleration.  
=== Acceleration ===
Acceleration is commonly defined as the rate of change of that velocity (magnitude and direction) with respect to time. '''Inertia can be seen as resistance to acceleration, and acceleration as change of a state of inertia'''.
Acceleration is '''the manifestation of the presence of Translation in the dynamics of the Elementary Field''', in the region where the object is at rest (the value of Translation in the object is zero) or in motion (Translation in the object is non null). An object with a given intensity of correlations of the orientation of the fluctuations, a given Translation value, which moves in the Field showing a given intensity of correlations of the orientation of the fluctuations, the object's Translation interacting with the Translation in / of the Field, acquires more Translation, i.e. the fluctuations at the Planck-scale will show increasing correlations in the orientation of the fluctuations. Result: an object accelerating in a Field showing a potential (like a gravitational potential of a gravitational field). The amount of Translation, and therefore of acceleration, is proportional to the spatial distribution of the amounts of [[Perturbation]] in the Field (quantities and distances), and therefore to the spatial distribution of mass densities in [[Space-time]], in the Metric field, or, as stated by the [[Principle of General Equivalence]], to the (local) curvature of Space-time, to the (local) speed limit of the propagation of Information, or the local temperature of the Field, etc.
=== Gravity ===
[[Gravity]] is commonly seen as '''a natural phenomenon produced by [[Mass]]''' and the dynamics of objects with mass.
In terms of the [[Elementary Field]] and [[Dynamics of Elementary Action]], and its Modes /Components, '''gravity can be seen as the combined expression of the modes of [[Elementary Action]] that we call [[Perturbation]] and [[Translation]]'''. Perturbation is the root of Mass, while Translation is the root of Motion. Mass and Motion are two closely related phenomena. Gradients in Perturbation, inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of Perturbation represent what we commonly call curvature of Space-time and produce reactions from / in the Elementary Field in the form of non-zero values of Translation in the surrounding regions of massive structures, which "cause" the attraction between massive bodies and their accelerated motion in the Field.
== See also ==
== See also ==
*[[Modes of Action]]
*[[Modes of Physical Action]]
*[[Modes of Cognitive Action]]
*[[Meta Perturbation - Perception]]
*[[Meta Propagation - Communication]]
*[[Meta Conservation - Storage]]
*[[Physical Action]]
*[[Elementary Action]]
*[[Cognitive Action]]
*[[Derived Action]]
*[[Derived Physical Action]]
*[[Fundamental Physical Quantities]]
*[[Fundamental Constants of Nature]]
*[[Continuity (or) and Granularity]]
*[[Dynamics of Action]]
*[[Dynamics of Physical Action]]
*[[Dynamics of Cognitive Action]]
*[[TFNR - Creation: the Dynamics of Elementary Action]]
*[[TFNR - Looking at the world - The mark of the Source: the Force in Action]]
*[[TFNR - Action and Information: the core of Reality]]
*[[TFNR - Variation, propagation, conservation: the basic functional operators of Reality]]
*[[TFNR - Evolutionary Dynamics: why, what and how in the real factory of Reality]]
*[[TFNR - Gradient, divergence, rotation: from probability distributions to differential operators]]
*[[TFNR - The Elementary Action and the fundamental principles of the Elementary Dynamics]]
*[[TFNR - Events: Action - Creation/Existence]]
*[[TFNR - Pressure to existence, resistance to variation: the Physics of Creation]]
*[[TFNR - Action: the expression of the incessant tension to existence]]
*[[TFNR - Entities]]
*[[TFNR - Sources]]
*[[TFNR - Agents / Forces]]
*[[TFNR - Events]]
*[[TFNR - Elementary Events]]
*[[TFNR - Complex Events]]
*[[TFNR - Events and Action]]
*[[TFNR - Action: the Dynamics of the Source]]
*[[TFNR - The Elementary Action]]
*[[TFNR - Perturbation – Gradient]]
*[[TFNR - Translation - Divergence]]
*[[TFNR - Rotation - Curl]]
*[[TFNR - Creation: the Dynamics of Elementary Action]]
* [[Operatori di Realtà]]
* [[Azione]]
* [[Principio di Azione e Reazione]]
* [[Principi fondamentali della Dinamica Evoluzionistica]]
== Units of measurement ==
== Units of measurement ==

Latest revision as of 18:11, 28 March 2021


Translation is a specification of Propagation. It is the second fundamental mode of expression of the Elementary Action.

In term of Elementary Events, Translation represents any action that spreads Perturbation in the Elementary Field.

Perturbations, inhomogeneities in the distributions of the intensities of the Elementary Events, the intensities of the deformations of the Elementary Field under the incessant pressure of the Fundamental Force, the products of the Elementary Events, "diffuse", propagate, translate in the Field.

In the Dynamics of the Elementary Action we call "Translation", or Translational Action, the orientation of the perturbations, produced by the reaction tending to restore homogeneity, in the direction of expression of the reaction itself.

Like Perturbation, we cannot say that Translation is something that exists, an entity. It is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.

Translation is associated with the Operator of Reality that has the same name and is the expression of the Fundamental Principle that we call Principle of Propagation (the mutations described by the Principle of Variation, the incessant variations of the states of the Entities, the Events, always tend to propagate). The Operator Translation organizes Perturbations, the fluctuations of the Acted / Fields, in fluxes of Action directed to the restoring of homogeneity, of isotropy of the Elementary Field. The Operator Translation is responsible for the formation of fluxes / divergence aimed at canceling gradients (inhomogeneities, anisotropies) in the Acted / Fields.

