TFNR - Fundamental Physical Quantities

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From the spatial and temporal organization of the Action (in its mode that we call Perturbation) arises the quantity we call Mass and the related phenomena of Inertia and Gravity, which characterize the dynamics of the physical entities we know as matter, dark and ordinary, and energy, dark and ordinary.

The quantity "velocity" and all the phenomena of motion spring from the space-time organization of the Translation.

The "Charge" quantity and all electromagnetic phenomena derive from the organization of Rotation.

From the interaction of micro-states and associated quantities, the dynamics of energy, of the constrained capacity to do work, arises.

The various forms of known energy are constituted by the schemes of organization of the properties of the microstates and are conveyed by the derived forces (the four forces of Nature).

The fundamental physical quantities and relative phenomena:

can be described in the terms of Elementary Action and its components (the Modes of Action):

More complex phenomena, manifestation of more complex Sources (pairs of Forces and Fields), can be explained as various combinations of those Modes of Action. In particular, we refer to weak and strong nuclear forces / fields and related phenomena. And more, to all those complex structures, forms and phenomena that we observe in the world. From the simple case of a charged magnetic massive particle moving in the vacuum, to the whole complexity of the largest cosmic structures that compose the Universe.

The Fundamental Physical Quantities (like Space-time, Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin, etc.), which are associated with the corresponding classical and quantum fields, can be seen as high level statistical measures of the collective behavior (state, dynamics, homogeneity/inhomogeneity ratio, etc.) of the stochastic / deterministic processes that describe the Processes of Events incessantly occurring in the Elementary Field, in its infinite extension, or in a finite region / volume, at the Planck scale, through the tiny fluctuations (Elementary Events), the inhomogeneities in whose distributions that represent the Elementary Action in its Modes / Components, from which all the fundamental physical quantities derive: Space and Time, Mass (deformation of Space-time), Motion, Charge and Spin.

The absolute dimension of Reality, the Primary Source and its two aspects, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, is inaccessible to direct observation and measurement. No quantities, no numbers can express and represent their activity. Everything else is relative, relative to that absolute dimension. Hence, no absolute quantities, no absolute numbers can be found to represent this relative dimension in an absolute way.

From the evolution and the combination of these basic Modes, all the complex forms of Action arise and evolve (the weak and the strong nuclear action and phenomena, etc.). From a physical point of view, Action can be seen as the physical quantity that express any variation in the distribution of the Elementary Events in the fundamental dimensions of Reality: Causality (Force), Spatiality (Space) and Temporality (Time). In facts, the physical quantity we call Action as these dimensions: Force x Space x Time (the same as Energy x Time or Momentum x Space].

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