Physical Structures of Information

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Scheme of the Structures of Information


Physical Structures of Information are patterns of organization of Elementary Action in the Elementary Field or Physical Action in the Physical Acted / Fields, that give a form to the distributions of the elementary fluctuations in space-time domains of the Field.

They are sets of organized Physical Information, networks of organized Physical Relations between Physical Events that show a certain form of collective behavior, and for this reason can be considered unities, entities / unitary systems, objects, "individuals" (Principle of Quantization).

They are the building blocks of Physical Reality.

Physical Structures of Information can belong to two fundamental/pure types and a mixed type produced by Physical Interactions between the two:

At the fundamental level of Physical Reality, at the level of the Elementary Field we find the Physical Structures of Information from whose aggregation and organization the Material Forms are formed. Networks of relations among events (Information, In-form-action), that show some coherence / correlation in the basic parameters of the Elementary Field (Perturbation, Translation and Rotation), a network of organized events that show consistent collective expressions/behaviors and common properties emerging from the more elementary levels of Reality, from the dynamics of the Action.

Observing the Physical Reality at levels of greater complexity, we find chemical, geological, biological, cosmic structures, up to the more complex ones, the Cognitive Structures of Information produced by the cognitive activity of Living Forms.

Common definition

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See also

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