Relation in Physical Reality

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Relation is one of the fundamental constitutive elements of Physical Reality: Physical Entities that produce Physical Events, which, organized by Physical Relations, make up the Physical Processes that incessantly construct the Physical Reality.

Physical Relations are ways in which Physical Events happen with respect to each other, interact with each other.

Physical Relation is a broad concept. In this model, and in particular in the field of Formation of Physical Reality, by Physical Relation we mean every connection, association, influence, dependence between Physical Events, or more generally, between Physical Processes of Physical Events (Physical Structures, Physical Forms). Relations give form to Physical Action. Relations between Events, between Action, represent Physical Information (In-Form-Action: Action that has a form). Physical Relation is the root of Physical Information, which is the object of Physical Evolution toward Physical Complexity. Relation is the root of Physical Interaction, of all the interaction that shape the world, that produce all the Physical Phenomena, Events organized by Relations.

At the same time, Physical Relation is one of the fundamental Operators of Physical Reality: the operator <REL> (Relation - Essence / Form), the second functional aspect of the Source in its active aspect that we call Force. The product of the expression of the Operator Relation, a more complex form of interaction between the two complementary aspects of the Physical Sources (Physical Agents / Forces and Physical Acted / Fields) that produces Complex Physical Events (organization of variations of/in the Fields, that represent the Physical Essence / Form, from the first organization of the elementary level of Reality to the most complex levels), is Physical Information (In-form-action: Action with a Form).

The Operator Physical Relation, root of Physical Essence / Form, is the engine of Physical Evolution. Physical Action, the pressure exerted on Physical Fields by the Operator Physical Relation, through Physical Organization, Transformation and Selection of the Physical Relations between Physical Events, produces the incessant unfolding of the Cycle of Information, the true heart of the evolutionary process that builds Physical Reality. Anabolic, organizational, constructive, and catabolic, transformative, destructive processes are incessantly intertwined, in a continuous tension towards dynamic balances, towards co-evolutionary adaptations, producing, on the one hand, increasingly complex events, for the screening of Physical Selection, and on the other, more elementary events, new fuel for the organization of new and greater complexities.

Physical Information, the Physical Events that make up Physical Action and the Physical Relations that organize them, within the Fundamental Physical Principles that govern their dynamics, supports the incessant formation of Physical Reality, the becoming that characterizes the evolutionary development of the Physical Universe, represented by the variational existence (spacetime) and by the causal permanence of the Physical Structures of Information, from the most elementary to the most complex, material, physical, and of the set of dynamic relations between them.

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Correlation or dependence is any relation between two or more Physical Events. Physical Events, their distributions can be described by a combination of stochastic and deterministic processes, in a mix of quantum and classic Phenomena.

Relation - Information - Evolution - Complexity in the physical world

The establishment of space-time relations between Elementary Events is the prerequisite for the formation of complex processes that make up the Physical Reality, which fill the Physical Universe. The Essence of Information is represented by the relations between elementary parts to form more complex units. At the most elementary level, the expression of the relational operator consists precisely in the creation of a scheme of relations, of organization, between Elementary Events that generates a more complex events, with a greater content of Information, usually greater than the simple sum of the information of the parts. Information therefore represents the "organizational scheme". At this level, measurement, observation begins to have meaning, it is therefore possible to acquire knowledge. Given the conservative property of the Field, Information tends to be preserved, albeit in the continuous evolution, in the continuous transformation, determined by the dynamic properties of the Field itself.

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
