TFNR - Temporality / Time

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Temporality and Time, as specifications of the mode general Variationality and Variation, are foundational aspects of Reality, passive expressions of the Agency of the Source of Reality. They respectively are the dimensionality and the dimension associated with the Elementary Field.


Temporality is an aspect of Variationality, one of the two fundamental Dimensionalities of Reality, a fundamental emerging property of Reality, the foundation of the temporal dimension, of Time (a phenomenon produced by the Dynamics of the Primary Source and The inner interaction between the Fundamental Force and Elementary Field.

It attains to the fact and the ways in which variations in the distributions of the Events, changes, effects, Action, are produced in the Acted / Fields / Space-Time, under the operative action of Agents / Forces / Causes, both at the elementary level of Reality where the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field interact producing the Elementary Events, and, more in general, at the more complex level where Derived Agents / Forces acting on Derived Acted / Fields produce complex events, Derived Action.

Temporality, as an aspect of Variationality, can be considered a fundamental expression of Agency, on its passive side, together with Spatiality. A fundamental expression of the variational principle / property of the Field / Fields, closely related with the Operator of Reality that we call Rotation, an expression of the more general operator Conservation.

In a relational approach to the study of Nature, temporality, as an aspect of variationality, is a property emerging from the relation between the two fundamental aspects of the Source and, more in general, of all the sources: between the Force / forces and the Field / fields, from the relation between the action of the forces and the effects that they produce on fields. Hence, Temporality, as the other fundamental dimensionalities, must be intended as a relational property with reference to Events. In this sense we can say that Time don't exists, it happens. It is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.


Time is the expression of the fundamental emerging property of Reality that we call Temporality, one of the two aspects of Variationality, a fundamental Dimensionality of Reality.

It is any direct effect on Acted / Fields, in the context of Agency, where the action of Agents / Forces produces Events, variations in the Acted / Fields, the "effects" in short, in the inner interactions between the two complementary aspects of the Sources.

Time is not an entity as commonly stated. It don't exist, it happens. It's a phenomenon.

In each point of the continuous Elementary Field, temporal extensions, temporal distances, time intervals between Events, depend on, are function of the density of the distributions of the Elementary Events, the tiny fluctuations in/of the Elementary Field. Time represents the relation that expresses the distance between the Events, between the Processes of Events, between the Structures of Information that compose the Forms.

It extends from the infinitely small, the duration of the perturbations of the Elementary Field at the Planck scale, which constitute the most elementary form of Existence, from which the temporal dimension incessantly emerges as a result of the Elementary Action of the Fundamental Force, up to the infinitely long, the age of the never born and eternal Universe in Evolution, which contains all the events, all the existing forms.

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