Creation in Physical Reality
Creation in the Physical domain of Reality is the causal and variational sub-process that incessantly gives life to the Physical Existence of Physical Reality. Creation represents the Dynamics of Physical Events, of Physical Action.
Physical Creation is the sub-process by which:
- the two aspects of the Source of Reality, the former causal agent and the elementary acted entity, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field respectively, interacting, incessantly produce the most elementary form of Physical Existence, the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action,the quantum vacuum, the without form,
- the two aspects of the Derived Physical Sources, the Physical Agents / Forces (physical causal agents) and the Physical Acted / Fields (the variational acted entities), interacting, incessantly produce the Existence in physical sense, the Physical Events, the Elementary Action,the quantum vacuum, the without form,
Physical Events from whose organization the Physical Forms and the Physical Universe incessantly emerge and evolve.
Physical Creation is one of the two fundamental formative aspects of Physical Reality, the first, in causal sense, of the two functional aspects of the unitary formative process that, from the Primary Source, leads to the Physical Forms, from the Unity to the Physical Universe.
Beyond any contrast, the sub-processes of Physical Creation and Evolution incessantly and parallelly operate (co-operate) to the formation of the Physical Reality.
La Creazione è uno dei due fondamentali aspetti formativi della Realtà Fisica. Essa produce la transizione di fase dal Nulla al Campo dell'Azione Elementare. Nel sub processo creativo la Forza, l'Agente causale fondamentale, esprime la sua Azione producendo la transizione di fase del Campo elementare, che dal Nulla diviene Campo dell'Azione Elementare. L'Azione, l'insieme delle perturbazioni elementari del Campo Elementare, l'insieme, quindi, degli Eventi Elementari costituisce la forma più elementare di esistenza, la prima manifestazione della Forza in Azione.
Common definition
Links to Wikipedia pages:
See also
- Creation
- Creation in Cognitive Reality
- Evolutionary Ontology
- Ontology of Physical Reality
- Ontology of Metareality
- Ontology of Meta-metareality
- Existence
- Entities
- Processes
- Process of Formation of Reality
- Formative sub-processes
- The causal structure of Reality
- Dynamics of the Sources
- Dynamics of the Primary Source
- The inner interaction between Forces and Fields
- The inner interaction between the Fundamental Force and Elementary Field
- The action/resistance of Agents/Forces
- The resistance/reaction of Acted/Fields
- TFNR - Creation "and" Evolution: two complementary aspects of Formation
- TFNR - Reality - Existence - Essence (Form) – The Process of Formation (Creation and Evolution)
- TFNR - Reality is a Process
- TFNR - Why there is something rather than nothing
- TFNR - What exists?
- TFNR - What exists is what happens = What happens is what exists. Entities = Events
- TFNR - What we see in the world, What is really fundamental?
- TFNR - Existence and Essence
- TFNR - Why the term "formation" is so central in this system of knowledge
- TFNR - The world in the terms of complex interactions of elementary (sub) processes: the construction of Reality
- TFNR - What exists? What happens? How happens?
- TFNR - Processes
- TFNR - Anabolic / constructive-organizing processes
- TFNR - Catabolic / destructive-transforming processes
- TFNR - Mixed / real processes
- TFNR - The Process of Formation of Reality
- TFNR - The formative sub-processes
- TFNR - The Process of Formation of Physical Reality
- TFNR - Creation and Evolution in the physical world
- TFNR - Creation (the Dynamics of Elementary Action)
- Topic id: t_ph_creation
- Belongs to the class: Creation
- Has as instances:
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ev_physics&topic=t_ph_creation
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ev_physics&topic=t_ph_creation