TFNR - Why the term "formation" is so central in this system of knowledge
In the model of description proposed by Evolutionary Knowledge, Reality is described as a process of formation (of creation and evolution together) and, at the same time, as the full outcome of this process. I call it, the Process of Formation of Reality. It is the process of the incessant transmutation of Possible in Actual.
So, what is “Formation”? This word is composed by the two words “Form” and “Action”. So, formation is the act to form, to give form to the Reality. It is a process of incessant construction that builds the Reality, both in its physical and cognitive sides.
And more, what is “Action” and what is “Form”? They are central concepts in this model. Really. For Action I intend the events that represent the “causal space time substance” by which Reality is build. For Form I intend the way in which these events are organized in processes. Everything that exists is a process of events. Even Reality as a whole is an immense process of events.
Nothing exists in a classical or common sense. Everything happens, even if we have the strong evidence of the extension in space and the permanence in time of the objects of Reality and of ourselves. Even matter does not exist in a classical sense. Even the more stable matter exists and continue to exist, with an apparent immutable “form”, only because Information, the scheme of organization of the Elementary Events that constitute it, tends to conserve and the same Elementary Events incessantly renew that Action that is the causal space time base of Reality.
So, Formation is the fundamental, omni comprehensive process that incessantly creates and recreates Action and give shape to the Forms through the incessant evolution of the Information.
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