Phenomena are the answer to the questions "what happens?" and "how happens?". They are Events organized by Relations. They are what has the property that we call Essence / Form added to the fundamental property of Entities (that produce Events), that we call Existence. To exist means to be real, to be in, to take part of Reality. Events and Relations together are everything that has Essence / Form as a fundamental Property. We can say that Phenomena happens (so Events and Relations exist) because they are produced by Entities. They represent Action, changes in/of the Sources, the Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields interacting couples.
Per fenomeno intendiamo ogni evento, ogni perturbazione/variazione dello stato di un ente. Risultato dell'Azione di un Agente (Forza) su un Agito (Campo dell'Azione). Fenomeno è ciò che accade. Più in generale, possiamo intendere come fenomeni tutti gli insiemi organizzati di eventi (processi) che legano entità, con relazioni che determinano le proprietà delle Strutture di Informazione e delle Forme che compongono la Realtà. Qualsiasi processo di eventi (elementari e complessi) legati da una qualche relazione, dominio di Informazione in evoluzione.
By phenomenon we mean every event, every perturbation / variation of the state of an institution. Result of the Action of a Agent (Strength) on an Act (Field of Action). Phenomenon is what happens. More generally, we can understand as phenomena all organized sets of events (processes) that link entities, with relationships that determine the properties of Information Structures and [ [Forms]] that make up Reality. Any process of events (elementary and complex) linked by some relation, domain of Information in evolution.
As phenomenon we mean each event, each perturbation/variation of the state of an entity. Result of the Action of an agent (Force) on an Acted (Field of Action. Phenomenon is everything that occurs.
More generally, we can mean as phenomena all the organized sets of events processes that tie entities, with relationships that determine the properties of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that compose the Reality.
Each process of events (elementary and complex) tied by a certain relationship, domain of Information in evolution. Phenomena
As phenomenon we mean each event, each perturbation/variation of the state of an entity. Result of the Action of an agent (Force) on an Acted (Field of Action. Phenomenon is everything that occurs.
More generally, we can mean as phenomena all the organized sets of events processes that tie entities, with relationships that determine the properties of the Structures of Information and of the Forms that compose the Reality.
Each process of events (elementary and complex) tied by a certain relationship, domain of Information in evolution.
Any variation that occurs in the fundamental Dimensions of Reality (Cause, Space and Time) in the organization (Information) of the fundamental Entity (Fundamental Force and Elementary Field), which we call Structures of Information and material and immaterial Forms.
Common definition
(Link to Wikipedia page: Phenomenon).
See also
- Events
- Elementary Events
- Essence / Form
- Relations
- Properties
- Phenomena
- Evolution
- Evolutionary Phenomenology
- Phenomenology of Physical Reality
- Phenomenology of Cognitive Reality
- Phenomenology of Metacognitive Reality
- TFNR - 2.2 Why there is something rather than nothing
- TFNR - 2.2 What exists?
- TFNR - 2.2 What exists is what happens. What happens is what exists. Entities and Events
- TFNR - 2.2 Existence and Essence
- TFNR - 2.2 Nothing is absolute, everything is relative and evolves
- TFNR - 2.1 Very important hypotheses about Reality
- TFNR - 2.6 Events: Action - Creation/Existence
- TFNR - 2.6 Pressure to existence, resistance to variation: the Physics of Creation
- TFNR - 2.6 Action: the expression of the incessant tension to existence
- TFNR - 2.6 Gradients: the fundaments of existence
- TFNR - 2.6 Generation, propagation and conservation of gradients
- TFNR - 2.7 Relations: Information/Energy - Complexity - Evolution - Essence (Form)
- Topic id: t_phenomena
- Belongs to the class: Processes
- Has as instances: Physical Phenomena, Cognitive Phenomena
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ev_knowledge&topic=t_phenomena
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ev_knowledge&topic=t_phenomena