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Scheme of the Structures of Information


Waves are Structures of Propagation, the essence of radiation, the radiative aspect of Physical Reality. These structures have no Mass (only Motion, Charge and Spin), so they propagate in the Elementary Field at the maximum allowed speed (c, the so called "speed of light in the vacuum").

Waves are carriers of Information, of Energy. They carry out exchanges of Information, of Energy between Vortices, Structures of Conservation, relations / interactions between vortex structures.

In relation to the presence of Perturbation, or not, and according to the visibility, in the Physical Reality we will have on the side of the Dark structures, the Gravitational Waves, and on the side of the Visible structures, the Electromagnetic Waves.

In the field of Electromagnetic Phenomena, it is of utmost importance a correct distinction between structures formed by a single cycle, manifestations of a single phenomenon, from those formed by several cycles, wave trains, manifestations of a periodic phenomenon. This distinction helps to clarify the quantum weirdness of wave-particle duality, so well represented by the double-slit experiment and many other puzzling physical phenomena.

Common definition

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The shapes of waves

In the common scientific view of light quanta and electromagnetic radiation there is an important misunderstanding that takes us away from the correct understanding and description of shape of waves, and leads to the problem of wave-particle dualism. For a correct representation in spatio-temporal terms (geometric) of electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic wave / photon) is fundamental the difference between single wave (what is commonly called photon), a structure of information that can be located in space and time, obviously within the limits provided by the Uncertainty Principle, and a wave train (what is commonly called electromagnetic wave, eg coherent photons emitted by a laser, radio electromagnetic emission, continuous oscillation).

The wave-particle dualism

The problem of wave-particle dualism or wave-corpuscle dualism is commonly related to the supposed dual nature, both corpuscular and wave, of the behaviour of Matter and Electromagnetic radiation, as understood in the framework of quantum theory and in some experiments, including the photoelectric effect, diffraction, interference (Young's double-slit experiment) and the manifestation of wave properties by particles such as the electron. In quantum mechanics, this dualism is described by the principle of complementarity, with the subsequent overcoming of the concepts of wave and particle in favour of the concept of excitation of quantum fields.

In Evolutionary Physics, by wave-particle dualism we mean the affirmation that Waves and Particles, or rather Vortices, represent Structures of Information, patterns of organization of Elementary Events in the Elementary Field. Although having and manifesting different characteristics and Properties, both these two (pure) types of Structures of Information possess the same nature and, depending on how we observe and measure them, they appear to fall more into one of the two conceptual categories of Waves and Particles, as they have been constructed over time within the various scientific theories that have followed one another over time, based on visions and conceptions of Physical Reality that are in some way approximate and fragmented.

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
