Ontology of Cognitive Reality

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Ontology of Cognitive Reality is the part of Evolutionary Ontology that studies "what exists" in a cognitive sense (the Cognitive Events), the Cognitive Existence and the Cognitive Entities that create what exists in the Cognitive Reality, the Cognitive Sources that produce the Cognitive Events.

It describes the entities that form the Cognitive Reality (or MetaReality), everything that exists that is part of the Universal Reality, in terms of the organization of Cognitive Events, expressed by Cognitive Agents: the Cognitive Action, the Cognitive Information, the Cognitive Structures of Information that result from the organization of the Cognitive Information, the Cognitive Forms or Immaterial Forms, the whole Cognitive Universe.

What is considered part of the Physical Reality (the product of the action of the Agents / Forces of Reality that operate at the Levels of Physical Reality) is excluded.

Common definition

Links to Wikipedia pages:

See also

Links to the related sections of the TFNR Paper
