Dynamics of Derived Sources

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Derived Sources are the causal origin and the variational texture of the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality at the level more complex that the elementary one (from the space-time to all the structured derived forces and fields that we can observe in the world, as mass and gravity, motion, charge and the electrical phenomena, spin and the magnetic ones, and so on, till the whole complexity of the Universe in Evolution).

In its infinite derived forms, the Primary Source manifests itself also at all the more complex levels, where it drives the evolution of the Physical and the Cognitive Reality and the Universe as a whole.

The Dynamics of the Derived Sources is the part of the Dynamics of the Sources that studies:

Any Structure of Information, any Form, in turn becomes a source (a couple of derived force and field), a source of Events, of Action. All the Structures of Information and the Forms possess the property of "derived existence", as different organizations of the Events that constitute the Elementary Action.

The Dynamics of the Derived Source is the part of the Dynamics of the Sources that studies:

  • the causal, space and time origination (Creation) of Events or, in other words, "why and how (Principles and Processes - dyna) what exists (Entities - onto) produces what happens (Events - pheno), the Principles and the Processes that describe the first part of the Process of Formation of Reality at the complex level of Reality (especially in the physical and cognitive domains)


Interactions of the Fundamental Agent and the Elementary Acted are the main expressions of Agency, the main property of Sources. It is the inner interaction between the Fundamental Force and Elementary Field, the interaction between the active and passive sides of the Source, the different aspects of the unity.

At the most elementary level of Reality, Agency (Causality and Variationality) is a continuum, a continuous relation/interaction that links the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field in an incessant Creation of the universal network of Elementary Events from which the unstructured Field, the absolute void, springs, Events whose dynamics leads to the Elementary Action, from which the structured Field, energy, matter, all that exists in the physical world, emerge and evolve.

From non-existence, the nonexistent, from nothing, it leads to emptiness, the most elementary form of existence, the unorganized Field of Action, the first expression of Action: Perturbation. From emptiness it leads to the level of Information, through the manifestation of Action, in its forms of expression: Propagation and Conservation.

Common definition

(Link to Wikipedia page: Source). Links to the Wikipedia page: Absolute (philosophy)

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
