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Conservation is the third fundamental mode of expression of Action. It organizes fluxes of Propagations in Action which tends to maintains, to conserve, Variations (the substrate of Existence in its most elementary form, in the Fields), gradients, inhomogeneities, anisotropies, in the Acted / Fields. Variations, Events, "diffuse", propagate, and "maintain", conserve, in the Fields.

In an incessant dynamical interaction of forces and fields, with actions and reactions, that maintains the Sources not too close, not too far from equilibrium, the Evolution of the product of the incessant Creation, produces the whole Reality, both in the physical and in the cognitive domains of the Nature. Reality fluctuates between equilibrium and disequilibrium, between homogeneity and inhomogeneity, isotropy and anisotropy, a dance that manifests itself in the incessant interaction between the two Operators of Reality that we call Propagation and Conservation.

It is a Mode of Action relative to Reality in its most general aspects. The specifications relative to the two domain of Nature, the physical and the cognitive ones, are Translation (root of motion) and Communication respectively. We can say that propagations don't exists, they happen. This is a phenomenon, a product of the dynamics of the inner interaction of the two aspects of the Source of Reality.

It is associated with the Operator of Reality that has the same name and is the expression of the Fundamental Principle that we call Principle of Variation (everything that exists is in incessant mutation, variation, or better, all that exist "is" incessant variation). Variation, as an Operator of Reality, transmutes the pressure of Agents / Forces on Acted / Fields in an incessant flux of variations, fluctuations, of the parameters that describe the same Acted / Fields.

The Operator Conservation organizes Propagations, the fluctuations of the Acted / Fields, in fluxes of Action directed to the maintaining of homogeneity, of isotropy of the Fields. The Operator Conservation is responsible form the formation of vortices / rotation / curl aimed at conserving gradients (inhomogeneities, anisotropies) in the Acted / Fields.

Propagation is the way in which Acted / Fields react to the appearing of Variation and Propagation produced by the Action of Agents / Forces, the way in which Acted / Fields receive the expression of the Agents / Forces, its the product of the expression of Causality. Conservation is the root of the emergence of the Dimensionality of Reality that we call Temporality, the fundament of Time.

The best question with respect to Conservation undoubtedly is: what conserves? What conserves is the alteration of the distribution of the Events and the patterns of correlations that link them together. Any departure from an homogeneous distribution of Events as any change in that distribution (and in their stochastic independence / correlation) represents a variation that tend to conserve to maintain homogeneity. At any level of complexity, from the most elementary to the Universe as a Whole, Reality can be described as a net of more or less independent / correlated stochastic processes that conserve in the Fields.

Action Physical Action Cognitive Action
Variation Perturbation Perception
Propagation Translation Communication
Conservation Rotation Storage

Modes of Action are intimately connected with the Dimensionalities of Reality: Causality and Variationality, that produce the Dimensions of Reality: Cause, Space and Time. They represent three fundamental operators in the Formation of Reality. The Operator Conservation, together with Propagation, can be seen as expressions of Temporality, the second of the two aspects of the passive side of Agency, Variationality.

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