Physical Causality
Causality is one of the fundamental dimensionalities of Reality, the foundation of the causal dimension, a fundamental emerging property of Reality, one of the main ways of expression of the Source.
Causality represents the relationship that binds the Force to the Action, and more generally the Derivative Forces to the Derivative Action, the Agents to the Events. The Causal Dimension, infinite, ranges from the elementary to the complex, in a continuum that incessantly realizes the Formation (Creation and Evolution) of Reality.
It extends from indetermination to finality. This dimension is a metric of the level of organization of the Information Structures and Forms that incessantly evolve in the Field, a scale of the complexity of the [ [Reality]] and the Forms that populate it.
The milestones along this continuous dimension are:
- uncertainty (chaos, random order, minimum level of Organization, minimum level of correlation between Events, etc.)
- quantization (quantum aspects include the bizarre behavior of quantized Forces and the quantum Structures of Information, particles, etc.)
- deterministic certainty (the organization of classical forms of ordinary reality, objects of "" normal "" reality)
- finality (the high level of expression of the dynamic and conservative aspects of Living Forms)
Causality attains to the fact and the ways in which Agents / Forces / Causes acting on Acted / Fields / Space-Time produce Events (variations) / effects, Action, both at the elementary level of Reality, where the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field interact producing the Elementary Events, and, more in general, at the more complex level, where Derived Agents / Forces acting on Derived Acted / Fields produce complex events, Derived Action.
In this sense, causality can be considered the fundamental expression of Agency, on its active side. The fundamental expression of the causal principle / property of the Force / Forces. Closely related with the Operator of Reality that we call Perturbation, an expression of the more general operator Variation.
In a relational approach to the study of Nature, causality is a property emerging from the relation between the two fundamental aspects of the Source and of the sources: between the Force / forces and the Field / fields, from the relation between the action of the forces and the effects they produce on / in fields. Hence, Causality, as the other two fundamental dimensionalities, must be intended as a relational property with reference to Events. In this sense we can say that causality don't exists, it happens, or make Reality happen. It is an aspect of phenomena, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.
e che si estende dall'indeterminazione sino alla finalità. Questa dimensione è una metrica del livello di organizzazione delle Strutture di Informazione e delle Forme che incessantemente evolvono nel Campo, una scala della complessità della Realtà e delle Forme che la popolano.
Le milestones lungo questa dimensione continua sono:
- indeterminazione (caos, ordine casuale, minimo livello di organizzazione, minimo livello di correlazione tra gli eventi, ecc.)
- quantizzazione (gli aspetti quantistici comprendono il bizzarro comportamento delle forze e delle strutture quantizzate, delle particelle, ecc.)
- certezza deterministica (l'organizzazione delle forme classiche della realtà ordinaria, gli oggetti della realtà ""normale"")
- finalità (l'alto livello di espressione degli aspetti dinamici e conservativi delle forme viventi)
Common definition
Links to Wikipedia pages:
See also
- Dimensionalities of Reality
- Dimensions of Physical Reality
- Dimensions of Cognitive Reality
- Causality
- Cognitive Causality
- Cause
- Variationality
- Physical Variationality
- Cognitive Variationality
- Spatiality
- Physical Spatiality
- Cognitive Spatiality
- Space
- Temporality
- Physical Temporality
- Cognitive Temporality
- Time
- Agency
- Agency and Causality
- Agency and Variationality
- TFNR - Levels - Aspects - Dimensions - Scales
- TFNR - Cause, space and time: the dimensions of Reality
- TFNR - The evolution of the dimensions of Reality
- TFNR - The evolution of space-time
- TFNR - From the fundamental dimensions of Reality to the nature of the physical quantities
- TFNR - Could, Should, Would: the evolution of causality or the causal evolution of Reality
- TFNR - No limits in cause, space and time
- TFNR - The dimensions of Reality
- TFNR - Cause / Causality
- TFNR - Variation / Variationality
- TFNR - Space / Spatiality
- TFNR - Time / Temporality
- TFNR - The causal evolution of Reality
- TFNR - The spatial and temporal evolution of Reality
- Topic id: t_ph_causality
- Belongs to the class: Dimensionalities of Physical Reality
- Has as instances:
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ph_reality&topic=t_ph_causality
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ph_reality&topic=t_ph_causality