The action/resistance of Agents/Forces

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As active aspects of Sources, Agents / Forces, as active parts in the expression of Agency, manifest themselves producing Action, exerting pressure for variation, deformation, on / of Acted / Fields, which oppose resistance producing a re-action, a counter-action, against which, in turn, forces exert resistance.

As passive aspects of Sources, Acted / Fields, as passive parts in the expression of Agency, under the pressure of Agents / Forces, manifest themselves with variations, deformations, exerting an opposing resistance against the acting forces and producing re-actions, counter-actions.

Pressure and resistance, force and constraint together embody the unity in the expression of a source, because pressure implies a force, the causal side, as resistance implies a field, the variational side (resistance can be considered a constrain to a force and at the same time an opposing counter-force).

In the dynamics of Agency:

  • an acted field, under the pressure of an acting force, in turn behaves like a force; its resistance (the resistance opposed by the acted field against the action of the acting force) produces a counter-force, a re-action that tries to constraint the original acting force
  • the acting force, under the pressure of the reaction of the acted field, in turn behaves like a field; its resistance (the resistance opposed by the acting force against the re-action of the field) produces a new counter-force, a new re-action that tries to constraint the re-action of the field

This dynamics of action/re-action, pressure/resistance, this inversion of roles by force and field, leads to an equilibrium of minimum action, or least action, that is the foundation of all the principles of conservation that we see at work in Nature.

Action/resistance of Agents/Forces and resistance/reaction of Acted/Fields are two of the main properties of Entities.

Common definition

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At the elementary level of Reality, where the Elementary Field becomes the space-time, the Elementary Action, the variation, is relative to the deformation (compression/expansion) of the space-time itself, we see the resistance as the capacity of the field to oppose to this fundamental deformation of the space-time. Without resistance, no reaction. In this case, a finite force would cause an infinite action (conservation would find its limit, in which the action lose itself in an endless deformation of space and time; space and time couldn’t exist and so causality).

In other words, the field, in modifying its state under the direct pressure of the acting force (producing a compression and, as an effect, a non-null gradient), resists to the action of the force, to the pressure that tries to change its state, the configuration of the field itself, exerting a counter force, the resistance, that realizes a re-action, that tries to restore a state of homogeneity of the field (null or minimum gradient). So, an Event, Action, appears as an expression of a force (pressure) against an opposing force (resistance by a constraint). The result of the action, the event produced, being the variation produced of/in the field.

The same, even if in different forms, happens at the various more complex levels of Reality.

So, in turn, we will talk of:

  • pressure of gasses, liquids, etc.,
  • pressure exerted by the force of selection that results from one or more agents and tends to reduce a population of organisms, population pressure, predation pressure,
  • pressure on the matter distribution exerted by a density wave in the cosmos,
  • other countless different situations in which gradients appear in the Reality.

So, the dynamics of compression and expansion (deformation), as different amounts of a physical quantity, can be considered the root the physical world. At the elementary level of the Physical Reality, these dynamics will manifest as local, space and time related, different intensities of the distribution of the Planck scale tiny fluctuations of the space time itself (mass). And, in turn, we will find different intensities of the correlations of the directions of those fluctuations (motion). And more, different intensities of the local amount of vorticity (charge), and, at the end, different correlations of the space orientation of the axes of rotation of that vorticity (spin). This at the basic level of the dynamics of the Elementary Field.

See also

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