TFNR - Elementary Relations

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For Elementary Relation we intend any Relation that emerges between Elementary Events in the fundamental Dimensions of Reality (Cause, Space and Time) of the state of the Primary Source (Fundamental Force and Elementary Field) in itself.

The most basic form of Relation is the correlation or dependence between the elementary fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field at Planck Scale (commonly called quantum fluctuations, quantum vacuum, quantum foam, etc.), the Elementary Events.

Correlations between the (local, point) distributions of those fluctuations, which can be described by a combination of stochastic and deterministic processes. At the most elementary level of Reality, where the inner interaction of the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field incessantly occurs, producing the Elementary Events that form the Elementary Action, the correlations between the distributions can be described by Processes of Events in which stochastic component is almost completely prevalent, and the deterministic part absolutely marginal.

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