Perturbation is the way in which the Elementary Field react to the Elementary Action of the Fundamental Force, the way in which the Elementary Field receive the expression of the Fundamental Force, its the product of the expression of Causality at the most elementary level of Reality. Variation is the root of the emergence of the Dimensionalities of Reality that we call Spatiality and Temporality, the fundaments of Space and Time.

Translation is the way in which the Elementary Field reacts to the appearing of Perturbations produced by the Action of the Fundamental Force, the way in which the Elementary Field receives the expression of the Fundamental Force, it is the product of the expression of Causality. Translation is the root of the emergence of the Dimensionality of Reality that we call Spatiality, the fundament of Space.

The best question with respect to Translation undoubtedly is: what propagates? What propagates is the inhomogeneity in the distributions of the Elementary Events and the patterns of correlations among them. Any departure from an homogeneous distribution of Events as any change in that distribution (and in their stochastic independence / correlation) represents a variation that tend to propagate to restore homogeneity. At any level of complexity, from the most elementary to the Universe as a whole, Reality can be described as a net of more or less independent / correlated stochastic processes that propagate in the Fields.

Action Physical Action Cognitive Action
Variation Perturbation Perception
Propagation Translation Communication
Conservation Rotation Storage

Modes of Action are intimately connected with the Dimensionalities of Reality: Physical Causality and Physical Variationality, that produce the Dimensions of Physical Reality: Cause, Space and Time. They represent three fundamental operators in the Formation of Physical Reality. The Operator Perturbation can be seen as the result of expression of Physical Causality, the active side of Physical Agency, while Translation and Rotation can be seen as expressions of the two aspects of its passive side, Physical Variationality: Physical Spatiality and Physical Temporality.

The Operator Translation is responsible for the formation of divergence in the Elementary Field, propagation of inhomogeneities, anisotropies, in the Field and their dynamics.

In vector calculus, Translation is embodied by the vector operator called "Divergence" (DIV), which represents a vector operator that operates on a vector field, producing a scalar field giving the quantity of the vector field's source at each point (the divergence represents the volume density of the outward flux of a vector field from an infinitesimal volume around a given point).

Translation is:

  • expression of the Principle of Action and Reaction: it describes the formation of translational reactions (Translation), produced by the interactions among micro-gradients and aimed at restoring homogeneity, or isotropy, in the distribution of elementary fluctuations
  • the root of Motion and kinetic phenomena
  • intimately connected with the spatial direction of propagation of Elementary Action and Inertia.

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:



In the context of Evolutionary Knowledge, divergence is any propagation of a gradient, intended as any variation of the parameters that describe the Elementary Field along a chosen direction, the most elementary form of inhomogeneity, of anisotropy, of deformation of the Field.

Secondary manifestation of Action. Elementary divergences are produced by the reaction of the Elementary Field to the deformations produced by the action of the Fundamental Force on the Field itself.

At more complex levels, the gradients are divergences by the reaction to the perturbation of the Derived Acted / Fields under the action of Derived Agents / Forces.

Inertia (no acceleration)

Inertia is commonly defined as the resistance of any physical object to any change in its velocity (speed and direction of motion). Inertia can be seen as resistance to acceleration, and acceleration as change of a state of inertia.

Inertia is the manifestation of the presence of Translation in the dynamics of the object and not in the region of the Elementary Field where the object is moving. What does "presence of Translation" or a non null value of Translation means? It means that the amount of Elementary Action, in the mode we call Translation is greater that zero. In other word, in more detail, with reference to the Elementary Events, which represent the dynamics of the Elementary Field at its fundamental level, the tiny fluctuations of the Elementary Field at the Planck-scale, it means that we are in presence of some form and quantity of organization of the correlations among the inhomogeneities of the distributions of those fluctuations, the Elementary Events. And in particular, for Translation, and therefore for inertia and acceleration, what matters is not the intensity, but the intensity of the correlations of the (spatial) orientations of that fluctuations. The more intense the correlations of the orientation of the fluctuations, the greater the inertial velocity, the stronger the increase in those correlations, the greater the acceleration.


Acceleration is commonly defined as the rate of change of that velocity (magnitude and direction) with respect to time. Inertia can be seen as resistance to acceleration, and acceleration as change of a state of inertia.

Acceleration is the manifestation of the presence of Translation in the dynamics of the Elementary Field, in the region where the object is at rest (the value of Translation in the object is zero) or in motion (Translation in the object is non null). An object with a given intensity of correlations of the orientation of the fluctuations, a given Translation value, which moves in the Field showing a given intensity of correlations of the orientation of the fluctuations, the object's Translation interacting with the Translation in / of the Field, acquires more Translation, i.e. the fluctuations at the Planck-scale will show increasing correlations in the orientation of the fluctuations. Result: an object accelerating in a Field showing a potential (like a gravitational potential of a gravitational field). The amount of Translation, and therefore of acceleration, is proportional to the spatial distribution of the amounts of Perturbation in the Field (quantities and distances), and therefore to the spatial distribution of mass densities in Space-time, in the Metric field, or, as stated by the Principle of General Equivalence, to the (local) curvature of Space-time, to the (local) speed limit of the propagation of Information, or the local temperature of the Field, etc.


Gravity is commonly seen as a natural phenomenon produced by Mass and the dynamics of objects with mass.

In terms of the Elementary Field and Dynamics of Elementary Action, and its Modes /Components, gravity can be seen as the combined expression of the modes of Elementary Action that we call Perturbation and Translation. Perturbation is the root of Mass, while Translation is the root of Motion. Mass and Motion are two closely related phenomena. Gradients in Perturbation, inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of Perturbation represent what we commonly call curvature of Space-time and produce reactions from / in the Elementary Field in the form of non-zero values of Translation in the surrounding regions of massive structures, which "cause" the attraction between massive bodies and their accelerated motion in the Field.

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
